I'm a newfag on Sup Forums and I thought that Sup Forums is a bunch of cool people that trolled shia and made other awesome stuff. I started to lurk Calm before the storm threads and looked at a few other threads...they are fucking cancer. I know that there is an attack on white people and men in western culture, but level of hate here is quite surprasing. I hope that these posts are made by trolls/shills/dumb people. What do you think?
Racist posts on Sup Forums. Provocation or does it represent Sup Forums's general opinion?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dude 90% of what we all post here is satire, non of us mean it, like, we just have boring lifes, most people here is just edgy, we don't have a serious political view, we just want the world to end because we don't have sex in a regular basis, neither we have gfs.
If everyone here had a bf or a gf we all would be much more happy and wouldn't even waste time in Sup Forums
Only a few would still be here and the board would end up being deleted due to low traffic.
sho uncut benis or pew pew
Get the fuck out.
Damn you make a good point. Turns out the oldfags had something to learn from the new arrivals. Maybe that was Merkel's message all along
Yeah it's all jokes here.... Except it isn't. We say satire to pretend in front of all of the normies who will get redpilled to this point eventually. As if we wouldn't kill every nigger on the planet if we got the chance. The perfect world is upon us.
>none of us mean it
Yeah, no.
for what? I'm a newfag, but red the rules. Would take any advice
You have no idea how bad it really is.
sudoku yourself you turnip
Some of it's serious. Some of it's jokes.
I'm not even one of the hardcore anti-Jew people but I have always loved this Jewish tricks meme.
There are lots of based black people. U really hate all of them? I prefer based humans vs SJW cunts. You kinda blue pill red pilled people who come here by your extreme rasicm.
Holy fuck kill yourself.
Our hate makes us Hilarious.
kek'ed and checked
Reported for using memeflags. Also, called interpol.
I'm not racist. I just want all foreigners to just fuck off and leave me alone.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
Frances IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration
This is a racist Nazi board we live the memory of WW2 with the eye focused on the ethno state
Sieg Heil
I think you need to grow a pair or get out.
You're confusing racism with race realism m8.
Basically, demographics are social destiny. You force a society to lurch down in IQ that society is fucked. That's not racism that's statistics. It's be the same for whites invading Japan en masse, for example.
Also drop the kekistan flag what are you nine ?
He’s right though. Most of the posters have been here less than a year and came from Reddit, Instagram and Twitter. This place IS ironic now and nothing can be done to stop the shifting of opinions towards a brighter and more progressive stance. A few years ago our Israeli posters and pro-Israel posts were trolled into oblivion and today most of our Russian, American and English posters willingly stand up and defend our Israeli friends and their homeland. Homosexual flag posters can post freely and without fear of being trolled. Who would’ve thought that some of the places Sup Forums despised so much, namely Reddit, would actually make it great again? Either way, inclusivity is the future of Sup Forums and it’s beautiful.
Pol is not one person
I wish this was true
How about you decide for yourself rather than go along with what everyone else says. This isn't leddit.
Fuck you nigger
>the aboslute state of half chan.
Pack it up goys, I'll see you at the other Sup Forums.
Nice flag fag
>Meme flag faggots
Into the bin it goes
hoe is there an attack on whites? you can do whatever you want and nothing happens. it's blacks who ate hated by everybody and oppressed by white supremacy.yet your pale pink privileged ass think it's attack on white men? DEATH TO YOU
there's no hate here man. i just don't accept the premise that racism--a thought crime--is an acceptable excuse for committing actual crime, or an actual argument against anything. in fact, i reject entirely the current "morality" of the west. it's a complete appeal to the authority of the rabbinical council shit show.
It's mind control to manipulate potential dissidents in to accepting a palette swap of dualistic beliefs being the only choice.
well. if it's true then it's quite sad. Kinda old stuides thou. But why should we care about IQ so much? There is a place for dumb and smart people in our society, we all have a different role in the system. If IQ of black people is lower on average it doesn't mean that there are no black people with a very high IQ. Do you hate them too? Since ur post is based on IQ, shouldn'y you hate people with low IQ and not people with ethnics with average lower IQ?
Sup Forums is comprised of people who don't put up with reddit censorship. That means very smart people and crazies.
This. America is a place. Not a people.
As long as you're red pilled it doesn't matter who you are, you can be American.
