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nah way ahead of you m8 check the comments, make christmas white again

3 ads? Doesn't seem like much for such a large population

it's over lads

obviously or you would be outside doing something about it

Ebay UK Christmas advert released today

this all has to be planned surely

This is what happens when you have BME kids study marketing and infiltrate the vision for campaigns. They haven't a fucking clue what UK life is like inside their shit hamlet borough in London.

If they want to show real Britain then have Cornish people, some extreme Scots, Farmers, Fishers, bankers, the white van man and some BME London student.

If they want to show their kind of diversity and at least be accurate white man with indian girl or black african with a poor English accent and a Polish hag.

You're not showing diversity and inclusion by thinking this is how things are, you're doing the exact opposite.

lol man... I know people meme and all, but what happened to you brits

Shut up kike.

>tfw that cherrios commerical started this in America

>Tide turning against them
>Force it even more
This has never ended well for the Jews.

my #cuckedforchristmas comment was removed

All these black guys are smiling. Three in a row, like a jackpot. Really rare.

It works. I heard London white girls are totally being blacked.

nice try but we all know there is no white people in london

lmfao respect for holding their line in the sand on white genocide

>White Girls

Blow up your local ‘gog


It's like a containment, the only white person I've seen this year was in a KFC (No joke).

>It's like a containment
except there's literally nothing stopping them from spreading so it really isn't

We should have sailed over to England and occupied you fucks.
You britcucks had everything going for you.

>pagan/christian holiday
>put a burger ornament on the tree
>now it's a pagan/christian/consumerist/athiest holiday

Whoa user it's the "Holidays" remember?

I make a troll post, some arab gets mad, his avatar literally says Manchester University
LOL Brits are literally all pakis these days?

The comments are red pilled as fuck. Kind of white pilling desu.

I wish that :

had cucked instead of want, would be top kek material.

you bongs need to stop getting triggered over an ad

Manchester United. Football team.





Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

White women, and chimps are the only thing that fall for advertising. Of course they are going to market to rubes.


it's the London disconnect. The people who make these all live and work in London. They think the rest of the UK is the same as inside London.

>White total: 59.8

>Washington, D.C.
>White total: 43.6
>Niggers: 49.0

Ads are literal tools of subversion
if they can't get mad at ads, what's the point?

This is going to redpill white men though, believe me. Even when I think back to my old innocent self, if I picked up on this pattern I'd definitely question it, google it, and probably end up here. Silver lining. But yeah regardless fuck kikes and niggers.

and one more note I'd like to share: You ever notice in these trendy cosmopolitan int'l companies' commercials, the white girl is always in charge of the money and is always in charge of the negroid BF/FWB. There is one shred of truth in these commercials, it's that white girls love accumulating tons of bullshit in their one-bedroom apartments; they'll plaster every square inch of wall space with asinine "eat love pray" bullshit before they even think about moving to a new, rent-free place.

>If they want to show real Britain then have Cornish people, some extreme Scots, Farmers, Fishers, bankers, the white van man and some BME London student.
They want to show the people who are going to buy their product. Plain and simple.

>fill your cart with colour

They're not even attempting to hide it anymore.

White women deserve bigger dicks and only black men have them.

all I want for Christmas is a BBC for my flabby English TWAT

Niggers in the US aren’t foreigners anymore than whites are tho

>t. nigger

With adverts or games, anything of the sort; you associate yourself to the protagonist, most people do. JLs audience is white, middle class, wealthy, and not from London. Definitely not mixed.

Their will be much lower emotional response, sales et al with this kind of showing. The average normal working white middle aged shopper just won't be responsive to a family they just are not. Most of their audience only associate BM WM to the youth or unemployed immigrants.

ahahhahhahaahahhahaa. bloody kek.

Nobody lives in D.C. Now if you're talking about Maryland and New York

They could have used real english women


It is actually pleasant to watch UK demographics irreversibly destroy itself.
That's what you get for selling out rest of Europe.
Guess, you should have listened to all of those peace offers, eh?

