>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump meet&greet w/vietnam vets 11/10/17
>Pres Trump speech @APEC in Vietnam 11/10/17
>Pres Trump arrives in Vietnam 11/10/17
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>FLotUS Melania visits Pandas&hands out Bald Eagles 11/9/17
>Pres Trump Departs China Next Stop is Vietnam (it aint me starts playing) 11/9/17
>VP Pence Tax Reform speech in IN 11/9/17
>VP Pence meets w/Indiana Biz Leaders 11/9/17
>VP Pence arriving in IN 11/9/17
>Welcome to Bejing, Pres Trump 11/9/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @NATO HQ 11/9/17
>Gen Dunford USMC BDay Message 11/9/17
>IntDept Saluting Vets 11/9/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 11/9/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Chinese State Dinner 11/9/17
>Pres Trump meets w/China Premier Li Keqiang 11/9/17
>SoS T-Rex presser in China 11/9/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Press Conference 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Biz Presser $253Bil Deals 11/8/17
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
>Created 326,000 (18.2%) less jobs February through October than Obama did in 2016 [1]
>Had the weakest job creation month in 83 months [1]
>Trade Deficit up $34.5 billion (9.3%) through September versus 2016 [2]
>The US Dollar is down "bigly" versus the Canadian Dollar, Mexican Peso, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, and most other currencies [3][4]
>The Dow Jones Industrial Average's growth, adjusted for the dollar's weakness, for the January 20 - November 1 period is down 4.31% vs 2016 [5]
Where's that "strong economy" Drumpfkins?
Another cuck for the firing squad.
>people will still reply to the EUfag
Yfw Moore is innocent
>.0005 has been deposited into your account
you gonna be here all day or what?
>Trump backed strange to gain his loyalty so that Trump could ask him privately not to play GOPe games
It is Obamaleaf though
I think people are just trying to avoid courting controversy.
>tfw I looked back at those stupid campaign ads Hillary put out
They look even more ridiculous now. How did anyone get convinced by them?
We really need a new party that McCain and Mittens are not part of.
Holy shit I left like two hours ago and he is still going
It is, has, and always will be a movement. Fag shills will never understand.
We have the opportunity to take over the GOP in 2018
Good, now we can go back to reminding the left what degenerate rape-apologists they are.
>Watching local news
>See news about some in Boston
>A nigger robbed another nigger
Try three hours. This is common for people suffering under a year of TARDS.
Mittens is no longer relevant and McCain is dying. In a year Trump will have successfully transformed the republicans into the part of Trump.
>not replying to some disabled canadian that has nothing better to do except sit in his computer chair and shill for hill
>Created 326,000 (18.2%) less jobs February through October than Obama did in 2016 [1]
>Had the weakest job creation month in 83 months [1]
>Obama first year vs Trump vs first
>b-but muh outlier
>b-but muh Bush inherited economy
>Trade Deficit up $34.5 billion (9.3%) through September versus 2016 [2]
Lower than 2014-2015 and before that
>The US Dollar is down "bigly" versus the Canadian Dollar, Mexican Peso, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, and most other currencies [3][4]
More export + less import
>The Dow Jones Industrial Average's growth, adjusted for the dollar's weakness, for the January 20 - November 1 period is down 4.31% vs 2016 [5]
Faulty math not even being sourced.
Issue with splitting CUC.K-e is that they will default to DNC and rape every election
>There's nothing here except the accuser's word versus Moore's.
It's the word of multiple people:
1) The accuser
2) Her mother, who she told about the attack some time later
3) One of her friends, who she told about the attack shortly after
4) Another one of her friends, who she told about the attack shortly after
5) Woman #1 who was between 16 and 18 and said Moore tried fucking them
6) Woman #2 who was between 16 and 18 and said Moore tried fucking them
7) Woman #3 who was between 16 and 18 and said Moore tried fucking them
1) Moore
So you have to make 7 separate assumptions vs 1.
Occam's razor would clearly show that Moore being guilty is more likely.
The people being rounded up didn't want to tie KSA's future to the petrodollar or Israel. Salman was given weapons by the arch-zionist faction in the US [that's Trump] in exchange for agreeing to keep the petrodollar humming [which will be achieved with an Aramco IPO on the NYSE].
>this is news
>>people will still reply to the EUfag
I have that flag filtered, so I never see any posts.