Race is only skin deep.
fuck off
Varies by person, some of it is serious, some of it is humour through exaggeration.
1. Racism is an intrinsic part of human evolution, it is found in every human being alive, even those lying SJW muddafuckas. It's key function is tribal protection and a Darwinian competition driver. Interestingly, Asians and Spics are the most racist people on the planet. Traditionally white countries are the LEAST racist. Niggers are at the bottom of heap.
2. You are a faggot!
Reported for announcing a report. Newfag.
It’s just satire, bro. Besides, you have the luxury of looking away from the screen.
also, don't you hate sjw's? lots of them in IT with a very high IQ and lots of them are white.On the other hand the are lots of based good people with common sense and they are just ordinary people. Wouldn't it be better to unite under common sense?
I legitimately don't like niggers. Also, I'm pretty, not entirely ok with Central Americans. I prefer to not be in their company. I think they're gross. I also hate Dominicans and Puerto Ricans. Also, pretty much the entire Caribbean. I hate Arabs too. Otherwise, I wouldn't classify myself as a racist.
Its all satire
now get out you stupid nigger
You tell me user. Could they possibly have a point? Or is it all just 'ignorance', 'hatred', 'irrationality'.
Because it sure looks to me like they have a point. Not a whole lot of vitriol in that book there, but there is a fuckton of evidence and calm argument.
Projection 101... once you get bored with your gf, you come right back to pol. This faggot thinks having a gf is the best thing in the world
God fuck off you fag. Hurrrr hurrrr le epic Sup Forums pol. You can fuck back to YouTube with you Top 10 Sup Forums list videos.
Oh stfu you numale fuck, some of us are in relationship or are married. Some of us just go on here for the politics or because of trolling. Go be a soy boy somewhere else.
Do you wanna have a society made of smart people or dumb people, that's what it comes down to. Also don't forget the crime and general entropy and destruction to society
Oh, so you're a Kike?
quite a big read dude. Can you TLDR for me?
"Hate" is accepted as a normal part of human expression and tolerated for all other ethnocultural groups except for those of European descent. Everyone vilifies the other; the double standard imposed on whites is a reflection of the geoeconomic imperatives of the ruling class (namely "normalize the mass importation of foreigners so that we can make more money"), not of any rational moral principle. Consider the degree to which systems of belief and morality have historically been structured by the ruling class so as to serve their interests - do you think that our current society is any different?
Reported. Hacked your PC. I have your IP address now. Good luck.
Hahah, checked faggot.
Honestly I thought that we were making steps towards becoming more family friendly.
But you’re a shill fag anyway
Fucken kekistan fag
((19))파주출장샵(℮카톡상담.GG887(홈피 KISS45.COM 출장콜걸 출장마사지업소(출장조건만남 출장안마추천.애인대행(출장서비스)(출장후
((19))파주출장샵(℮카톡상담.GG887(홈피 KISS45.COM 출장콜걸 출장마사지업소(출장조건만남 출장안마추천.애인대행(출장서비스)(출장후기)(섹파)
((19))파주출장샵(℮카톡상담.GG887(홈피 KISS45.COM 출장콜걸 출장마사지업소(출장조건만남 출장안마추천.애인대행(출장서비스)(출장후기)(섹파)
((19))파주출장샵(℮카톡상담.GG887(홈피 KISS45.COM 출장콜걸 출장마사지업소(출장조건만남 출장안마추천.애인대행(출장서비스)(출장후기)(섹파)
Kill yourself the Gamer From Mars.
For example you want a society of smart people. Are you going to invite people based on IQ? Or you gonna consider race and reject high IQ black person? Also don't forget that global elite that promotes terror and refuge invasion in Europe are high IQ people. Do you really think high IQ=good person? Lots of evil people have high IQ. I agree that high IQ is awesome, but our priority should be GOOD woke people.
I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.
First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.
Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.
If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.
Sup Forums IS compromised up of reddit. There’s no other explanation for the complete 180 on most position within the last year or so.
fuck niggers
>you gonna consider race and reject high IQ black person?
Yes, because of reduction to the mean. Also, because there are high iq criminals and low iq law abiding citizens means fucking nothing, because the vast majority of criminals are low iq people and the vast majority of law abiding citizens are high iq. So take your NAXALT bullshit and shove it up your ass
Reported for announcing a report for announcing a report. Newfag.
