what happened?
Anglo women
Other urls found in this thread:
The Eu
Deliberate cultural engineering via feminism
Improvement of living standards.
Lack of winter wolves
they got fat, but they were always whores.
That is probably the most perfect ass I have ever seen.
>using the english language
>being anti-anglo
Good times happened. We need a war to sort this type of stuff out.
Threadly reminder that papists are unwelcome.
I dont think theres a single girl that looks like that and is an unironic NSDAP supporter.
there are hot women in the movement
This image just makes me fucking sad, the thot on the left has an actual pretty face and judging by her frame she isn't naturally fat, she just let herself go so much. Britbongs pls
Just keep sending your women over, they are perfect.
anglo women were always disgusting
Jewish Bolshevism and Communism
Cultural Marxism
White Guilt
Race-Mixing Propaganda
Third world Immigration
shes not hot at all. she looks like old crusty demon
post a hottie
Arrogance, entitlement and weak spirit
Comparing British women of different classes is like comparing Asian women to Niggers. They're different species.
Nothing, lower class women have behaved in such a fashion for all of history. Now with the internet we get to see it with our own eyes instead of mere hearsay. Of course this is thread is making the nigger tier IQ argument that common slags = all women though and not meant for discussion.
reminder that anglos aren't human
wow empowering
Fuck off beaner. Anglos built the modern world and you're lucky to even exist in it.
Huh, here's something I've just read in a novel set in 1850s London. Cow on the right looks almost traditionally English then, except there's nothing "solid" about her.
on the left* dammit
Healthy thick women on the left. Emaciated, frail woman on the right, in a time when food was rationed and there wasn't much to go about.
Patriarchal standards of female beauty are vile.
that cellulate (puke)
American degenerate culture spread here through the market.
Feminism is the consequence of an economic system that places profit above everything. Feminism = double labour force and this lower wages. Good for capitalists, that's why capitalists and elites support feminism. It's not because of some le evil conspiracy. They were COMPELLED to do it by the economic system to implement. If the elites didn't benefit from it, feminists would have been crushed.
>Women were always disgusting when given the freedom to do whatever they want.
>what happened?
What the fuck man please stop
lmao nice one Anglo women are the best
That's something that always interested me, only in places like India do you find a similar divide in racial quality between classes as you do in the British Isles, and there isn't even an official caste system that's enforced.
pic related is something you may find in the higher classes of the English elite.
Great pic...the ham on the left is so overjoyed by the food that she just doesn't give a shit. The other one is fucking TERRFIED that someone is about to take a picture of her from an unflattering angle and she won't be able to do any post-editing.
C - A - P - I - T - A - L - I - S - M
you went and found some cherry picked images
more racially progressive women
another one
If you don't find this attractive you're probably a shitskin
Turns out the life of a shabbos goy is not that rewarding after all
Racially progressive Hallstatt Nordid male
diana was killed in a tunnel
>diana was killed by a tunnel
this girl is
The class system is still a big thing. You can often tell just by looking at someone's face what rank of society they are from. Pic is obvious working class. He's nowhere near as ugly as the cretins on Jeremy Kyle, but you can tell he's from a poor background
You know something's wrong when gay men are better looking than straight women.
feminism ruined women
He looks like a cross between ReviewBrah and Lorde..oh whait!
This is the future of the white woman
they look fine to me
why is there a mexican flag in the background?
That's anglo blood.
Bitch on the left looks like MTF, hoe in thew middle like usual potatoface brit slag a'la Arya Stark, 'guy' on the right like FTM (face proportions, shoulder width)
this is more of a case of ridiculous pants than anything
But it's west in general. People are stupid and have no shame.
>what happened??
somehow this is the long con plan of the eternal anglo. only he knows what that will achieve.
IO think it's an Indian flag
Feminism happened.
>What happened?
Television. Poor diet. Shitty education. Americanism basically.
Kys beta
because that's America
Nice touch
>judging by her frame she isn't naturally fat
nobody is "naturally fat"
Beating my meat as we speak
Parenting, the state, feminism.
In that order.
All degeneracy is rooted in irresponisble parenting.
Irresponsible parenting breeds nanny statism.
Nanny statism gives incentives for anti-family ideologies.
is she a half or a quadroon?
I won't lie, I'd put my filthy hands and dick all over that tit monkey.
Are you saying your culture wasn't cool or solid enough to resist foreign influence?
