Bill Nye absolutely REKT in AMA
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Where is your source you cockgobbler?
Why are you not posting a link to ama retard
>no link
Don't make shit threads without a link faggot.
Does anyone actually have the link?
Why did he even do that show where they jump around singing about vaginas and dicks?
Bill Nye reminds me of that kid who was socially isolated so now he has to put himself in a high status position (not as a scientist, but as an entertainer) to get back at everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if there'll be sexual assault allegations against him, and if there was you heard it here first.
It's so surreal when you actually read some of his "answers". At times, I really suspected that this was a troll account trying to destroy Nye's reputation by giving the most inane, worthless responses possible.
Dances with a rat on a kids show... thinks he needs to save the world.
Can't make that shit up.
He invented a hydraulic resonance suppressor tube that's still used on modern Boeing airplanes. So he's achieved more than 99% of all people, let alone the faggot who wrote that post.
Wow he "invented" an addon for something much more impressive that somebody else already made. Incredible.
Is that it or is there actually more?
I am not defending Bill, but this post is just attacking his credentials, not actually pointing out any examples of where he has been wrong. Just because someone doesn't have a doctorate doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about.
He doesn't even know how an electromagnetic field work.
yea every science question he answers so vaguely or doesnt answer at all
The fact Reddit is eating him alive is kinda refreshing.
If you knew what that was you wouldn't be impressed. You can ask any engineering student to design the same.
Bill Nye doesn't know what makes a person male or female yet he suggested executing people who disagree with him.
These are fucking great, they're eating him alive.
When even Reddit thinks you've gone off the deep end that says a lot.
Assblasted Redditor detected
I'm not surprised. I noticed liberals sending the signal to sacrifice him soon after the embarrassing show aired.
While Nye's answer is absolutely retarded, most smart people don't even know what an electron is... Trying to really understand it is kind of a mind blow.
>yet you intentionally avoid telling people you're planning a character
this is literally every eceleb ever, pic related.
Most people haven't talked about science in the public limelight for over two decades and try to affect legislation by their authority on the subject.
>1 post
Regardless: how does this invention qualify him to speak authoritatively on subjects such as biology and astrophysics?
Here's my favorite.
>most smart people don't even know what an electron is
I pity everyone that has interacted with you.
for those foreign to the Ways of Reddit:
sort comments by "controversial" for maximum lulz
Is reddit actually did it for once?
He cashed out. He's knows hes reaching the end of his career and is now getting old. He wants to live the rest of his days comfortable. So he took that Netflix deal and sacrificed all that he stood for for the past decades. He destroyed his reputation for millions and is riding off into the sunset with people disgusted by him.
JUST the Ama
>carry on
Yes they did.
What the fuck is Nye even trying to say there? How did he interpret his question?
Vinny and Jeff are the only likable people on GB. That's it.
I'm so comfy that those reddit fags did it.
This is one of the few answers he gave that didn't get down voted to the point where people couldn't see it, and he still got roasted for it.
>liberals sending the signal to sacrifice him
Why? Didn't he give them what they wanted?
I think he is trying to sound smart but he is a dumbass with a bachelors degree.
A hotdog is not a sandwich because it is placed inside a bun (one object) rather than two slides of bread. By definition, a sandwich must have two disconnected pieces of bread which do the sandwiching. A hotdog is only a sandwich if you cut the bun completely in half.
that might be a tough question for Bill Nye but actual climatologists don't have the slightest problem with this question
w-what about submarine sandwiches?
Is he funded by Soros?
>hot dog sandwich
Muh nigga
>dude you fuckin suck now
Idk why but that must really hurt
That's such a great image of the left eating itself.
You know 90% of those "reddit fags" are the same people posting in Sup Forums daily, right?
Good point
I don't think electromagnetic fields are that relevant in this question. The electron does get pulled towards the nucleus, since they have opposite charges, but it is also true that the electron can't be a particle just orbiting the nucleus, since the accelerating charge should lose energy as photons, leading to electron capture. The real explanation of what happens is a bit of quantum mumbo-jumbo: The uncertainity principle basically prevents the electron from getting too close to the core, since that would constrain its position, making its momentum extreme, i.e., the energy actually increases the closer the electron get to the nucleus. Together these forces cancel, and the electron kind of does orbit around the nucleus. It just can't send out a photon, since it already is at the lowest energy state.
