what should we meme next to make lefties look stupid?
>10% more tax for men only, because of wage gap
give me your best ideas
what should we meme next to make lefties look stupid?
>10% more tax for men only, because of wage gap
give me your best ideas
Lefties already do a good job of making themselves look stupid with their memes
It’s okay to be Palestinian or whatever they are called.
>open borders for israel
>legalize interracial marriage and love in israel
>stand up for minority (white people) rights in south africa
>Refugees are welcome! Save the Boer from racism!
>Only white separation from nonwhites can cure racism (unknowingly promotes separate white nation)
Take your pick.
Free tampons and sanitary pads.
Feminine hygiene products are usually taxed at higher rate than other everyday products, which makes them slightly more expensive.
We could meme the idea that having these products have taxed at lower rate as other necessities is not enough. They should be completely free, as a way of reparation for the high taxes so many year.
Dog-licking margarine challenge anyone?
>>open borders for israel
>>legalize interracial marriage and love in israel
Voting for these. Interracial marriage is illegal in israel btw ? If true, that's fertile ground for a double win.
Yup, it's really ironic. Sure you can convert and get married, but the long process it takes to do so really is a way to keep non jews and jews from being together. A Christian Jew is allowed to marry an atheist Jew there.
For those liberals who preach free love and freedom to marry, they sure are silent about this. Especially considering a lot of liberals are jews and would rally against South Africa.
Listen to me closely . The open borders for Israel one will get you
Killed. Just drop it.
>A Christian Jew
But yeah, I get the point. #openbordersforisrael mah dude
>A Christian Jew
An ethnic Jew that practices Christianity. Little known fact: Leonardo DiCaprio had an Israeli gf and she was hassled for "throwing away her heritage" by Israelis. Funny how a known liberal celebrity never spoke up against this.
Free love for Israel it is.
get them to realize that eating eggs from chickens is sexist and they should start eating chicken semen as well
The elite (monarchies, dynasties) need to pay global reparations for being privileged. Pay outs start with blacks and the last to profit will be poor whites.
Makes you think. #Romeoandshlomopride
We should put a tax on tanning booths, sun screen, mayo, black hair dye, having less than 5 kids, and a tax on people without criminal records
men already pay waaay more than 10% more taxes than women
>meme blacks to segregate themselves because "we wuz kangs" and shouldn't be in the same room as non-kangz
>meme liberals to buy guns and shoot themselves in the foot to "show how dangerous guns are"
>meme the left (especially feminists) to stop wearing underwear as "a sign of sexual liberation" and "rising up to patriarchial oppression". Men who support feminism must stop wearing underwear too. Results: discomfort, shitstains and, since lefties are incapable of proper hygiene, even worse smell than usual.
>facebook "challenge" like "tag your top 10 friends for communist / antiTrump/antifa revolution. Your friends need to tag another 10 friends". This will allow to harvesting information on lefties and possibly report someone to the police for trying to organise a coup (it's stupid, but it works).
I think we have the answer
>meme blacks to segregate themselves because "we wuz kangs" and shouldn't be in the same room as non-kangz
This has already been discussed by british MP's and it was ridiculous.
Close to having been discussed, since a discussion on tax relief for criminal record holders happened a while back in the US.
Make an extension that changes the word "Diversity" into "Less white people" and spam it on lefty boards as a alt right filter.
Free abortions is a human right.
Seconding this, only change it to 'dead white people' instead.
Sentences like 'more diversity' would be come 'more less white people' otherwise, but 'more dead white people' gets the message across just as well without fucking the grammar up.
This. Also, waiting for
Yeah, 'We need more diversity" would be We need more less white people
Just change it to white genocide or something
% more tax for men only, because of wage gap
That would just hurt women, since men use that money to support families
Posters saying to end women's suffrage, it's a feminist issue and it's wrong that we make women suffer.
Not all progress is good, laws forcing women to suffer are not in place in over 120 nations across the world.
Or we can go back to trying to get women to sign up for the draft; The fight for equal selection. Pic related.
"men tax" is already a thing, its called tax.
Pay wage gap
How about changing "more diversity" into "less white people" also
I think we need it to be a little subtle so it can go under the radar