Thats an indian flag
>build a volcano
>nerf gun
Yeah ((((she)))) looks great
>even the pillow
I laffed
I lament the fact that I'm not this anglo.
What the fuck is your problem?
You've shilled your horrid music like 1000 times now, GTFO
Holy fuck. Hitler stole Churchill's DNA and created... Reviewbrah.
Here me now gentle'folk all. Upon the day of last autumn a spirit of old will awaken from great slumber, taketh the form of man it shall.
Why are you so susceptible to culture of mongrels?
nice ass
i usually am not a ass man but its nice to see a nice white girl ass
I think we are going to see a swing back to Victorian levels of dress and etiquette. You look at old photos, even the street urchins are wearing suits and waistcoats. People today are going to be looked back on as a morality tale.
holy shit the fat in the middle looks like like this
blonde girl in the left photo has a thousand yard stare like she just realised how degenerate and shit her life choices have been to this point
dude in the top right of the right hand photo looks like he's looking through time and seeing the degenerate girls in the left photo
Yeah no amount of social mobility will hide his true origins. Obviously don't let this lead to D&C but it's very interesting. Now the big question is, how does one acquire a high class Anglo-Saxon/Norman qt? For marriage and breeding purposes of course.
nice meme
That is a woman you want to raise a family with tbqh
Why do it look like that?
Here in SA the majority of white girls, especially Afrikaans, are relatively skinny/fit/thick
Whereas most of the niggers are nasty and fat
>Amerikike has always been the world leader in fat, lazy and entitled women, and recently their horrible influence has started to spread
I operate under the belief that something happened after 9/11, it may sound crazy to think a few planes hitting a building caused this social decline, but it became "cool" to be against Bush around 2002 and to be against the "white males" surrounding Bush, and somehow - it got intermingled in that "against" movement that it became "cool" to be against "white culture" altogether and against regular morals, normalcy, and every institution from churches to schools to the media/newspapers followed and the more against white male leadership you were and the more opposed to Christianity you were - the more you were held up as a champion. The far left were pushing the envelope during the 80s and 90s but they always had a self-restraint, but something happened in 2002 whereby they just kicked the door off its hinges.
On the heels of that "against" movement, came the rise of MySpace and Faceberg and reality TV, where the more bizarre and degenerate you were, the more attention you received on those platforms.
Every institution has failed us over the past 15 years, even a NASA woman was driving across southern states late at night wearing diapers in an attempt to murder some other female astronaut who was sleeping with a male astronaut, you couldn't even count on NASA to look at for normalcy.
The local newspapers in the Northeast were always liberal, but it wasn't until after 2002 that they would start running stories about the sickest stuff possible, transgendered kindergarten students, anal activities, and the moment the rest of society saw the media/newspapers acting in such a depraved manner with no consequences that the rest of society just went down the tube. My local state university sends me alumni e-mails with a list of upcoming campus activities and forum speakers about the most bizarre LGBT/diversity sicko stuff imaginable, and there is no way they would ever host that stuff from 1998-2001 when I was a student, it all happened around 2002.
It's almost like they want to have their cheesy fries and eat them too.
This is true as fuck.
>Be from English working class
>Descended from generations of men who worked down mines or were bricklayers
>They basically all died of cancer or lung disease from nasty industrial work plus cigs and booze
>6'2 and built like a toolshed
>Classic beady brown eyes and dark hair
>Bugly face
>Fairly intelligent but an underacheiver / introvert
>Girls are literally scared of me
>Bouncers don't let me in clubs because they couldn't easily throw me out
>Spends me days wageslaving and shitposting until DOTR when I'll finally be useful for something
Anyone else know this feel?
lack of parenting
lack of role models
vanity and stupidity
This photo should win the Pulitzer.
More like the thousand cock stare.
>Now the big question is, how does one acquire a high class Anglo-Saxon/Norman qt? For marriage and breeding purposes of course.
Be good looking, tall, interesting, and intelligent.
T. Have 8/10 green eyes, blonde haired dane.
She came onto me.
Easy mode.
Going to have 3 - 5 babies.
> and somehow - it got intermingled in that "against" movement that it became "cool" to be against "white culture" altogether and against regular morals, normalcy, and every institution from churches to schools to the media/newspapers followed and the more against white male leadership you were and the more opposed to Christianity you were - the more you were held up as a champion.
>Why do it look like that?
niggerspeak pls leave
To quote Wellington:
>Our men are the scum of the Earth, enlisted for drink.... I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me!