Mary literally had an affair with a Roman soldier and the result was Jesus. Divine conception is obviously impossible, and the son wasn't Joseph's. Christianity = cucked.
Was the holiest woman in Christianity a roastie?
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Go choke on pasta you fedora tipping fuck.
How could Jesus have been half-wop? Did he preach in an undershirt stained with gabagoo?
Really? Out of all the claims Christianity makes, your biggest argument is the divine conception?
She gave virgin birth you illiterate pleb. That is the exact antonym of a roastie.
(((Treblinka solo andata)))
Parenzo, sporco ebreo, sei annoiata?
You do realize we are all children of god so even if you could "prove" that (you cant), it would mean nothing except to retards who read the bible hyper literally.
> Roastie gets pregnant
> "I would never do something like that to you, Joe"
> Joseph the cuck believes her
>t. Luigi 13-year-old fedora from Italy
Kill yourself spaghetti nigger
look further in and you see that the religion is actually anti-constitutional. Do not TRUST christians. Their god doesn't belive in our values of self governance and determination
>Mary litetally had an affair with a Roman soldier and the result was Jesus
Huge if true. I'm sure you have a source my man, so could you do me a favor and provide it?
your god couldn't produce a country like the US. Men did. Go suck a commie sjw dick. you guys are actually all the same lol
That is a lie, i suggest you repent and turn to Christ
Do you really want a picture of some Italian guys ass? Because that's what your asking for.
>Huge if true. I'm sure you have a source my man, so could you do me a favor and provide it?
Sure. The Talmud says so.
> "It is taught that Rabbi Eliezer said to the Wise, "Did not Ben Stada bring spells from Egypt in a cut in his flesh?" They said to him, "He was a fool, and they do not bring evidence from a fool." Ben Stada is Ben Pantera. Rabbi Hisda said, "The husband was Stada, the lover was Pantera." The husband was "actually" Pappos ben Judah, the mother was Stada. The mother was Miriam "Mary" the dresser of women's hair. As we say in Pumbeditha, "She has been false to "satath da" her husband." (b. Shabbat 104b)"
"Stada" means unfaithful, that is what Mary is called. Pantera is the name of the Roman father.
Yes, Joseph was cucked by God. Although not really, since the conception didn't require any sex.
top kek
TBQH desu, not that this was the factor that through a red flag because I never believe it .. but it sounds about right.. I forgot that she was married to someone and the guy had not impregnated her but she got preggers.. LMFAO, definitely a roastie who made up a fantastical tale.
> mfw the idea of a miracle conception
Said every fucking roastie since the dawn of time.
Do not confuse your mom with Jesus's Mom
We are all Gods creation, everyone is not his children. Only those who accept Jesus as lord becomes his children. For example atheist and satanist are not Gods children.
>Implying Talmud as an accurate source of info
Go backo to Italiano
Read Not Gd. A Roman soldier.
Pretty interesting my dude, but the Rabbinic Jews had a vested interest in denying Jesus' divinity. Do you have any less biased sources?
You are a communist disguising yourself as a moral person. Go drink bleach.
Your god isn't even the true god. Jews already have the tests your god failed at.
Common sense. Use your brain clown ass.
You think its beyond human beings to lie especially an unfaithful wife and a religious cult?
I'm guessing you've never heard of all of the fantastical tales/miracles from other religions... Are they true to? Grow up
But then he was not the son of Joseph and therefore not the seed of David and did not fulfill the prophecy in 2 Samuel.
>Do you have any less biased sources?
Pick a biology book. Learn about human reproduction. Realize that virgin birth is impossible. That is an unbiased source.
>Using the Talmud
It never changes
>2017 years later
>still doesn't acknowledge the staying power of christianity
There are a lot of things that we do not understand. Immaculate conception is not one of the most complicated mysteries. Pure spiritual force, or the absolute necessity for the birth of the messiah. A counterbalance to the evils that had been predicted to follow.
As a Nazi you should know that Hitler himself believed in the Roman father theory. It is in Hitler's table talks with Albert Speer.
