The sharpest edge

He got his face blown off.
She married him out of guilt.
She divorced him.
He committed suicide.

Mocking the Military: The Sharpest Edge

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Fuck you

did he finaly kill himself? thats sad.
I heard he was mowing lawns.

nah, he offed himself.
He looked like Krang.

>Murdering parents of peasant children so niggers can fatten them up with corn syrup.
Be all that you can be.

I have British ones too, want some?

People who willingly join the (((military))) deserve to be horribly mutilated

American military are some of the most entitled, obnoxious and god awful people on the planet. Nothing makes me happier than a servant of Israel getting a rude awakening.

>inb4 hur say that to my face fucker

He deserved it desu

no no, they have "honor"!


How does it feel to be a subhuman nigger with no empathy?

butthurt jew

>> How does it feel to be a subhuman nigger with no empathy?

Let me guess, you joined up to be all that you could be?

Why do you make stuff up user

>On October 7, 2006, shortly after discharge from the hospital, Tyler Ziegel married Renée Kline, whom he met before being sent to Iraq. A year after the wedding Ziegel and Kline divorced. The reason for the divorce, according to them, was the haste with which they were married, and ill-considered decision to marry.

>In early May 2013, after an investigation of Ziegel's death, Peoria County Coroner Johnna Ingersoll said that death was caused by alcohol and drug intoxication, not by the fall. The analysis showed that Ziegel had a blood alcohol level of .123 and a level of morphine indicating the presence of heroin was 540 ng/ml.

The reward for serving ZOG

Wom*n are as bad as niggers

This could have happened to a guy work with water heaters. Fishermen and men who work on the roads take more risk and are more often disfigured.

How does it feel to do the bidding of fat perverted kikes like pic related?

That was the cover story his family made up.
It was a suicide.
Google it.

Cry more Fareed.

>getting your face blown off for Israel

Some gave all.
I gave none.

They lost limbs.
I didn't.

Is that his bride again with the scissors ? God, men are just an accessory to women. Her accessory was no longer comely so she discarded it


fuck the marines

t. U.S. Navy veteran

Join the military.
You'll be a "hero".

Get the next crop of goyim ready. War is the Jew harvest.

Fuck the Navy too.
Bunch of fags.

Looks like she porked up quick.
Good for him that she divorced
He'd have better luck on POF

>mfw another sand nigger/socialist circle jerk thread

Before picture.

>cuckistani hates men
wow what a surprise

Wait are you trying to refute him or back up his claims? Because that greenest sounds like the P.C. version of what the OP said. If you drink and do drugs on purpose until you fucking die I'm pretty sure that's a suicide.

His face should be printed on all US currency for the next century.

So by your logic I should go into mcdonalds and SHIT ALL OVER the minimum wage worker bc I dont agree with Mcds policies? This is how retarded you are when you attack service members, youre fucking disgusting. You act like day 2 in basic they pull out the truth of 911 and let you meet your Jewish overlords, like everyone knows already and yet they do it anyways bc logic

Babykillers deserve a worse fate desu

Oh, and he was a good goy

hell awaits you.
see you there op.

Pizza boy burned for Israel


You should be proud of him for putting his life at risk and getting his face blown off for Israel!

there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to serve your country out of patriotism, most americans do not know that they are slaves to israel.

Seriously, after every fucking war America thought, there'd been crippled and amputeted veterans, saying the military dropped them, they don't get pensions or not enough, saying the feel neglected by the government.

After every fucking war.

Why are dumbshits still stupid enough to sign on in the next generation?

He lost both testicles and his penis skin was ripped off.

His girlfriend said she was upset he wasn't into sex anymore.

While you go "honor the troops", I'll take my paid day off work haha


Bet he never asked for sympathy, unlike those of you who feel they personally lost the election. He knew there were only two genders

This is the cost of Israel’s foreign policy goals.

Why do you equate doing jumping jacks in the military with serving your country?

I hope she doesn’t hit him up for alimony... that would be beyond low

no keyboard or what?

Whazza matter smoothskin, never seen a ghoul before?

He killed little children with no remorse so the rich kikes back home can get richer! What a hero!

He just didn’t wait long enough. In 15-20 years there will be crazy technology in plastic surgery. The aging boomers will make plastic surgery a multi billion dollar industry

Defend America, don't attack for Israel.

He knew what he was getting himself into.

Poor guy. I feel bad for him. But I still find this funny

go die for the Jews!
>seriously, you'll be a HERO
>people will have so MUCH RESPEK 4 U
fuck you if you expect me to respect you. you are a moron that catches bullets for rich kikes. you are the dumbest motherfucker to believe the "honor" lie.
>enjoy having your entire life wasted in service of wealthy strangers that will never care you existed.

gotta love how she packed on the pounds. she can't even pretend to give a fuck/

they are brother and sister?

