Why aren't you moving to Germany and recreating the 1940's in your own home?
Why aren't you moving to Germany and recreating the 1940's in your own home?
>pvc piping
bringing larping to a whole new level
Puts Varg to fucking shame.
you realize this is a form of mental illness, right?
looks comfy af
He's clearly a camp gay. I'm fully supportive of his lifestyle, but it should be pointed out before Sup Forums starts idolizing him.
I do this but for the 1900's I pretend the austro hungarian empire still exists and that the Bolshevik Revolution never happened. I want to do a full downgrade of my home one day
EEEE I love this shit
Heres another show I love
Its by (((them))) but I dont fucking care
Somebody should accuse him of being a Nazi who is guilty of (((war crimes))) and see how he likes a modern version of the Nuremburg trials.
Looks comfy
>tfw so disillusioned with modern society that you revert to living in the '40s
I really don't blame him.
>"as much as I could"
It's the only way to cope with modern degeneracy
the 1940s fucking suck, what a pleb
I'd live like it were 1790
>Not living like it's 1933
you must like your boosing
Where's his family of 5+ white kids
have you seen half of conservative politicians? They're all blatantly closeted, yet Sup Forums still backs them fearlessly
I'm fascinated with the same era as this guy, but it's unfortunate that you can't really do anything about it without coming off as a weird loner.
I rather be a weird loner, than be popular and fit in in this current generation. Literally there's nothing good about our current generation
>Sup Forums idolizing some LARPing faggot dressed up like the 1940's
Why ever would you think any of uus cant see what you see?
I was going to tip on you because I first thought "Hipster romanian thinks he's cooler than him because he only got piping from the stone age" but then I saw that you were probably molested by Marc Dutroux
I also miss the 40's
1911, here.
it's OK leaf. The discomfort you're experiencing at a psychological level is called evolution and you're slowly being killed off by natural selection.
Gotta love those autistic Germans.
This, hes LARPing all wrong.
Think he'd be up for a rental agreement? I'd love to vacation there for a week or two. I'd even go as far as dressing my family in period clothing during our stay. He could charge top dollar, I'd pay
>Why aren't you moving to Germany and recreating the 1940's in your own home?
You mean why don't you go live in a pile of ruble with the smell of the rotting corpes urderneath it?
Evolution isnt real, It's never been proven. Darwin is a mentally retarded atheist
Me too
>Literally there's nothing good about our current generation
True, but he's taking it a bit far.
I've considered doing something less extreme, by combining old, but stylish furniture with a modern setting. If you look at the stuff they made between 1920 and 1960, you'll find a lot of interesting designs that would fit right into a modern home.
something tells me that you never had a choice in the matter anyway
gravity is a theory as well, dipshit. Therefore, why don't you throw yourself out of a window and prove how accurate your logic is...
Having a weird home decor taste is a mental illness?
It's not like he actually believes he lives in the 1940s, he just likes how the style looks.
I don't want a modern home, wow a glass wall so my neighbours can see me change and the whole outside is a flat shade of grey with a wood frame wow so interesting wow. With his and her sinks because your wife has to get ready for work with you since she doesn't want kids wow
Sure he does. He could start lifting and learn to git fuggen gud at social interaction.
Life is full of choices, not all of them are obvious.
That's not what I mean by a modern home, you complete autist. Or do you actually think most people live in brand new homes?
>literally living the m'lady fedora life
what an autist geez
>Having a weird home decor taste is a mental illness?
His preferences extend beyond home decor, faggot. Music, clothing and stuff and on top of all that he's a raging cock addict that probably feels more excitement thinking of how homosexuals had to be more secretive in those days
Gravity isn't a theory, we can see it happen. Nobody ever saw evolution happen fossils exist of animals that are still alive today and haven't changed at all. I can literally find an animal that looks exactly like this if I go to the pond
No, I think most Europeans live in 150 square foot commie block apartments desu
Well, then you're a moron in more ways than one.
>his job is a BA stewardess
Yeah you're probably right.
That's in england, fucktard.
I searched Norway homes, is this what your house looks like?
