Why is metal so degenerate?
Why is metal so degenerate?
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gotta do something about that face
right now looks like any random dude in a power metal band
it was never conservative, if that's what you're asking. Also it's rare to have trans in metal,
at least not like in programming, all fucking programmers or tech fags are fucking traps
Metal is next, isn't it? After Games, Comics and movies they will come for my music will they not? They will demand, that metal have more gay black front singers and be more inclusive. They will say that its a huge problem, that there are mostly men listening and that woman who listen to metal are looked down upon as outsiders. FUCK. Well im ready to fight.
teen angst is always degenerate
All popular music is degenerate, including country.
>Metal is next, isn't it?
Dude metal died in like 2001
>tfw I'm from virginia
It's popular with poor white people. Therefore it's degenerate because everyone knows that the amount of money you have is directly correlated to how good of a person you are.
Virginia is for trans
metal music isn't degenerate per se. it's just that sjws and commies have invaded the scene and turned the community into cancer. go on any metal forum. it's basically neofag-tier.
I want to move out, trust me.
Already happened a few years ago:
And now all the big metal bands have female singers. Imagine that...
They can take our bands but they will never take... OUR ALBUMS
wtf? i hate metal now
A few dumb bands can't spoil all the good ones. Well, at least I hope not.
I wonder if these same articles complain about the lack of white representation in rap
The most cucked genre is USBM. The lead singer of Cobalt was kicked out of his own band because he called somebody a faggot on Facebook and Pitchfork did a hit piece on him.
I shit you not.
JBPwavE is the future
What's a Cobalt? I want to listen the recent Nightbringer, but can't bring myself to it.
I'm falling out of metal so hard, there's just a few bands I could give a listen, e.g. Rotting Christ's latest album.
Listen to scandinavian and finnish melodeath, highly recommend.
Depends what Band.
>Sabaton isn't degenerate
Metal is not degenerate, it has been flooded by faggots back in the mid-2000's, when "core" genres started to become really popular, which caused fags from the emo scene to migrate to metal.
Also, for some fucking reason, metal has the same problem "gamers" have with "gamer gurls". Roasties that aren't quite up to the standards of the average chad, that dress in black and go into essentially male environments to feed their ego. I don't i need to say the politics of these roasties, because it should be obvious.
>looks like an ordinary metalhead with long hair and skinny jeans
Charles best MDE
>What's a Cobalt?
This album is essential.
Bet he drills a hole into the back of his guitar and sticks his boner into it so that he can spin it 360 degrees during a solo.
Melodeath is pretty gay, desu. Only good bands are Entombed, Bloodbath and Dismember, which aren't necessarily melodeath to begin with.
The closest i will ever get to melodeath is Heartwork from Carcass.
Metal is not degenerate. Real metal is /ourmusic/
It’s not
Metal has been shit for over a decade.
I used to listen to it almost exclusively, but I've waned away over the years. Becomes too repetitive.
I haven't heard new stuff worth listening to since Hooded Menace's early stuff.
>Sieg Heil! The sign of our cross rises,
The age of fire and retribution is upon us.
Shadow resistance, the order of hate.
Against the cross that has oppressed us for so long // Torching the jewish creation, laughing on their despair when they cry.
You just have to listen to the non-faggy kind.
Would pay to see the politician tranny fight Ladybeard
Allah, is this all they care about? Can they even name one of their stances? All I've heard is that they're the first of whatever to be elected, nothing else. I'm sure if they fail or do nothing, they won't get the same attention when they were elected.
he probably had it lopped off
>So it begins.
>The procession of the rituals will bring judgment upon
>As the congregation of the damned you will now renounce the blood
of the lamb.
>Altar boys march single file down the aisle where they
kneel before the crucifix.
>Their orders are to un-robe then bow before
the cross.
>You shall witness the shame of human flesh as we reach in
to the bowels of your innocent children.
>The perverted members of the
church gather closer to see the event.
>The priests now proceed to fist
the boys.
>Watch as my minions insert their fists.
>Soon they will join
the dead then pave the road with their bodies.
>Their blood will pave the way for the future of our church.
>These roads unite my dominion.
>As their ass is gauged, the blade of impurity is sharpened for the end
of the ceremony.
>Once my priests are done the robes, once white, now
bear the blood of the boys who once wore them.
you're just mad because most modern metal is anti-religion, usually attacking catholics and christians.
great greentext fail wow im gonna go kill myself now
>all fucking programmers or tech fags are fucking traps
I can confirm this.
t. programmer
which popular metal bands have suddenly switched their iconic frontman for a random bimbo?
Friendly reminder that metal trannies are only okay when Japan does it.
>you will never, ever dress like a cute girl and be one of the greatest metal guitarists on the planet
Feels bad man.
>Gaytherlands talking about metal
We will always have NSBM to filter out the normie scum from the genre.
Metal will always have a bastion of hope.
Portugal seems pretty trve.
Sorry for the "when you XYZ" meme.
when you xyz memes are fine as long as they're not zuccbock normalfag-tier
Real/pure metal
>heavy metal
>doom metal and its variants
>speed metal
>power metal
>progressive metal
>neo-classical metal
Punk-influenced garbage/impure metal
>thrash metal
>death metal
>black metal
>sludge metal
>alternative metal
listening to new metal bands in last 15 years, they can fucking have it. Nothing will ever change the classics. Stll have the smaller, non-festival bands like Pig Destroyer and nobody will ever want to pretend they're into them
I met a roastie in my local metal scene who was a virgin up until she was 19. She actually became a Christian in middle school because it made sense to her, and then some dude convinced her to take the Jewpill, and by the time she was 22, she had been with several dozen men and was thoroughly a roastie.