And I have no idea why I'm writing this stuff on Sup Forums. On a Friday night.
HAHAHA,oh man.
Did nye hand is ama over to a pajeet?
Is reddit waking up?
This a powerful brainlet filter 2bh
Bill Nye getting schooled on science by Redditors is a site to behold.
I'm not STEM inclined. Can someone please educate me on what makes his invention so unimpressive if it's efficient enough that it's still commonly used?
If the bread connection is severed in the process of consuming the hot dog, does it then instantly become a sandwich?
how is this "destroyed"? it's the epitome of ad hominem. it doesnt go after any of his points or contentions, it just says that he "only has a bachelor's" (from an ivy league university).
why are trumpcucks such envious queers? is it because their parents raised them to be betas so they are jealous that others get to enjoy success while they are stuck jerking their flaccid dicks on imageboards for weebs?
>hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?
Forgot screen shot.
>he suggested executing people who disagree with him
kek where did he say this?
Bill Nye, stick it in my pooper, Guy.
Underage kids like you seem keen on listening to trump on topics like the ACA, trade deficits, and taxes, yet its clear he has never read any legislation himself and doesn't understand how trade and taxes work. So whats your point, trumpcuck?
>He invented a hydraulic resonance suppressor tube that's still used on modern Boeing airplanes.
No you fucktard he designed a part
The is what mechanical engineers do
They design parts
>why are trumpcucks such envious queers?
This explains why:
He can't even answer the classic boxers or briefs without getting swarmed.
>After graduating from Cornell, Nye worked as an engineer for the Boeing Corporation and Sundstrand Data Control near Seattle. While at Boeing, he invented a hydraulic resonance suppressor tube used on Boeing 747 airplanes
he also holds several patents
keep on moving the goalposts, i'm sure your parents are very proud of their effeminate "soyboy" son
Trump has advisory panels on all of these subjects.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. You could say the same about every president to ever hold office on various subjects.
This is my personal favorite.
So instead of opening with the screencap from fucking Reddit, you decided to split it up into two posts to avoid being called out for one post?
>2 posts by this ID
not really. just for one example, obama was a constitutional scholar and there is zero question he read and analyzed the bill himself. thanks for the non-argument though.
>mfw science goy tries to save face by pretending to not have been the one answering the ama
Pure fucking Kek.
This one has nothing but golden comments, it's still my favorite by far.
>moving the goalpost on science
typical alt righter using emotions in a scientific context
the guy fucking engineered laser gyroscopes for boeing
Genuinely curious to see a reply to that. Link to reputable climate scientists?
>insults DeVos (Trumps pick) along the way
This is why liberal loonies never win at anything, you're too fucking retarded to notice anything.
>constitutional scholar
He was a community project manager in Shitcongo, nigger.
Try harder.
He has the money and he's had plenty of time over the past several decades. Why didn't he just get a masters degree somewhere during that time so he can trick more libtards into thinking his opinion is relevant?
>it's the epitome of ad hominem
Right, and any fallacy is justified in certain circumstances (google "fallacy fallacy"). In this case, it's absolutely appropriate to question the man's credentials. That's literally what science teaches you to do.
you're thinking of Beakmans world
He can't even meme correctly. It's (((they))), not "they".
I'm sure they will make up something that isn't even remotely true, some huge massive live.
>even Reddit knows about Bill Nye the Sellout Guy
>why don't right wingers believe in science
>always gets btfo by actual science
why does this happen so much? also why do they think people who have degrees in things like fucking agriculture should be dictating regulations because of 'muh climate'?
why are they all like this
False equivalence. Try again.
Do you think he realizes his career is over?
From beloved child's icon to a partisan hack that can't even talk to his fan base without them showing disdain for him, how he must roll around at night thinking that something could've been done to save his public persona and try to be what he once was.
Would feel bad for him if he didn't do it to himself.
Oh wow, I didn't even see
R*ddit is more woke than I thought.
I think it's quite irrelevant what happens on other planets, since we live on this one. It doesn't matter whether climate change is manmade or not. What matters is that it's happening (if it is indeed). If our climate gets significantly warmer or colder, it will have dramatic effects on our way of life due to changes spanning from sea level changes to the percentage of land that is arable, and from population movements to animal extinctions etc. etc.