Comparison of the East Asian, European, and Sub-saharan races. IQ, behavior, basic biology, etc.
The guy was crucified for his research but he continued anyway. And he quotes the criticisms people have- they are nearly exclusively of the form 'social science has a moral commandment to not pursue this kind of research'.
Now it is certainly a debatable topic. But nobody debates it, ever. There is the racist side, which continues to pile on ever more evidence, and then there is the anti-racist side, who screech and hurl insults and blacklist and occasionally physically attack the racist side. You have a few incredibly dishonest men like Lewontin and Gould who make fallacious arguments that the rest of the field condemn, but for the most part there is no discourse at all, it is just rage and violence.
the tldr: East asians occupy one end of the specturm- high iq, low rates of violence, slow maturation, k selected reproduction strategies, etc. Sub-saharans occupy the other- low iq, high rates of violence and aggression, r selected reproduction strategies, fast maturation, etc.
Europeans and other populations are somewhere in the middle.
With time you will learn the truth.
I've had wet dreams about settling on a plot of land in Africa handed to me after a successful race war where we finally wiped out the subhumans for good before.
Just imagine it. No niggers. No spics. No gypsies. No jews. No SEAmonkeys. No chinks. No indians. No Danes. No arabs. No Islam. No crime.
Just people. Everywhere.
It's just satire, OP. Nothing to worry about. Sup Forums is a liberal board
Go back whence you came, user.
Yes, we're really racist. Anyone who says otherwise is a newfag, shill or kike (the 2 latter not being mutually exclusive.) Most of us don't hate other races though, we are racist by the classical definition; "The belief that race is biological in nature and that races have distinct characteristics." We do hate what people of other races do to our society EG: black and hispanics increasing our crime rates, Jews promulgating their filth in media, using the press as a weapon against us, pushing cultural marxism through institutions of learning etc.
Fuck off you filthy lying kike. I've been married (widowed) and am engaged again. I've never had a problem getting laid. Din din time for you
>no danes
Hater gonna bate
Are you going to steal his toilet?
The goal is not to get the highest number of people here. That is for a place like The_Donald. The goal is to get the absolute best people here - the ones for whom there is no redpill too large to swallow, and who are willing to put up with things ranging from gore to shills posting blacked threads, in order to get to the truth. Yes, not everyone will be attracted to come here, and not everyone who comes here will want to stay. But that's a good thing. Now get over yourself, go back to T_D, and quit being a little faggot
See what I mean, OP? All satire. We take it pretty seriously here though. Don't be fooled, it's all in good fun. Hitler did nothing wrong. Ha ha! See?
Yes. We are racist. And soon you are too.
I think you are a thin skinned faggot
Also Hitler was right
Just leave user.
I never thought about it like that, but kinda this honestly. user, I think your services would be better used over at T_D. I'm sorry if some people think this yugioh trading card forum is "racist," and I'm sorry if that bothers you. You'll still play a valuable role in saving the West over at T_D.
Yeah, hah hah. Totally satire. Sieg heil!
But Jews don't own everything.... do they?
If there are lots of based blacks or hispanics or asians or Jews then why do they vote majority democrat every time? For blacks it's 90% every election vote dem
It's all just memes and jokes, nothing is serious. For example: all the memes and hates you see towards India are just silly humorous jokes, deep down every body deeply respects India and know Indians are based & good IQ really.
I don't actually hate anyone.
I think that there are certain trends in society that I don't like. The villification of white men, islamification of Europe. I'm okay with immigration but you have to do it gradually or your culture gets erased. The US is generally pretty good about this.
I'm mostly here for news that doesn't get covered (seriously this subs coverage of Syria has been incredible). And because it's generally funny.
>but level of hate here is quite surprasing. I hope that these posts are made by trolls/shills/dumb people. What do you think?
Sup Forums is made up of some trolls and some actual racists, but mostly just a bunch of underage queers in their formative years who don't realize they are being suckered. hence the massive infestation of parasitic trumpcucks who still live with mommy and daddy on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is a board of social justice and diversity/equality.
>Yes, it's just satire
>Pic related is just satire
>Completely true in every aspect, but just satire
Why would he? They don't use them.
>generally good about this
>50%+ non-white in 60 years
Yeah totally good, you fucking idiot.
I think you should fuck off
Back to r_the_donald you go little one.
What is the average iq of India? The smart ones come west...
I'm not racist, I just hate niggers