Of course she was... if she existed to begin with
Post more plis
Confirmed jew. Leave and stop posting everyone
> be atheist Virgin
>pray to god for a gf with big titties
> no gf wif big tiddies
> “there is no god”
>start fapping to weirder and weirder porn
>loose virginity to ugly tranny
>go gay cuz now you like it up butt
>die with tranny lover when Delivery Truck of Peace driven by Muhammad al-Boyfucker runs over your pride parade
> meet God
>”dude, wtf God? Y no gf?”
>”You didn’t take that presdestination shit seriously, user. You were always destined to be a weeaboo faggot. Have fun in Hell!”
> fug
Gabagoo diesnt stain shirts you fucking half wit
>american education
Mary was the one with David's blood you fucking dumb amerilard
Immaculate conception is not the virgin birth, it's the idea that Mary was free from original sin
The Talmud is a disease wrought upon the world by the evil one. It would be best to destroy it.
You know it's been a while since I took a biology course, but I don't remember learning anything about Roman soldiers. Your claim was very specific, and all I asked for was an unbiased source backing it up.
Their religion literally started with cuckoldry
Even if it was indeed god
Joseph accepted Jesus
Fucking cuck
Thanks for reminding me why the goyim dont deserve the truth and should be fed pig slop called entertainment all day
when the truth is given to you stupid pigs you just turn it into pig slop , the only thing you understand
Only after Luke changed it in Matthew
Fuck off kike
I'm not a nazi though. And Htiler lost the war. He had no spiritual backing.
>Your claim was very specific, and all I asked for was an unbiased source backing it up.
It is more infinitely likely than immaculate conception.
>Divine conception is obviously impossible
>let's talk about something that happend long time ano and can be based only on assumptions
in the meantime SAUCE
Mother Mary is Mary Magdalene
She was a literal prostitute.
the scandal was so much they had to move out of Egypt
You will give an accounting one day for every set of idle words you type.
>Mary literally had an affair with a Roman soldier and the result was Jesus.
Which bookies that from?
That's what the Talmud says. The talmud also says there is a pool of sin that must be expended in order to hasten the coming of the antichrist. Can you see the bias?
Well at least Jesus was half white then
Who is this semen saint?
She is the direct descendant of David not Joseph.
>atheist and believe no god
>how to disprove virgin birth
>hurr mary fucked a roman
>a holy woman is a roastie
>i know i read it from jewish talmud
>believing jewish lies
>using the slander to prove mary is a roastie
Reminder if mary did fuck a roman at least jesus is half white man confirmed and is redpilled af. Joseph should be grateful a white God fucked Mary, giving a virgin birth you liberal atheist kike
Oy vey been reading the talmud again rabbi?
This is what I don't understand about christians. Their entire belief system is the worship of cuckoldry.
Giving birth to the messiah was obviously a very dangerous mission. I'd say she used the skills of the eternal ninja to evade Satan's minions, and she succeeded.
oy vey why you not believe us filthy goym
don't be antisemitic
Wouldn't the most "likely" scenario be that Jesus was Joesph's son and all of the virgin birth stuff was made up later? You didn't bring up that possibility though because that doesn't sound nearly as insulting as calling Christians cucks. You do not care about reason or the truth, you have an agenda to hurt people of the faith. Also immaculate conception is not the virgin birth friend.
The entire deal behind Christianity was that you had to SUCK the CUM out of your partner's PUSSY when done. That's the real meaning of the marriage supper. Yeah, sacred prostitutes were kind of a big deal.
It's all about precious bodily fluids, don't kid yourself.
>Reminder if mary did fuck a roman at least jesus is half white man confirmed and is redpilled af. Joseph should be grateful a white God fucked Mary, giving a virgin birth you liberal atheist kike
> Fucked
> Virgin
The sheer standard of Christcuck intelligence
>undermining God
>calling someone else a commie
wew lad
>I am literally pulling shit out of my ass why aren't you all interested
Fag parade Inc.
is this because bible orders to kill people who had bestiality encounters ?
romans weren't white. They were the kibbles and bits of the mediterranean.
