Brit/pol/- Labour Paki did nothing wrong tbh famalam edition

>Teachers are "brainwashing us and our children into thinking the bad guy was Hitler. What have the Jews done good in this world?” - Labour candidate Nasreen Khan

>If you voted to leave the EU, don't bother wearing a poppy

>Father goes against state wanting to kill his brain damaged son, is banned from hospital

>Uk must provide Brexit clarity - Barnier

>Pressure grows on Carwyn Jones to order Carl Sargeant inquiry

>UK prosecutors destroyed crucial emails in Assange case

>Labour Candidate: "What good have the jews done?"

>Britain backs ban of bee killing pesticides

>Plenty of room left to build millions of houses on so the greenbelt can end up like Tokyo

>Alex Salmond to host TV show on Russia Today, Nicola Sturgeon screeches autisically

Other urls found in this thread:

I will fucking celebrate when he is exposed.

This fucker deserves torture.

Remember to only shop at Morrisons


On tonight's show!

>Hugh Grant
>Kelly Clarkson
>Jason Momoa
>Sarah Millican

BBC One, 10:35pm

It's GREAT to be white


>woman jew

Tbh who has been putting these signs up?

I did one.


moma isn't a muslim he's a jap-native haiwain-white mongrel
playing aquaman in wonder woman

>Little girl announces that she is starting the race war and killing all non-whites
>Go on

I like it.

some TRS fag has been putting them up in bromley allthough i think the message should be "its ok to be white and proud" or something along that line

O shit, he's actually kinda based then?

What ever happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"

ASK A JAILED Sup Forums lad anything ?
Not CP
But Death threats an shit posts , I thought was all forgot next day !
I got 12 months did 3 months in HM Prison Wakefield ,
You can be admitted to gen pop /wings or the VPU /nonce wards , I stayed on norm wards , No rape , No hassle kept head down /didnt accept help /Goods . Did time an was ok .
Moar of us will go jail , through that stupid Mays Bullshit ok
If going to trial /sentencing date /last day take bag full of stuff , 8 pairs undies , 8 pairs socks , loads toiletries , trackie bottoms an sweat shirts not dark blue , Good 2 pairs of trainers , flip flops for showers ,a good small digital radio an head phones ,
Dont be bullied ! Fight for your Gear ok , like you wanna kill that cunt gouge his eyes out ok , If not Go Numbers /Nonce wing .. be careful you will be preyed on an raped /cock sucker ok !
Fight it out as wing will respect an autist trying ok !

Please save an repost for others ok

The same thing that happened with all the rest of our ideals and institutions. Try see how many people agree with Blackstone's Ratio these days.

whatever happened to accusing everyone who has raped someone and not just the guys you don't find attractive

That only applies to the courts. It's perfectly okay to ruin somebody's life with no evidence in 2017.

I have a question.
Why do you keep changing your IP? It's not going to stop me from hacking it.

Would it be illegal to put this on a sticker in public?

Any GOOD news on Brexit?

You deff love Big Black Cock like your mum , You aint even white m8 , your dad was the local weed dealer in your towers you are a coffee coloured faggot ...LOL



Justice was a fiddly annoying thing to the feminist/liberal/marxist crowd, so they invented SOCIAL justice, which is qualified by the word "social" meaning "no judges, no evidence, no jury, whatever the mob wants goes" and it is an incredibly sick doctrine.
There is either justice, or injustice. Adding the word social in front should indicate to anyone with a brain that this isn't offering tried and tested, true JUSTICE, which only leaves one alternative.
Much like you can either be correct, or wrong, it leaves no guesses as to what POLITICAL correctness entails....


Fake Mair poster.

yes, they're just numbers

do it user, make us proud

>thought people were exaggerating about the interracial Christmas adverts
>decide to watch a few to see
>LITERALLY every one of the first four I watch have interracial
>three of the four have black father, white mother

What the fuck



Tbf most of the people who the allegations have been aimed at are Hollywood Jews, faggots and the anti-Trump crowd.


Flashman is the man all men should aspire to be tbqhwyl

Served my MP in Mcdonalds today.

Bet he claimed it on expenses, the fuck

>getting pats.


you RAN away ok, fuking cowward lol


The strangest thing is that these are the people who want prisoners to be treated fairly and be comfortable. Justice really is an alien concept to them.

I've been invited to speak to youths about the importance of work etc... at an event that will be attended by the town mayor and two local MPs.

Little do they know that i fucking despise capitalism, think Brexit is a monumental mistake in a town that voted strongly to leave the EU and believe that those two MPs are getting paid an absurd amount of taxpayers money and not making a noticeable change to their constituencies.

Not sure whether i should reveal my true colours, tell the kids that it's important to get a minimum wage zero hours job and to be grateful for it or to not show up at all.

>Remember to only shop at Morrisons

the only decent Christmas ad in the UK.

YOU go to the iraq, see scary aRAB shit and cry back your mom ok

>Fill the prisons with innocent people
>Demand prisoners be treated nicely
There's a twisted logic to all of this, I'm sure

I didn't goto Iraq.

