Battle of the Nations 1444

573 years ago on this date the Battle of Varna also known as the Varna Crusade or Battle of the Nations took place in Bulgaria.

It was the first organized attempt to push back the T*rks off the Balkan peninsula and free the recently conquered Bulgaria. It failed and they rampaged and enslaved/vassalized all the Balkans and parts of Central Europe until they were stopped centuries later at the gates of Vienna.

20 000 Christian Europeans lead by the Polish-Hungarain King Władysław III (known as Władysław of Varna after this battle) and commanded by the Hungarian noble and general John Hunyadi faced off against 60 000 orks... I mean roaches.... I mean t*rks on the fields of Eastern Bulgaria.

Soldiers from:
Bulgaria (literally doing a last stand for their conquered homeland)
Rusyns or Ruthenes (Russian speaking tribes form the Carpathian region)

Crusaders sent personally by pope Eugene IV
Teutonic Knights
Various western european knights

This is why we will forever be friends with Poland and Hungary. Many things can be forgotten, but debts in blood are not. John Hunyadi sold his own lands to raise money for the army, thousands of Christians died in an attempt not to get rich not to get land, but to free their Christian Bulgarian brothers and sisters. We had big celebrations and official ceremonies today in front of Wladyslaw and John Hunyadi's memorials park and statues.

We lost, but we stood together and fought the roaches as one. Pay your respect to the fallen heroes.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Facing the desperate circumstance the king, seeing the experienced Hunyadi fight and break the Sipahi cavalry, decided to gamble and directly attack the sultan, who was protected by the guard cavalry and formidable Janissary infantry. The young king was killed while personally leading his own 500-strong royal Polish heavy cavalry company, his charge losing impetus and coming to a standstill amongst the unyielding Janissaries protecting the sultan. The Janissaries killed the king's bodyguard and beheaded Władysław, displaying his head on a pole.

>The young king was killed while personally leading his own 500-strong royal Polish heavy cavalry company


Fucking bump

Thanks bro, but looks like no one is interested in history. Queue the trap and shill threads.

Do it again Kara Boga.

The fuck? Albozerg detected!

haha what?Albozergs tried to help you literally 2 years latter,it is even mentioned in your article.

I mean, no way a Serb would cheer for the roaches. If the Varna Crusade had been successful you would have been freed as well.

>This is why we will forever be friends with Poland and Hungary.
And yet you will always be traitors Russia and enemy in every big war. Country which actually liberated you.

Hmm?We where pretty free at the time,sorry to disappoint you.On the other hand if Bulgaria was freed,what would happen?Another5-6 invasions?No thanks.Ottomans at least brought some good food,so yeah,i would take Roaches over Vulgarians any day.

I don't understand this kind of attitude. We have always been brothers and friendly. Like 99% of the people here are pro-Russia. I dont know what your problem is, but it's a recent thing. No Russian would have aid such terrible words 20 years ago.

You were already ha;f enslaved and the other half followed soon after. Don't be ignorant.

NZ here, I have no greater brother than he who steps on roaches, one day we will all unite in our shared vision of Ultimate Pest Control

got a visa into turkey. father in law talked to border guy and told him where we were going by its bulgarian name instead of its stolen name. guard refused to let us in until father in law gave in. he was heated, you guys should take it back.

You lost and now your country is irrelevant

We where Vassals to Hungary which was not biggie,and what the devil are you on about.Entire Mainland Serbia was free.In fact it was a bit Greater at the time,since it had Southern territories like Leskovac.

that is our resident fake-serb shitposter, he is a well known shill

Wow thanks for posting this, the roach will have a field day with this one. I give it 4 minutes before he comes here and starts laughing at you "Balkan rapebabies".

>Diaspora calling anybody fake
I just have plenty of Unorthodox opinions for a Serb.You on the other hand have already fucked off.

Ah that explains it. When I see a Serb defending the roaches I assume it's a Kosovo albozerg

Kosovo has an Albanian IP by now,so that argument goes out of the window.

maybe i'm confusing you with somebody else then, you have the exact same typing style

Poland had some badass army back than

Even so, you are clearly an Albanian.

Source: no Serb will ever stand with a roach.

Probably not,like i said my opinions are unorthodox for Serbs.You could have seen me posting before,and have proclaimed me a shill.But hey,what is there to argue about in this,do you see any Serbs fighting in OP's link?Of course not,it was not in their interest at all.So by your logic,entire Medieval Serbia was shilling kek.

That;s pretty based.

Expect Lazarevic,Brankovic,Angelovic,Mihajlo Latas etc.Fucking lmao @ your life.

>t. shiptar

How similar is the Bulgarian language to Russian?

Ne lupetaj,Kamen,svi Siptari na Sup Forums-u shilluju da nisu Muslimani.

Very. We gave them the slavic alphabet. Bulgarian is harder and sharper, Russian is more flowing and soft.

We can understand each other without learning the other language altho not easily.

I've never heard of this so I'm pretty sure it's not important


I give you a pass cuz when I was in the US I met some very well-read and intelligent people.


Indeed,the only important thing about this Battle is that is the starting Point of EU4 lmao.

Your a Half-breed?How disgusting.

>being proud of losers
lmfao how pathetic can europoors be?

It's part of the reason why mudslimes are everywhere

Thanks mate

The fallen heroes deserved recognition for selflessly marching to fight the roach hordes.

If not for the Venetian merchant betrayal we could have won.

Another bump from pic related. Hail to my brave Slavs and those who helped them.

I't better to fight and die than submit to defeat and slowly die on your knees while getting more stupid and fat, Jose.

In two generations most of US territory will look like a mix of Mexico and Brazil. I'm not sure why are you happy and self-confident, Daquan.

>fighting for spoils

Did you bother reading about the battle? No? Shut your whore mouth then. The army came to free us and push back the roaches not to fight for spoils or land.

Polish hussars raped the ottomans so hard in this battle.

Actually according to portugal legend he became a pilgrim and moved to Portugal, where he married some Portugal magnate's daughter who gave him a son. This son was Columb.

Wladislaus, Dei gracia rex Polonie, Hungarie, Dalmacie, Croacie, Rascie, Bulgarie, Sclavonie, nec non terrarum Cracovie, Sandomirie, Lancicie, Syradie, Cuyavie, Lythuanie princeps suppremus, Pomeranie, Russieque dominus et heres etc.

if we had winged hussars back then, the world might be a different place

poor fucking Władysław
growing up he must have heard such wonders about 1410... about his father and his grand victory - no wonder he went all or nothing


Fucking Venetians. The original merchants. 1204, never forget.

14 of November, 99 years ago my grandad marched in to Mosul. The end of the Mesopotamian campaign, that finished the Turks and the ottoman empire.
Well done grandad.