He means recreate the 1940's in Germany dumbo
>retards in charge of knowing what a theory is
Whats fucked up is his delusional idea of the past doesn't actually mesh with what was really going on in those days.
Its that typical faggot over exaggerating somefantasy of what he thinks things are.
I used to rent one of those when I first moved out.
looks comfy desu
>I dont want to like something awesome because a fag likes it
more antiques for me.
Fuck, someone should do something with that "yard"
His name is Ben (((Sansum)))
What's this east end Jew's endgame? Who is paying him?
What do you rent now.?
Try this instead.
Why does everyone want to be something theyre not these days? It's the weirdest thing. Must be just a sign of how bad things are getting.
Nice catch. The jews are trying to lull the native pop into some LARP fantasy whilst the muslims assume control over the nation.
>LARPs as 1940s man
>still uses modern technology
dunno but you could watch and tell me.
it's produced by a jew and stars jews. but over all I cant find anything subversive other than "muh hitler was bad" for about 20 minutes out of 6 hours.
This is the average government housing in Jane and finch
>Why aren't you moving to Germany and recreating the 1940's in your own home?
When we bought our house, I returned the upstairs to the original 50s styleing. There is NO tvs/monitors allowed upstairs. None. Books, soft lighting and music.
Finished basement however is a tech hub. just looking around and taking count there is 4 monitors, 2 Tvs and multiple systems in "backup".
you sound jealous af
Aww... its retarded...
this idea is stupid, why would the jews want anyone nostalgic for a time when we are at our finest?
>wanting to live after de-segregation
Still though. You can't label his taste in home decor a mental illness.
You could label his faggotry on mental illness though.
I dig the 1940s aesthetic, but making your home into a museum piece is too far for me.
You should incorporate the old with the new. a.k.a. something like Blade Runner.
The man’s happy, how can you hate on that?
I don't rent. I own my own house.
Is this ReviewBro?
But that is unironically like such a building i live in.
>not 30's peaceful NatSoc Germany
Still healthier than cutting your dick off or making someone else penis get inside your rectum.
Larping another era it's a type of mental illness I can tolerate and respect. More so than people believing in the invisible man or in equal good distribution.
It is. Those neighbourhoods are extremely comfy, and are usually in walking distance from the city center.
>he fell for Bolshevik propaganda
There was a time where your kind would be jailed your mind has been poisoned
I don't expect a homosexual to know jewish tricks. You've already fallen for the most typical trick of them all
>Houses that close
Oh I have a girlboner for that too, don't worry.
reminds me of final fantasy and the new greyhound ads
Pics of type or style of home
I want to live in 1870s-1900
>Rise of Prussia
>Wild West
>Spanish American War
well I'm glad you feel I have a choice to be disgusted by rubbing up against hairy dudes. I'm sure your superiority will be warm compensation to never actually explaining your point
The Great War was the final nail in the coffin for the west
Homosexuals need to be hanged
The other house he posted is actually a bog standard apartment building in many Norwegian cities. They banned people from building those clustered wooden houses you posted earlier because of the fire hazard they posed, and started to to build the type of building he posted above.
Based Reviewbrah
>[coughs in tuberculosis]
Looks old for 35.
Minus no front garden, those are nice homes.
you should go to turkistan, they love evolution deniers there
what a deluded cunt
40's healthcare was wank
care to name names?
No thanks, Berlin isn't my cup of tea
>You can't label his taste in home decor a mental illness
You aren't analyzing the situation properly.
The home decor is the after affect of a more serious issue at the core of this mans life.
You focus on the source of this mans problems, youll understand why he chooses to pursue such themes in his life. Its not a realistic way of interacting with the modern world.
I've been wanting to have something made from that time, specifically a microphone and voice amplification technology from that time. We've had the technology for so long but why is it you can't get things made using what they used and the technology of their time?
I can already hear the trans-Atlantic REEEEEEE when that church across from his house inevitably gets foreclosed on and turned into a mosque.
Do you think he has an old Enfield buried in the back yard and will go on a "mad minute" mass shooting on that day?
yeah - in 1946? he'd have been eating takeaways from the Zoo.