That aside, maybe it's the radiation making him bonkers.
Brainwashed and was promised with muh gib, if memories serve me right.
Trump rewards loyality. Luther was loyal. Luther is an okay guy.
I pray this man is the next President in the Imperial Dynasty. He is almost as glorious a troll as the Emperor himself
Mittens openly endorsed a third party candidate over the person nominated by his own party. He and his mormons can fuck right off.
It's easier to simply take over the GOP. To start a new party is to suffer the fate of the Libertarians and Greens
The keyword "easier" being relative, it'll still be difficult, just easier than starting a new party
Strange would become an untouchable, radioactive public official if he did. People here outside cities dislike him already. If he pulls some shit like a write in, he might as well go into early retirement because no one will trust him after that. Backstabbing your own party as a junior senator? That should fly well in politics!
It's Obamaleaf:
We need faggots like Shapiro and his crew of kikes out of the picture too. No non-nationalist should be involved.
I live in New Hampshire, this is what we get since we get nothing up here
McCain is dying soon, McConnel will either play ball or be primaried. There aren't many traitors left that will survive 2018.
I am actually getting off work in a bit so I'll see you all on Monday :)
Grand Commander is a badass title.
He is because this is the same tactic they done to Trump last year; pay someone to read a script of a bullshit story that they touched them inappropriately DECADES ago conveniently before, not way before, the election.
Conveniently enough, they withdrawn the accusations when Trump won. The same will happen for Moore.
>Uncle Trump
>Grand Commander
>Donald the Strong
Why is the left so obsessed with pedophilia?
Yep, it's a movement
Hatch retiring in Utah clearing the way for what will almost certainly be a Romney win of this seat next year.
>McCain is dying soon,
How will the reaction be when he dies?
Why didn't anyone do this for Obama?
theyre most dangerous when desperate and cornered
Compared to Obama? This is a great improvement.
Pathetic worm. No wonder the God forsaken commies were winning.
the left and neocons will pretend he was an honorable noble hero.
Hence why they are flailing so hard now. Nothing like a cornered rat to fight its hardest.
thank you for your service, dont forget to get someone to clean out the fridge in the breakroom, it was horrible last weekend
two of us could just kill them and that would be that
Ubcle is an incredibly high mark of respect to call someone in China, that is normally reserved for tremendously important people like state founders and historic leader like Deng. That is almost shocking if true and meant sincerely.
One day after Saudi Arabia and Kuwait ordered their citizens to evacuate Lebanon - a move many suggested telegraphed an imminent "military intervention" - the mainstream media has begun building the case for a new mid-east war, one which will involve Iran and Hezbollah (and potentially Russia, not to mention other Shia Muslims) on one hand, and Saudi Arabia and Israel on the other.
For that, it got help from the US Air Force today, and as AP reports this morning, "the ballistic missile fired by Yemeni rebels that targeted the Saudi capital was from Iran and bore “Iranian markings,” the top U.S. Air Force official in the Mideast said Friday." Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian, who oversees the Air Forces Central Command in Qatar, made the comments at a news conference in Dubai. Predictably, Harrigian declined to offer any specifics on what type of missile they believed it was.
If the narrative sounds familiar, it's because it is: just as European terrorists conveniently commit suicide and always dutifully bring along their passports so they can be identified, so Iran always makes sure it leaves identifying marks when it illegally sells its weapons to Houthi rebels in Yemen.
the virgin community organizer
the chad billionaire
probably my favorite image from the 2016 election. tiptop taste, user.
I love all of these, Uncle Trump is so warm. Can you imagine if Trump creates a real military alliance and asian peace whilst cutting off the cunts in europe? that would be amazing
>In the weeks following Judge Roy Moore’s success in securing the GOP nomination to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the Senate, we have seen repeated references to the notion that the right-wing, antigay, anti-Muslim, gun-toting, birther candidate — who has twice been suspended or removed from office — is an embarrassment to the state of Alabama.
>But while Republicans now dominate the state, Moore’s nomination — and now the allegations against him — have opened the door to something unthinkable: a Democratic senator from Alabama. Together with neighboring Georgia, there are signs that the Deep South might not be deep red for much longer.
