why does a country with such a grand history of empire and royalty have the scummiest working class on planet earth?
Why does a country with such a grand history of empire and royalty have the scummiest working class on planet earth?
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Those are the backs the empire was built on
>grand history of empire and royalty
This literally means nothing, you fell for the superiority meme.
Because all the true Anglos moved to America. Only degenerates stayed.
What kind of parties are these?? i really want to join and gang bang this beauty. her butt makes me a boner already. Nothing better in life than this. Rome empire had so much fun with gang bang.
Are you a poo?
because to make that empire and royalty they shat on their working class from a great height for an enormous amount of time and didn't invest in education or industry properly
That's why we're a service bitch country and lost all our manufacturing. I hate to fucking praise Germany but even getting shit on in two world wars and they did a better job of investing in their own working class, with a higher level of education and industry - until recently i guess
Brits could probably have their empire if they didn't run their colonies like a literal pack of niggers and grind the people into the dirt leaving them little choice but to rebel
And the answer is white people
Post more drunken ass showing girls, please.
We have a terrible drinking culture. It mostly comes from uni but is also found in the chavs. A lot of popular british holiday destinations are wary of - or completely ban - british students because of it.
Of course there are outliers, but if you avoid students, chavs and thots who have hit the wall, we're not that bad desu.
I thought education in Britain was good. Correct me if I'm wrong
>what is population density
Nope, i'm from Greece, and we Greece love gangbangs our history tells this. Nothing better than this.
I imagine Brits on holiday are worse than spring breakers here
what makes our working class objectively scummier than anyone else's? From what I recall you're the ones with 'evil' 'racist' rednecks and hillbillies which are renowned world round for their inbreeding and slavery.
Not saying I agree with that view, but when it comes to white scummy working class I think the first thing that comes to mind is much closer to your home than mine in people's minds
If you see these small marks on the skin on these hoes just know they have a pimp who trained them.
But user that also lines up with population size. A town with 200 people in the middle of Montana will never have the same sex traffic as a town like LA, regardless of politics or sanctuary city status.
cum gobbling Slags.
This. The student/lad culture is cancerous as all fuck.
That's pretty hot desu.
let me ask you this. What percentage of Brits are actually Christians?
They killed chivalry in the UK and made it possible for a backtabber to kill an armored knight with chivalry values.
This is why they were illegal in most of Europe by Vatican decree.
>no niggers
i bet nobody was robbed/killed/raped that night.
just bad decisions from drunk teens.
You have to get a connection. Had a girl I knew from fucking elementary school invite me to some weird website called kink something that organizes orgies, exhibitionism, swinging ect...
Degenerate whore...
what are German working class people like?
Because they're a severely neglected demographic. Most are decent people, however. I have to drive through a (white) working class area on the way to work. Despite the obvious difficulties, I see people leaving for work, taking their children to school and the area is generally clean. There's not a feeling of danger like there is in immigrants areas (e.g. Bradford, Luton, certain areas of London, etc.). I think the main problem is a lack of motivation. Things like alcohol and obesity are also an issue.
yes, but we shouldn't encourage whites to be degenerates. There's a difference between fun and debauchery
I don't mean to denigrate Englishmen at all. I'm just disappointed to see that so many are drunken degenerate plebs. That isn't to help when the third world decides to displace and slaughter them all
I found myself in cali a few years back and thats my only experience with spring break. Brits get too drunk and pass out, spring break girls actually take you to bed.
We are worse. We also send out all our ugly bitches to do that shit. The good looking ones here tend to get tied down by 18. If they're impossible to date though they live on as gym thots.
It's probably more advanced than America, but it isn't amazing.
Lad culture can only be made into a positive if the lot of you go to the gym. But then again if you get too big everyone starts doing roids... so maybe its just degerate all round.
all of our inner cities schools are failing because the curriculum has to be dumbed down to accommodate the minorities. This is the ivy league, by the way
>I'm just disappointed to see that so many are drunken degenerate plebs.
>so many
They're not the majority, but definitely a problem. The UK is quite segregated based on wealth, so in poorer areas certain attitudes/behaviours will be more concentrated, whereas other (wealthier) areas will be completely different.
This made me chuckle
Fuck every country has its degenerates, why does everyone focus on ours? In India they rape each other’s family members as punishment, in the USA they have toothless rednecks who fuck their cousins and are retarded from years of increasing, Russia has their Gopniks. Stop cherry picking.
Drunk, angry and depressed. In that order.
t. working class
I'd be depressed too if I were in modern Germany. No amount of "Economic prosperity" will ever restore Prussianism
Because the idea itself of the Empire worked both ways.
1. The iron talon at home, crushing the prollies and making them work in sweatshops.
2. Expansion without, to devour the wealth of foreign virgin markets. That is, wealth the British proletarians will never see.
