Color is meaningless we are all one and it should always be that way if we want self aware and conscious organisms to survive.
Pic related white girl donates kidney to black girlfriend. Love each other pol :)
Color is meaningless we are all one and it should always be that way if we want self aware and conscious organisms to survive.
Pic related white girl donates kidney to black girlfriend. Love each other pol :)
Reality is a bit less... Kumm-bye-ya and childish idealistic wishful thinking.
And in five years one or both of them will be back to getting filled by Chad's meatus. Women can't be gay, only bisexual.
"we're all one" and "we're all the same" are two different arguments. yes we're all one since god is one and the so called separation is just an illusion but we're not the same. we all reflect unique faces of god superficially so everyone is not equal and never will be
fucking niggers stealing our kidneys now
Bait, but a sweet one at that.
It's only meaningless of humanity agrees to colonize other planets. Until then, fuck off.
So corrupted by hate. Feelsbadman.
And what does that have to do with what I posted? I feel like you're sexually desperate and relate everything to your frustration. Get some help.
If God exists he would want us to love each other instead of hating each other
First they stole my bike now they want to steal my kidneys
you're speaking in silly limited human concepts. god doesn't want or not want anything. it's not a bearded man up in the sky ffs
Just be glad kidneys can't be sold on eBay, it would happen a lot more often then.
>we are all one
>look around
>we're clearly not
What did OP mean by this?
Humans have identified with each other, fought for reach other, and been slaughtered by the other on the basis of ethnicity since the dawn of man. Why the fuck should I stake the future of my descendants on the unproven and baseless idea that this magically stopped sometime in the 20th century?
No way they put two persons on the same bed, fake news
For faster human progress and less suffering. Everyone, including you.
Oy vey just put on your VR glasses goyim
Is this really bait? Think about it and have a talk with yourself and determine if this truly can be bait. I'm a 23 yo old dude taking a shit as I'm typing this
Facts=!hate, OP
Every individual goes thru different experiences than you, it could be negative or positive experiences but, at the end they end up shaping your attitude as you go. Your skin color CAN affect those effects because of our nature but if we all start to treat each fairly as similars we can improve at a faster rate.
White supremacists and racists on Sup Forums are the niggers of the white race, the truth is that all races have their niggers, but it is also true that most races will not have a significantly amount of criminals or other 'undesirables' if you consider them as a whole.
Yes, blacks do commit crime and are more violent than other races, but even so, the vast majority of blacks are not violent criminals.
White niggers are too stupid to understand their own 'statiatics'
Nigga's are stealing fucking organs now.
Fuck off, beaner. Go be a sore ass, genetic loser somewhere else. This isn't your safe space.
Murder all lesbians. Throw them into the wood chipper. Degenerate filth.
Time for a race realism thread.
>whines about safe spaces
>tells someone to get off his safe space because he posted a 'bad opinion'
Lmao, white niggers in a nutshell.
Do you have doors that are locked form the outside? If yes, why?