>Heflin’s very respectability also helps highlight the fact that one must see the disreputable Moore as a giant step backward, a man who does no favors for law-abiding Alabamians, conservative or otherwise. Moore’s recent victory over Luther Strange in the Republican primaries could potentially be quite marvelous for southern Democrats — if, and only if, there is a very particular alignment of the stars.
More smear campaign for Roy "Christian Taliban" More, and claiming that the South can be won by a "conservative democrat".
You have ONE source plus a few "me toos". The other witnesses are literal hearsay. Same play as Donald's supposed rape campaign.
>2) Her mother, who she told about the attack some time later
Who didn't know specifically about Moore.
>3) One of her friends, who she told about the attack shortly after
>4) Another one of her friends, who she told about the attack shortly after
So 2 woman who don't even have witness status.
>5) Woman #1 who was between 16 and 18 and said Moore tried fucking them
>6) Woman #2 who was between 16 and 18 and said Moore tried fucking them
>7) Woman #3 who was between 16 and 18 and said Moore tried fucking them
AoC is 16 in AL.
>Occam's razor would clearly show that Moore being guilty is more likely.
Occam's razor is not applicable here. According to law and the presumption of innocence plus the fact that it took the woman 38 years to come forward, this sounds like a fake news story.
That's true, yes.
>Hatch retiring in Utah clearing the way for what will almost certainly be a Romney win of this seat next year.
Sounds like a project for, uh Ebaum's World or something
Give me evidence.
Because everyone knew he'd lie down and take it. They still hate Trump just as much and will try to squeeze him for everything they can get just like they did with Obama, the difference is that they know he actually has balls and can't just brazenly shit on him like they did Obama.
Obama was more concerned with being able to say he "made a deal" than whether or not that deal was actually good or if we were actually respected on the international stage
They were all independently corroborated without seeking out the reporter.
You've just added another assumption
Trump is a strong leader, and more importantly, a strong businessman. The chinks respect that.
Nobody respected O'Nigger. He was a doormat for other world leaders to step on.
>roy moore is pro-trump
>pro-trump republicans are hated by the left and neocons
>roy moore defeats mcconnell's boy
>shortly after election, left-wing rag trots out latest puppet with allegations
>allegations are 40 years old
>right after the election
>neocons virtue signal
Do they really expect anyone to believe this bullshit? It's a shame other republicans are so cowardly about this. They really want to lose in 2018
When will they claim Iran has a working nuke?
>We really need a new party that McCain and Mittens are not part of.
Speaking of Mittens I knew this whole situation reminded me of something. It is straight from the good old GOP "bag o' tricks", which they resort to whenever they need to get rid of an inconvenient anti establishment type and replace by milquetoast establishment type.
It worked to take out Herman Cain and replace by Mittens, it failed in their attempt to take out Trump and replace by Pence.
>The keyword "easier" being relative, it'll still be difficult
this tbqh
I'd like to note that it is easier for the GOP to be taken over by nationalist than for the Democrats to be taken over by the Bernie types. Neocons are cucks that can be bullied into submission while Neolibs are turbo jews on steroids that will not give up their money
>the left are already signaling their win
Yeah this won't backfire at all.
What's the difference between Moore and Gianforte?
Can't we meme a sexual assault story on Romney somehow?
The chinese are literally human garbage and even they consider the left to be subhuman.
Why on earth would they. Fuck him.
It would be grand
Cute but why are her eyes so god damn big?
Because they respect strength. They call him "Donald the Strong". King nigger was pathetic and a weak fag. Euro cucks loved him but nobody else.
>Donald the strong
Reminder that this poster is a mod and there's nothing we can do about him until he gets bored
That's why we have to vote in primaries to get good candidates in. Either win or lose with pro-Trump candidates, there is no other way.
He wishes. It’s Ed Kressestein
Even if we pretend that those """witnesses""" don't have a massive conflict of interest... what Moore purportedly did is not wrong.
Mary was a teenager when she met Joseph. The Bible is extremely clear that if a woman has passed the flower of her age, she is suitable for marriage. Period.
You literally can not argue against this.
>sanders fags actually think they started any kind of revolution
I remember my first ron paulsy candidate too. Hopefully they grow up soon..
well they assume that the other candidate was taken out so they win ny default
Her mother died in 2015.
Will AL ever go red?
what's hiro's email we can lead this up
Funny how they're always guilty of what they accuse the right of