This is pretty accurate. I'll accept that my enjoying thrash is degenerate, though I think most progressive metal is garbage too.
>thrash metal
Thrash metal is a type of heavy metal. It is just faster and more aggressive.
Metallica is thrash metal. Are they garbage?
>black metal
Nu-male detected.
This. What's up with Brazil being such a fun of the NSBM?
You have shit taste in metal famalam.
I saw this thread yesterday.
>Metallica is thrash metal. Are they garbage
Thrash metal is literally derived from combining thrashcore, a shitty punk subgenre, with speed metal.
This is proper speed metal without the gay thrashcore influence.
>a metal subgenre heavily influenced by hardcore punk
>pop music with eletric guitar and a few screams
>real metal
>metal that is aggressive in nature
>punk-influenced garbage
Also, that song you posted is not at all punk influenced. Punk-influenced metal sounds more like this
>Also, that song you posted is not at all punk influenced.
Learn where black metal came from and the influences of the first black metal bands, and then the influences of their influences. Black metal is literally what happens when edgelords combine Venom/Motorhead's gritty speed metal with crust punk.
Social Justice Ken absolutely killed me, I don't even know why.
who /hardrock/ here?
Metal needs to be a safe space.
If metal doesn’t change to reflect its more diverse audience, it could vanquish itself into irrelevancy. Do you really think excluding traditionally marginalized people will further metal as a sustainable art? No. Keep excluding and it will be a dead genre in 50 years.
Would you call this punk-influenced metal, or metal-influenced punk?
You're a poser kys
We have those at every show, they're called Minority Only Safe Havens, sometimes referred to as "pits" because of the stench of the minorities.
>all these triggered nu-males who can't accept that their thrash/black/death metal is shitty punk metal
Sup Forums needs more metal without outside influences in its life.
>could vanquish itself into irrelevancy
Metal died by 2010.
Just metalica...they are faggots.
Melvins are the best metal band imho senpai
No, the main band in the first wave of black metal, Bathory, was a Venom clone, just a little sped-up and a bit more focus on atmosphere, which is not at all punk, and the the bands from Norway, in the second wave of black metal were just trying to sound different to the guys from Stockholm, while still playing extreme metal.
Punk-influenced metal. Metal-influenced punk is either powerviolence or some old school hardcore, such as this
Melodeath is still gay.
I miss being 16 and listening to metal. Emo was the hot shit in High School and I still totally dig the style on chicks.
>all those stacies in their goth-light style with dark makeup, lowrider pants and tight dark tops
The music was shit, but I want emo/metal to come back
Anarcho-Prims pls go
Just to clarify, this song is powerviolence, i'm not claiming that it is old school hardcore.
What i meant by old school hardcore (more precisely old school european hardcore) with metal influences was this
>this is punk influenced
Degeneracy doesn't exist, it's called human nature and you christcucks need to get with the fucking program already.
it's sad that the emo girls of our teenage years are now all fat feminist tumblrinas who virtue signal on twitter about how much they want to see whites eradicated
>bathory wasn't punk
Loving this delusion, Quorthon literally got their sound from combining Venom/Motorhead with crust punk. Bathory is punk-metal garbage and Quorthon's a talentless hack.
Bathory fucking sounds like 80s crust punk with thrash metal riffs and screeching.
>Bolt Thrower
Ahahaha you really couldn't have picked a worse example, could you? Bolt Thrower's first few albums were notorious among the death metal scene for being noticeably crust punk influenced, not to mention death metal in all of its forms branched off from thrash metal, which was a combination of thrashcore (a punk subgenre) and speed metal.
Nice try though.
Quorthon literally got his**** sound.
Openly pagan.
Yeah that guy (who I've never fucking heard of until just now) represents all the practitioners and fans of "metal" whatever that means...I'm assuming loud crunchy power chords and lots of screaming.
I guess metal predicted that the Scandinavian countries would become slaves to black dick
>this shitty thread again
Kikes fear another metal insurgence so they're trying to taint it again.
>right now looks like any random dude in a power metal band
but that's what it is user
Do you have labels for your labels? You know, do you label labels?
>yes goy we are all animals after all
Being human means being more than reverting to base instinct you kike.
I'm talking about the sound not the history you cretin
>durr according to my charts they were influenced by an obscure sub-genre of punk 15 years before this album was written
Do you think Metallica's "Reload" is punk-influenced?
Nu-Metal is true metal.
I love brendon small as a guitar player but what the heck are you doing man?
This is part of the reason I stay aware from social media. i'm a little afraid to find out someone I like is a hyper liberal
Just a reminder to all you nu-males that proper metal sounds like this. Notice the lack of any punk influence.
Everything from Metallica is punk influenced by the virtue of them being thrash metal. Thrash metal is a punk+metal hybrid subgenre.
>implying that this youtube.com
If you say so, i guess...
Nah they are about to hit the wall and are either in their second unhappy marriage and desperately trying to find some beta fool. Can't go on twitter talking about identity politics if you are looking for somebody with money.
>muh dik
Because any idiot that picks up a guitar can play dropped E chug chugga chug chugga chug
gr8 b8 m8
Meanwhile Lars the bitch boy Ulrich vowed to move back to Norway if Trump won and hasn't made good on his vow.