Who'd want to eat that??

Someone's been crudely using your old trip


OKAY afganistan,all SANDniggers cunts like ur dad, edddie weddie shit himself lol best Christmas ad coming through

It really worries me, because people are now afraid of prisons because of the other prisoners, not prison itself. So you make hardened criminals comfortable and give them power, and throw them in with people who are either innocent of any crime, or barely guilty of any crime at all.

I went AWOL a year after my tour, more a result of alcoholism than anything else.

You don't have it in you to end your career a martyr for political correctness!



Alright Eddie, good to see you back mate

I've said to a few people irl recently that the only people who should be scared of the justice system are those who aren't criminals.



Next time we fight, it's side by side.

>sick exploitation of the loss of life to sell overpriced Christmas crackers containing bad jokes written by jews

Did you meet Bronson in prison?

No more brother wars

What career? I manage a local multimillion pound business (of which i see a fucking pittance) and the only reason i'm going is because i've hired people from the job centre.

I wouldn't get fired and if for some strange reason something like that were to happen, i've got enough money saved to say fuck work for a good while and enough experience to find a similar position anywhere else.

Let me guess, you preferred this years ads? Or not enough (((diversity))) for you?

Exactly. Am I afraid of a nice warm hotel room with a new TV and video games? No.

Am I afraid that I'll step out of that room and get a knife in the back courtesy of Jamal and Mohammad? You bet.

I could easily deal with being sentenced innocently to spend years in a 6'x6' ice-cold brick box with only a metal bed and a wooden desk, and a weekly book of choice.

Modern prison? I'm terrified! Not sure if that makes me a coward or not.

>it has white people so it's automatically good
Bet you love poles too you fag

The biggest sign of this is the amount of people converting to Islam in prison. I know that sounds like I'm just trying to find any excuse to shit on Islam, but this is really a good example. See:
>The Prison Officers' Association has put that down to thousands of lags becoming so-called "convenience Muslims" - converting to the religion to deliberately play the system.
>A report into prisons five years ago, called Muslim Prisoners’ Experiences backed that up when it said those in jail see “perks” in converting to Islam, including better food and protection.
In essence, prisoners are feral, so people feel compelled to convert to Islam just to be part of some group that can help them fight off other feral prisoners. It's insane. I hear that American prisons used to have the same thing with fuckers joining the Aryan Brotherhood just so there'd be someone between them and the violent shankers.
We have lost control of the streets. We have lost control of the schools. And now we have lost control of even the prisons. The STATE.


Answer my question you dumb mental cunt.

Cowardice has nothing to do with being scared, it's what you do when you're scared that may make you a coward.


Concentration camps were not okay.

MOZZZIE says peace ok, eternal anglo and german OK

Did you meet Charles Bronson?

not worth letting a fuckton of brits die over though

Genuinely made me think.

Every god damned time I watch it, seriously.

I could go either way on that one tbqh
Would have been worth it if we didn't drop our alliance with Japan, because the Pacific was where it all really went wrong. Would not have been worth it if Molotov/Ribbentrop never happened, so we could join together and prevent the millions of deaths caused by the USSR.

/nsg/ will call me a kike for this but our best move during world war is not to join germany (and become the first target for the americans) but stay offically neutral like spain did and support the germans through aid


The USN would have struggled to fight both the IJN and the RN. It's conceivable that the US would have avoided the war if it meant war with both Japan and Britain.

Morrisons is shit.

On the subject of WW2, I read recently thay Germany were the first nation to develop and weaponise nerve gas. These gasses like Sarin and Tabun would have caused unbelievable casualties to soldiers on either front or to civilians in Allied nations.

Why didn't they use them near the end of the war when things were basically hopeless?

criminally underrated

They didn't have enough time
If they could've hung on for a few more months we would've been fucked


>Teachers are "brainwashing us and our children into thinking the bad guy was Hitler. What have the Jews done good in this world?” - Labour candidate Nasreen Khan


Just noticed there's a new Joe.

>another productive day of doing nothing

if yer young they will put you on prevent and make you do community service.

What's the worst place in the UK.

for me its sunderland.....they're like poor quality geordies, who are in themselves scum.

middlesbrough is shit too

>they're scarred of nukip

kek owen



Islamic Caliphate of Birmingham

I like to play a game sometimes where I look for people whiter than me
Sometimes I can walk for 20 minutes without finding anybody


no, its not even illegal to do a "hitler salute" you'd just get looked at and abused by loudmouths


>artist puts up artwork in Bristol shitting on British WWI soldiers, just weeks before Armistice Day
>gets taken down because naturally people say it's fucked up
>artist and his mong friends throw a hissy fit about censorship so the authorities backtrack and put it back up
>some old yank bint on the local news just now defends the work
Absolute state.

The wrong people are in charge lads


They already has the gas at their disposal though. They could have deployed it relatively easily.

>tfw I unironically agree with a Labour paki