How Putin is using Hungary to destroy Europe

*sips paprika*

Breve resumo, OP? Estou com preguiça de ler.

Reminder that white nationalism is divisive and it should be stopped immediately. It's probably also funded by Russia.

Funding Hungary's alt-right government and xenophobia

Reminder that Communism is trying to kill everything worth being proud of

Thats a good thing, right?

>Reminder that white nationalism is divisive and it should be stopped immediately.
Reminder that not working for the advantage of our ethnic group while ALL OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS ARE is a needless, wasteful disadvantage to put ourselves at

meh you can't cuck up Europe more than the Americans are doing now.

>In the beginning of the anti-Soros campaign, Viktor Szigetvári, who is chairman of the National Political Council of Egyutt, an opposition party, participated in televised debates with Szilard Nemeth, deputy leader of the ruling Fidesz party. Szigetvári asked the official about Hungary’s anti-Semitic attack on the world’s most famous philanthropist.
>“I said in a live interview that at the end of the day the attack was all about Jews, that the narrative and symbolic context of the campaign resembles the narrative of the 1930s, that the campaign inspires violence, and alt-right aggression,” Szigetvári recalled. “But the Fidesz deputy leader just stood up and walked out of the live show.”
>Hungarian liberals struggled to put an end to hate speech against Soros and refugees that is unacceptable for Europe. Many young people in Hungary, who came out to rallies in support of Soros, want to see the philanthropist remembered for his help, for billions of dollars he donated for decades to develop education, culture, and science in Hungary.

T. non-country

This is true but telegraphing your moves is fucking stupid unless you are in a position of undeniable strength which is not at all the case anymore. There is a reason the jews stay under the radar.

>unacceptable for Europe
The delusion of liberals.

>everything I dont like is a russian spy!

Fucking hell, westfags are so cucked they cant even imagine a small country standing up for their ethnic and cultural unity. It is literally impossible to comprehend for them that you can just NOT surrender voluntarily but actually resist and put up a good fight. No, it must be the works of the insidious cyka boris vodkanoff!

Just fucking die already.

Black market.
This!!! American are responsible for the european refugee crisis.

>>Walk around the streets of Budapest today and you will hardly meet any refugees from the Middle East or Africa. What you will see is the face of George Soros on every bus stop brilliantly illuminated day and night next to seven questions addressed to the people of Hungary about a so-called Soros Plan, which allegedly entails opening European borders to millions of refugees.

Yeah, what a horrible existence, just send me 20.000 muslim cocks and an iced latte, please.

What absolute bullshit.

>But the government is unmoved. “Look at the world around you: It is not liberal; We are here to stop liberals from monopolizing everything, as if they alone created the rule of law and the elections,” Zoltan Kovacs, a government spokesman, told The Daily Beast.
>So militant is Hungary’s anti-liberal stand that it may even have inspired the Kremlin’s agents, both in Europe and at home. “We take Orban’s right-wing party as an example for our ideal policy,” says Leonid Reshetnikov, a retired lieutenant general of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. “Unlike Hungary, Russia still has not created a strong right-wing party.”
>These days Reshetnikov is chairman of the board of Tsargrad TV, a channel created in 2015 by Russian far-right nationalist Alexander Dugin and Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev (both currently under U.S. sanctions). Tsargrad’s mission is to support the anti-Kiev and anti-Western rebel movement in Donbas. The channel now claims more than 10 million viewers.
>“In our Orthodox circles, Soros is also considered Satan,” Reshetnikov said with a little laughter. “Tsargrad is happy to cover the brave and thoughtful Hungarian policy, it is a beacon in the largely failing European Union.”

Make sure to comment there too Boris

Self hating burger detected

>*sips paprika*

Dear god what have you done

something new

A little off topic but who cares since this is a slide thread. Why does Sup Forums suddenly think not only Americans but Slavs and Magyars aren't white? Is it just shill d&c?

OP is a Jew

That's plain bullshit though, I go trough the city centre every week, and area of the Eastern Train Station is full of niggers, arabs, and chinks, and I don't mean the immediate area only, but like, in a radius of 2 kilometers. The 8th district was already enriched enough by gyppos, but now it's little Africa.