Where were you when Trudeau became /ourguy/?
Where were you when Trudeau became /ourguy/?
Natleaf revolution when?
if you kill your enemies they win
I could fucking kiss him right now
Day of the rake postponed indefinitely for /ourleaf/. Praise kek. Check 'em.
It's already begun... and Trudeau is leading the charge.
Also in prior thread someone leaked video of him pipecleaning some thotts throat back in college. 100% Chad.
he probably saw the pepe meme and followed the trail back to us and got redpilled
welcome to the bureau, prime minister
i almost wonder if he is a secret good goy.
City people all voted for Trudeau.
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Harper.
Wonder what caused this sudden shift. Was it because he was being called the most cucked of cucks when it comes to leaders?
No he's just one of those scumbag politicians that says whatever is popular at the time.
Back in 2015 all that SJW cringe was pretty prolific all over Canada. Now suddenly it's not and suddenly he's like
>wtf I'm a nationalist now
Seriously, what the shit happened.
Someone blackmailing him?
Trying to stop it being one of Trump's successes?
Or did joining open their books up to outside eyes, possibly revealing just how much money they give to new arrival muslims?
you're a fucking retard
>Sajjan's face there
>I quit the military for this shit?
Macron is one thing, but Trudeau too?
Some drawfag needs to make a comic of Trudeau and Trump shaking hands and pledging to Make North America Great Again in order to trigger all the leftycucks
>timelines got all fucked up again
can't complain I guess
It's nice that he goes out of his way to support gay people I think, but then again I'm not an "alt-right" crybabby manchild like most of this board.
He's more secure in his sexuality than you lot, that's for sure.
How tight do you think Sajjan was clenching his ass cheeks in that crowd?
I was fapping
oh fuck the timelines are merging.
>Canada thread makes it to 25 replies before it starts sliding
We relevant now boys!
Gibs examples plzz
>tfw we get a Trudeau redemption arc
Will he join Soarin' Ted among the ascended?
I can already picture it, the two joining forces during the final battle.
Trudea in 2015:
>I'm a feminischt
Trudeau in 2017:
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
>Canada has no culture
>Canada's culture is whatever the immigrants decide it is
>we need to defend our culture against globalization
what the fuck did he learn in Vietnam?