Is there anymore of a useless cum rag than a roastie that doesn't want to have kids? Women go through life on TRAINING WHEELS, given all of the rights and protections in order to enable them to fufill their one biological purpose in life: to have children.
>Be me, 30 years old >Get drunken facetime from college friend, she's shit faced in Dublin and "finding" herself as she travels Europe >Bring up the fact that she should get her shit togeather, ask when she's going to start a family >Deflects, asks when am I going to have a family >MF, I'm not the one on the clock >"IDK, maybe when I'm 37 or so I'm still young lol" Found out she's had so many cocks go through her that she may actually be sterile already. Roasties are fucking disgusting and useless. Starting to understand why the church used to brand them with scarlet letters
I honestly don't think women realize how much value they lose to us when they are open about how much they sleep around, like they have been so brainwashed by feminism that they don't get: 9 women and 1 man= 9 babies every 9 months, 9 men and 1 women= 1 mystery meat baby every 9 months
Colton Gomez
Our society is becoming incredibly self-centered and immature. This is a self correcting problem as a woman stupid enough to wait until she's 40 to have kids is going to either, as you said, be sterile or be punished with birth defects or autism.
Christian Collins
>Maybe when im 37 >Kids turn out to be retards
Leo Wood
It doesnt matter why. Fewer goyim cattle are bred when roasties dont settle down. we will win thw white genocide battle.
Ryder Anderson
New drug resistant STI's are going to eliminate roasties, quickly. Something like 80% of women already have some type of HPV, and Ghonoriah now has strands that can't be treated with anti biotics
Grayson Watson
>This is a self correcting problem as a woman stupid enough to wait until she's 40 to have kids is going to either, as you said, be sterile or be punished with birth defects or autism.
yeah except the liberal elite globalists dont give a fuck
they will just open the flood gates and let millions of shitskin mudslimes in that completely replace our culture
you arnt wrong, but the logical conclusion of your point is that we either remove womens rights or whites go extinct
Cameron White
To answer your question OP. College and getting roasties into the workforce so Mr. Shekelbergstein can pay less for human resources and make more profits