will we live to see something like this in our lifetime? i would give everything i have to be a part of something like this.
Will we live to see something like this in our lifetime...
No, we won't. ((They)) have already pretty much won. Best we can get is some form of "compromise" but even that is overly hopeful.
One of the tougher blackpills.
Nope, capitalism has won, fascism and communism are pretty much dead for good.
>animu gun grill that actually has trigger discipline
Only with an economic collapse.
Too bad (((capitalism))) has lead to the mongrolization of the world.
Germany was in a much worse place than we are now
Stop being a black pilled whiner
A nation under National Socialism is doomed for economic collapse.
fake and gay
Brown Fascist Animu Girl
>True Patriots like Brittany Venti will lead the Alt-Right
>She is 3/4 White with Blue Eyes, Based Quadroon
>We (56%, Based Cuban & Uncle Tom) elected Trump. MAGA
Damn, those flags in the background must be huuuuuuge. Never noticed that. And there are like hundreds of them. What a waste of resources.
>No, we won't. ((They)) have already pretty much won.
>t.typical German in 1930
>anarchist communist flag
Wait for Trump "second" presidential period..it would not be as colorful, but it will be close
Bunch of suckers led by British agent Hitler who's job it was to use the German people as toilet fodder.
German German vs German American in different colored costumes.
It was white genocide fool.
White War 2
a follow up to White War 1 brought to you by the weaponized anthropology of the day.
Don't be a sucker.
The azzwhole British agent "Hitler" ran away after getting the Germans wiped out.
Look up Mussolini too..the azzwhole the budding global new world order set up in Italy that "Hitler" copied to lead ppl to their death.People like you!
Desperate. Trust in God have faith in God.Trump says we don't worship Government,we worship God.
Those dumb Germans worshiped Hitler who later said the Germans and their Christian ethic was too weak compared to his real He Men the cuthroat animalistic Muslims.33% of Hitlers nazi's (favorites) were Muslims.
Learn history.Not the shit from Dumb You Down Skool
>i would give everything i have to be a part of something like this.
Go to Syria
Mussolini= British Agent too
No because white people still lack Samurai spirit
Aryan genetics are not enough for success on their own
>British agent
>bombs London
The problem of the Germans was they worshipped Hitler and homosexual SS
They were NOT Iranians.Thats who the Aryans were.
All that Master Race shit was made up.
You cannot follow mere men and have victory.Only faith in God leads to victory
that's why being a NEET is the most redpilled thing you could do
I hate Churchill so much. Fucking pig.
weak bait
Me too
Sneaky Rothschild Britian that still hates it's own people.The "Royalty"(INBREDS) was German.
Saxe Coburg Goethe
They changed their Bullshit name to"windsor" when ppl started towonder why the German Royalty was advocating war against Germany?
It was another Bullshit show to get whites to kill each other in different colored costumes.
Just like the civil war.The British "Royals" are shit
The tiny sick island was half Roman leftovers and half Christian.They have to use dirty trick and lies to get ppl to do their bidding.
They hate the white man.
The British and the (soon to be UN) League of nations and Kalergi all working to kill off the goy.You can see what absolute shit the White War 2 was about more here
Yes. Me too dude.
You're ignorant
Sorry to burst your baloon
>our lifetimes
It depends how healthy and careful you are. To be honest, the way I see it, Trump is inspiring the next HItler right now. His son seems the most likely candidate.