Why do liberals look like this? What's wrong with them? There's something off but I can't quite put it into words.
Why do liberals look like this? What's wrong with them? There's something off but I can't quite put it into words
Low effort bot.
It's the picture of a crowd, hardly "cherrypicked".
Combination of malnutrition/xenoestrogen overload/lack of strenuous exercise for the body type and neurological rewiring for the crazy look.
Shareblue human, medium effort but low wage.
People with bad genetics are more likely to have feelings of inferiority and are therefore more likely to be leftists.
Why do Americans look like this?
Low testosterone
low test
source: my ass
Nah seriously, far left people all have the same look. Moderate lefties don't have it, only the true socialists/commies/antifags do.
Might have something to do with weaker people liking more powerful government to protect them. There's been several studies about physically stronger people siding with right wing views, and testosterone correlating with views as well.
It really makes sense intuitively.
One part pic related, one part the wild dead-eyed stare of the secular fanatic
because of gluten free mind.
Look at all of them.
They look different.
They are transforming themselves into their own aliens.
>Why do liberals look like this?
They just need to exercise.
6 months of weightlifting and they would be burning Das Capital in the streets.
The conservative mindset comes from confidence and competence. The voice inside your head switches from "I'm so powerless, I can't do anything" to "I can do anything if I put my mind to it, or I will die trying", with only a few weeks of solid exercise.
Just something as simple as running a mile a day and doing some calisthenics. Self-confidence is an arbitrary choice. The choice to believe in yourself and your individuality opens up opportunities beyond your imagination, because it is re-orienting your imagination to an entirely new perspective.
They're just weak and underutilized, and afraid of the world. The world should be afraid of you. That's the mindset they need but for some reason there's just a whirlpool of negativity and fear. This goes for many on the right as well, but it seems more prevalent with SJW's.
Life is about being strong and being on top. The left demotes this by presenting the weak and bottom-of-the-barrel humans.
This is what you see.
This. The men of their kind will always appear more feminine.
c-can I trade with these guys
I have too much testosterone and I'm balding slightly at the age of 20
Shave your head, hit the gym, slay pussy.
Just wait 5 years. You'll have so little hair you'll be able to shave your head without remorse.
they’re often jews
Check your bot algorithm there
I already do, I'm an industrial mechanic so I'm pretty jacked from work alone
girls come with it
still sucks I'm losing my hair tbqh
considered getting a buzzcut now so I am used to less hair
>esting animals is weird
....but so s hair green, isn't weird what they aspire to?
>still sucks I'm losing my hair tbqh
Quit being a faggot. A full head of hair is overrated, despite the contrary arguments. As long as you're not a fat shit and you take care of yourself, it hardly matters. Shave that shit short and move on.
The view Beatles culture as a how too manual.
Romans 1 Kjv last half of chapter describes them. they are called reprobates user
>Why do liberals look like this?
Marijuana overdose
Weak ideologies attract weak people.
Someone post the pic of the soyboys and their test levels compared to normal test levels that is spammed on /fit/ lately
The left wing ''men'' are usually just feminine, low test, shy, boring, and white knighted introverts.
The ''women'' are just plain ugly, or are dykes with issues.
The rest are westernised Asians
> Le soygoy face
I think it's the lack of cheekbones. WHERE ARE THEIR CHEEKBONES?
This is what happens when you prevent bullying
Are you sure that's not just your typical feminist?
source (hear his voice)
Thanks for this post user.
White leftists are for the most part social rejects who dont fit in with higher status, career oriented, success driven right wingers. One big exception to this is whites who are educated in the liberal arts/ humanities. As identity politics continue to dominate the political landscape more and more, the last vestiges of white numales and sjw feminists will be forced to race mix or change sides.
his hand motions are very homosexual
how can it be cherrypicked when they all look like that?
white nationalist vegan here, both meat eaters and liberal vegans will hang on day of the rope
Notice the jew behind the chinese girl in front row. He looks like a happy merchant
Most of us are pretty sound to be honest, but there is an increasing number of hipster, left-wing faggots amongst the younger ones.
Damn it doesnt work
>white nationalist vegan here
Do you use that as a pick-up line?
wtf is this grabage. kys
>tfw started balding at the age of 16
All it takes is a shave, a haircut and not wearing children's clothes and these cucks could appear normal. Liberals choose to look this way, probably because the "lazy" apathetic weed junkie look is appealing to them.
What kind of people eat salad anyway?
I sure don't need any ranch dressing on my giant slab of rare, factory farmed, genetically modified, veal.
I don't understand the hair of the jew in the back next to the chink.
all of humanity is degenerating. our food is shitty, our existences are shitty. we are being selected for shittiness. only the few people who take care of their mental and physical selves despite the selection, those who swim against the current, are carrying the torch of humanity. the rest have dropped their torches into the haylofts of culture and don't have the wits to exit the barn.
Too bad they're just feminine faggots
Don't ask about the child
Just pray he can be stopped
low t beta males. 90% of liberal males are just low t beta males, the other 10% is comprised of wiggers who iz woke n sheiiit.
Why do most British look like this?
I like how the only girl is standing way back, basically zero sexual attraction.
I was just watching that (((Vietnam War))) documentary and noticed that basically all the American soldiers, logistics people, command, etc had these chiseled jaws, 5 o clock shadows, and intimidating eyes. You don't see that anymore, but that was like your standard issue caucasian human just what, 50 years ago?
*blocks your path*
_ B _
_ Y _
This thread is a good example for people to see that there are shills browsing this board and how they get triggered about a picture of libtards
The U.S. military was more selective back then, and when trannies and faggots got drafted, their homosexuality would be a disqualifying factor
Pseudo-intellectual, low to mid-IQ, high feeling males look like this. It's the current version of the long term Commie look. Also those sanpaku eyes on that little psycho in the lower left.
What did they mean by this?
Same guy?
The same reason why they
>respond to physical threats by just going along with it
>respond to banter with physical force
Which is completely fucking backwards. Except for the niggers, who just respond to everything with physical force all the time because that is the only thing they know how to do.
kek, the 1st one is a different person
They are not liberals, they are marxists.
ty user
As if there is any difference
Even nerds looked manlier in those days.
I don't know what happened honestly, some kind of bio-weapon was used on the modern male population.
Lol. Good stuff. Like your style
^ this is what estromen tell themselves to feel better
>University of Chicago
Just another example of s supposedly "elite" university being a complete and utter joke. Could you imagine this soyboy in a boardroom, courtroom, etc? He'd be fucking decimated, yet somehow an entire political party consists of people like this
Isn't that a FtM?
What did he mean by this
That guy with the fetal alcohol syndrome looks so fucking lost. Holy shit. How did no one go ''holy fuck, we have a mental patient here, call for someone to pick him up''
Righteous post
The word youre looking for is faggot. Glad I could help, bro.
what's a "soyboy"?
These new meme names come out so fast I can't keep up anymore
Testosterone makes men act more aggressively Tit-For-Tat. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Testosterone also makes you more pro-ingroup and anti-outgroup.
Estrogen in soyboys flips everything around. they become anti-ingroup and pro-outgroup (refugees). They will betray and sabotage and backstab the people closest to them - the polar opposite of loyalty.
When you punish them they will start cooperating, and if you cooperate a lot they start to punish you.
I have seen this time after time after time after time.