You are the WOKEST bro, 10,000 \pol points to you

Spotted the nigger

>10,000 \pol points to you
no thanks, cryptocurrency is a scam

He's right you faggot, being a soldier is an honorable thing. Being a modern American soldier isn't though

Man this place is being spammed by anti-military and pro-muslim shit today...

>being a soldier is an honorable thing
to protect yours and theirs
>not to protect "muh country"

>muh jews
>haha i'm ok

all of your scared motherfuckers, lel, just say you are were too scared to fight in the war of your generation, just fucking say it. nobody believes you when you rant like this, you were men and you pussied out, a lot of people do. just admit you are a pussy and if ISIS came to your town you would convert immediately and let some saudi prince marry off all your sisters to his family. you crack me up, you really do.

But muh military, muh patriotism, serving muh country

Stfu kike

For every one that's left crippled one thousand see little to no action, sustain no injures and get a free ride through college. If your options are a life of debt slavery or a 1 in 1000 chance at crippling injuries to avoid it, some people take the chance.

>tyler (((zeigel)))

>a guy who had his face burned off looks like a monster from a video game.

Yeah. Hilarious.

I was a 35M in the army. I worked a lot with all forces. I fucking loved working with the baby. They were always the most chill competent people.

If he was actually defending his country, it would be very sad.
However, getting hurt while fighting imperialist wars is not heroism. He was in someone else's country, he wasn't defending his family and his people from imminent and clear threat.
I do feel sad his life was ruined, it's only human, but that's how it is. Calling these people heroes is insult to real heroes. They are more like mercenaries.


he was a war hero. but for the locusts. come on, you laughed. I'll admit I did, even though I feel bad about it.

That's what happens when you kill innocent woman and children while working for the Jews.

I have no idea what you're referencing and I really don't want to know because it sounds retarded.

OP reeks of the dumpster diving street kid ANTIFA type

Navy* fucking autocorrect

>say you are were too scared to fight in the war of your generation
yep. im a coward. your a big manly man. please go catch bullets for kikes.

Some sick shit here

The military/vets and law enforcement voted overwhelmingly for Trump.

How does it feel knowing that not a single person alive respects you?

I want to cry everytime i see this story.

Whatever. I respect people who serve in the military, but come on, nothing is above joking about here. If you're that sensitive, then what are you even doing here?

haha, you tell people it's because of the jews that you bitched out of the last war and they just smile at you knowing that you are pathetic. i love these threads, so much butthurt. so many people that can't admit they are afraid of combat. do you take little excursions to dangerous parts of the world? do you larp as some kind of white nationalist ss trooper like in star wars? please, keep it up, the rest of us need some comic relief in our lives. nothing is more entertaining than pussies making excuses for why they are pussies. so far my generation has the best one yet, the hippies just said they wanted to be commies and they wanted peace. but you? you say hitler was right and cling to some poindexter doctor named ron paul. a thin, emaciated, pussy, whose son just got his shit rocked by his neighbor while he was GARDENING lol. Meanwhile you shitpost about why women don't like you all day, you shitpost about how muslims are taking them from you HAHA, it's because you are all pussies.


I still remember smoking a marine recruiter who came to our high school at pull ups and him getting genuinely butthurt about it. They're all fags.

i love when communist shitskins try to deflect. get gassed nigger

At least he's now whiter than he was. Not a bad deal

It's not a "free ride through college". That is part of what they earn. That's like saying you get free money because you go to work. They also have to apply themselves through college just like any student.
And what makes military personnel honorable isn't if they get injured or not. They're honorable because for their job/career, they decided to serve the country. They could be doing the same job as any mechanic, chef, doctor, etc. but they're doing it in direct service of the country. They are bound by contract and they also must remain within a standard of conduct to be allowed to remain in the military

There's nothing better than seeing amerifags get fucked.

>can't admit they are afraid of combat
Sounds like a whole lotta projection shlomo. No one here wants to die for Israel. No one said they wouldn't die to free America.

yes, i bet you still remember that.

> in high school i was so based and was captain

now youre just a dumb, washed up nigger talking about your high school achievements on the internet

>there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to serve your country out of patriotism
There is when you're an american

Is this the Bacon boy from Bush?

He didn't deflect. He addressed the points and then called you out for being a kike. America hasn't been in a proper war since WWII. Jew retard.

Wow that's impressive that a high school teen could out pull-up a 30+ year old man who works an office job

>they decided to serve the country
A country that has only started unjust aggressive wars against other countries.
No honor there.