Yes, let's have a look at NYC.
>White total: 44.0
oh fugg

>made by people who think the whole of the UK is a mirror of London

What do we have to do to combat the (((entertainment menace)))

You're low test if you wouldn't fuck her

(((they're))) going all out

You gotta admit, its kinda hot thinking about the sheer number of white women who are going to cap off Christmas night with a black cock in their mouth, thanks to their caged white hubbies providing them with a freshly prep'd, erect black bull, straight from Africa, for their Christmas present.

NYC here. It's a fucking disaster zone everywhere. On the upside being a semi-attractive 1st generation white/blonde Eastern European immigrant makes me pretty desirable among all the Latinas, Asians and mixed race mongrel chicks. The hierarchy exists more so now.

Lots of Arabs all around the world support our football teams. They're all owned by Arabs too anyway.

this is what really happens when you date blacks


Take off the meme flag Achmed.

And isn't it? Racemixing is rife across the UK.

ITT: mad white cucks

Sounds like a sad existence.

>Fill your Cart With Colour.

This isn't happening...

No seriously, London is a shithole
>Pictured: Map showing the percentage of the population born outside England according to the 2011 census.

kill me

lol mainland fags get B L A C K E D


>Wot do?
Black wiminz hate this sheeeeit even more than white men do. Seriously Sup Forums we need to rile up da sistas and have them start a massive boycott of these (((British))) department stores. Once black women get involved this will turn into an epic racial shit storm.
>white women are taking our best men blah blah

>Fill your cart with color
fugg they can't even be subtle


After a while you learn to joke about it.
It makes it easier...

Washington DC is 49% black. Not 49% non white. 49% black.
All of your top 5 biggest cities are majority non white,
London is our least white city and is still 60% white

why are there never ads for white man black woman?

No mixed race marriages are less than 10%

It's always white woman + any man. Bit depressing for non-white woman to be honest.

It's like advertisers all pretty much came up with the same idea. Probably because of trumpism, they think they're making a bold political statement.

I don't think even lefties can ignore this. It's completely crazy.

Morrison's has you covered senpai
Still no WMWF tho...

It's what's trendy now, at least that's what google tells them...

this is the most blatant confirmation that big corporations are colluding to commit psychosocial warfare and sedition against White people. it's like gamergate.

this should be illegal. can we take this up in court in some way?

Not even London is like that.

Certainly not as rosy or as middle class. These adverts are idealised views of how they imagine a plural utopian society.

Reality is more grim and less romantic.

Yah most people, especially women, see this but don't see anything wrong with it. Even I don't see much wrong with it until I realised I seen it all the fucking time.

Asda has a white girl with her white granddad, better than nothing I guess

welcome to hell
welcome to hell

>showing white women in positive, particularly heightened emotional situations with black men, in the (((msm))) is a hypnotic technique known as “anchoring”.
You can anchor negative emotions to things just as easily, say if you want to quit smoking, you would have imagery of disgusting things linked to cigarettes. That’s why they put cancerous images on the fag packets these days..however if your really addicted all that will happen is you will end up seeing negative images as positive ones. Kinda like the gore posts, that some of you seem to enjoy so much.
The fact they are amping up this race mixing shit at the most emotionally charged time of the year, is absolutely designed to have a deep psychological effect and anchor positive joyful emotions to black men.
It’s not as simplistic as (((they))) are “trying” to promote racemixing, they ARE actually causing it to happen by brainwashing and manipulating women into it.

jesus christ this is peak jew

>mfw you realize you will get to see Kristalnacht happen again

remember 28 weeks later? remember how trying to contain things in london always turns out?


hey that movie had racemixing in it too, it was the first time I realized there were colored english people
the first movie I mean

fuck off tyrone




Silly goyim.

The UK has always been a mixed nation. just look at your updated history books.

all wh*te women want for christmas is BBC


more like be apart of