So why cant we have a one world government?

>no more wars
>a single unit of currency
>one set of laws
>one world id
>no borders
>all our resources pooled together
>one leader

I'm just not seeing the benefit of tribalism anymore. Since we will probably have warp drive within a decade, I think it would be best if we took to the stars as a unified people. We will need a strong leader to represent us to the galactic neighborhood, I'm thinking that Justin Trudeau would be the best candidate. His commitment to advancing humanity speaks for itself.

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This government would need a military, who would they fight?

Also this is low quality bait

Go choke on a bag of baby dicks, Shlomo. You (((NWO))) bastards want this.

Most of the world are cannable Chinese and slave owning Indians.

You look around your little America town and think everyone is just like you.

No. The World is fucked. Outside America, it's absolutely fucked. We have borders to keep the fuck out of America.

Everyone in Star Trek is a Jew. They have an ethnostate, and they're propagandizing that YOU can't.

>why can't we have a one world government?
Niggers. Same reason as always.

We need universal basic income more than anything. For now though I am happy living off the taxes of wagecucks.

i mean every word of it. we would need a global police force but not a military

we could have of had a one world government already but you guys screwed it up

i believe that people are inherently good but often misguided. a unified earth would give people alternatives to being cannibals and slave owners