3. Now plebs are angry at home because they see they never get a share of the entitlements the Empire should have given them. However, instead of burning down banks and the Bucks Palace, they keep throwing stones at the occasional Paki... And rightfully so, because the imperialist élites appear to be willing to replace entitled proletarians who fight with meeker peoples coming from overseas.
Yet, in a sense, you could sympathize with the elites for wanting to replace the restless prollies, that is, because they are so rude and gross and missed most chances of raising above the level of the barbarians conquered abroad.
I mean, think of Rome. Romans were great, but Roman plebs do not even compare to Greeks when it came to decency and behaviour. Actually, hadn't it been for such internal milieu of unhappy proletarians, nobody would have fuelled the ranks of the fabled Legions.
Subversion. The same thing that is causing the rest of Europe to fall apart.
If the cancer wasn't allowed to spread, it can be contained & rooted out.
i visited bongland last year just to go drinking around at pubs and your slags are world-class whores
>only rural and suburban retards voted for trump. All city people voted for Hillary
Implying your women are better, they love the English cock.
easy there, Hermann Makambe.
>Implying your women are better
burger women are hopeless sluts, too, but i've never seen girls dumpsterfucking multiple dudes in one night like brit girls
Said the Inbred paedophile from Britain
High quality post.
Is that Jerome Boateng?
That's literally just population density
>148839169 (OP)
>another "american" poster bashing bongs
Empires only are great during 250-300 years.
Persia, Greeks, Imperial Roma, Byzantine Empire, Charlemagne, Occitania, Spain, UK, USA... China?
it's not great and when we once pretty much ruled the entire world it should be a lot fucking better
theres always been a massive gap between rich and poor here
Lol that's not a special fetish party, that's just a normal night out in Magaluf
Fuck this interclass divide. There's nothing wrong with living life how you want. Fuck you all.
It is not just the lower class
Slide thread. Sage in all fields.
These divisive threads brought to you by Shariablue and the legion of whatchadoin rabbis.
At first i thought what a whore but then i saw that she is covering her tits with her left hand.
This, that happens every summer night in almost every club in Calella, Lloret, Malgrat, Salou, Magaluf, etc.
I'm really curious what Benidorm is going to be like post-brexit.
Cept my way is whites only and has no STDs you filthy monkey's
Islam will fix them.
Show bobs. Bitch lasagna
bby show vagene
Who's going to build the rail way lines if you don't make them? Niggers won't work unless you force them to so there was little choice.
The reason the UK is fucked is because globalism destroy it's culture. Why would you invest in a small market like the UK when you can invest in a HUGE market line the USA or China? Any talent left for larger pay days and larger budgets.
If you want to fix the UK then you need to make it more expensive to buy Chinese manufactured goods and nig nog grown bananas. Single that's not going to happen before the UK collapses under Poos and Carribean jungle bunnies we're in the state we're in.
WW2 destroyed Europe. Too much blood was shed. The UK got hit the hardest for obvious reasons
They got sold out. All the industries just left the country to be globalists. There's no jobs or careers any more. Either you push paper for the sake of pushing paper or you get on the dole and piss your money away on booze to dull the pain
Research Agincourt basically we went from town to town on the piss drinking all there beer and wine and fucking women, we have been doing it for over 1000 years
>t. Bogan
It is if you can pay for it. Private education in the UK is great.
However, it was destroyed for everyone else when the Labour party destroyed the Grammar Schools in the 1960s. Grammar Schools at allowed some bright working class kids to have a chance at a first class education which could easily lead to jobs in medical, legal, finance etc. And they didn't have to pay for it.
But because not everyone could go, some parents complained that their little shits weren't getting it and Labour decided they had to drag everyone down to the same level. So now you either pay for a house next to a good school or you pay private school fees.
Thanks Labour!
They got too comfortable in their own skin and became complacent
The class system. You are either an Elomin, or you're a Morlock.
She's probably irish........ and catholic
are catholic girls really slutty and just pretend to be modest?
>No hips
>No tits
>Tiny ass
It's a trick. Get an axe.
>...scummiest working class on planet earth...
You work hard and party hard. That's what great nations are made of.
Think about this - if britain ruled and shaped the world as it did with these people occupying most of the workforce, then how bad must the rest of the world be?
It's banter lad, don't take it personally. We shit talk Americlaps, they shit down us limeys and we all hate the fucking drogs.
We banter among each other like brothers. I have more in common with a white Englishman than I do with an African American
Because it has the COOLEST Upper CLASS
All women are sluts for outsiders mate. The fact that they could afford to travel makes them seem exotic, rich and with connections. Any non-native will get his dick sucked no matter where he goes.
>Reknowned for their slavery
Only 1% of whites had slaves, who knows what % of that were (((white)))