Talmud is a slanderous book written by pedo jewish rabbis to consolidate jewish dominance on goys.
I bet 100% you are a filthy jew for quoting the talmud
>Divine conception is obviously impossible
such little faith
Every aspect springs from it. Forgive those who do wrong, turn the other cheek, love your enemies...
There is no functional difference between a true Christian and a cuck.
Rofl. Youre a Jew.
You may call me dumb but you are still a jew
You are not a child of God. But can be if you repent for your sins and turn to Jesus . Otherwise you are lost and on the path of condemnation like most of the world is
i wonder who could be behind this thread
>believing in satanist larp
oh you
Teleport is possibile, so Virgin conception too.. it was semen teleport.
Sorta. The true romans (Latins) were white, but by this time they were letting lesser peoples join the legions.
Oh snap. Zoo jokes about leafland!
The Talmud is literally a record of Jewish mental illness.
mfw christcucks...
Brain function literally terminates when they go spouting man made religious lies.
The old testament and the very foundation of the bible is based on Jewish text.
> mfw someone forks and builds an application on top of someone else code but claims rubbish...
It's all just human tales and LARP to further influence the human psyche. There is a God and its not one that man knows fully or has detailed with truth.
Bible has good moral foundations and is good spiritual training wheels. But you're far too caught up in man's embellishments...
Devine conception.. LMFAO
> roastified
>Wouldn't the most "likely" scenario be that Jesus was Joesph's son
Even the documentation of the time does not mention Jesus as Joseph's son...
Joseph got played.
Wew lad top kek
Yup. the talmud was an "I hate you" note that was written after they lost the battle between good and evil. They've been trying to get revenge ever since.
A friend of mine told that she loved being creampied
Ok "Wew lad.' Your bible and god is against self determination and self governance. Your god threatens death and hellfire for your personal freedoms provided by your constitution.
What is hard to get?
Jesus also threw a whip rage at the jewish temple merchants. Does this show that he was a cuck?
Also Jesus said he cometh to the world not to bring peace but sow chaos and make brothers fight brothers and father fight son.
Jesus died for your sins you fucking jew. He showed the true nature of jewish people, doesnt want to hear the truth, always wanting to spew lies and killed him for interfering with the said jewish order of the society
Jesus was Cleopatra and ceasers kid faggot
And then you realize those who rush into conflict for petty reasons are the ones who get slapped around the hardest. The ones who step back and plan their fights logically win more consistently.
OP is a kike. This comes straight out of the Talmud.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Well since the real Jews before them were European lineage, I'll take that fucking 3 year olds as my inheritance. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Man, I hate imposter Jews.
>be a God
>an omnipotent begin
>create the fuck everything from stars to the very earth that you walk on
>"i gues virgin birth is impossible for me so i'll just lie to my people"
fuck you retard
Humans like a good story and people who write them ensure to sprinkle enough truth from past times to mask the embellishments and lies. You christcucks behave as if religion was invented by christians. There's tens of thousands of years of religious history with (((tales))) just like these. Use your brain if you have one left.
Also you nimrods behave as if Rome didn't make Christianity its official religion and spread it under force to try to re-glue their crumbling empire.
> Immaculate conception
> Balancing good and evil
I'm guessing you believe the 10 commandment tale too on the mountainside ... Even though we've discovered that all 10 were codified in stone in
long before this bullshit LARP miracle was said to have occurred. Who wrote the Code of Hammurabi? Men and human society after many successive generations and by extension the ten commandments.
> Muh LARP story about God personally handing me stone tablets w/ 10 commandments on them
Liars and Laprs blown the fuck out by archeology science and TRUTH.
Va a cagare, coglione testa di cazzo
Jesus was a commie sjw. go die in a ditch
So you're saying the Romans cucked the jews with their big Italian salami?
Ironically enough, that's the best way to spot the jew.
Christianity and Islam both agree on virgin birth.
How anyone could speak of the Mother of God in such a way is truly gut wrenching. May he have mercy upon your soul in all your transgressions.