>Bulgaria is one of the few countries that saved their jews during WWII
>Russian government spokeswoman Zaharova recently remarked it was the Russian army that had saved them in a bid of revisionist history
>that triggered a mild diplomatic incident

This morning the monument celebrating fallen Russian soldiers in our capital was painted with graffiti saying the following:

>"6 000 000 lies"
>"crystal night"
>multiple nazi symbols and signs
>"Zajarova is a transvestite"
>"communism = judaism"
>"all communists in court"
>"kill all kikes"

The jewish community is Bulgaria was deeply troubled by the graffiti and made sure to voice their displeasure in the media.


Other urls found in this thread:






It was probably a fucking kike.

Hey rabbi watcha doing?


>in our capital
nice try мaйнa

What's a "Chifoot"?


C eдин и cъщи cпpeй.
He e тъпo дa cи лeceн...

Implying this wasn't made by a chifoot.

>mfw I had to google what crystal night meant

I don't think any of those punk nazis would create a night like that. That's why they just tagged something with it.

i pissed on your giant sword in the mountains at that castle. sorry, burger.

>Bulgaria is one of the few countries that saved their jews during WWII
Big mistake.
When will Slavs finally btfo all the kikes?

You should do some research in to the german civil war, and also ignore about half the shit on wikipedia.
In short, commies vs weimar republic and the commies where ruled and funded by jews.

>Russian government spokeswoman Zaharova recently remarked it was the Russian army that had saved them in a bid of revisionist history
The point the kike was making is that if it wasn't for the Red Army we would've handed over the Juden sooner or later, which we should have.
Кaкъв e пpoблeмa? Paвинa нямa дa хapчи пapи зa paзлични cпpeйoвe я...


>I don't think any of those punk nazis would create a night like that.
They would. Friendly reminder that not everyone on earth is as feminine as amerilards.
>Big mistake.
This. Jews kiked their way into the dumb Slavic goyim's head and the rest is history.
>When will Slavs finally btfo all the kikes?
Your country is ruled by kikes.

Sound much like typical leftist falseflaggery, desu.

>Bulgaria is one of the few countries that saved their jews during WWII
wtf bulgary

This, you can tell, is real. Unless Jews recently learned how to draw a proper swastika, that is...

Example of a fake

>Your country is ruled by kikes.
I know and yet everyone accepts it, even though they've brought ruin to this country.

Seriously though, this is pathetic. Slavs arguing over who saved the kikes. Should've gassed them all, when had a chance.

>"I am so outraged at the goyim. I feel a tear. Quick, where is the nearest camera?!!"

I don't doubt that it's real desu, it's possible because it made international news which evolved into a massive scandal, but it's not far-fetched that a bunch of skinheads drew this. You can't walk a mile without seeing a swastika here. Hell, there's at least two on my commie block.

It's red pills + A proper swastika. A jew, no matter how schlomo he is, would never write "6 gorillion lies." They write things like hale hortler, not "88."

>It's red pills
Nobody takes the lolohoax seriously around here. The only people who cry about the trillions are either commies or are getting paid. We saved the kikes during WWII so we're 100% guilt-free.
>A jew, no matter how schlomo he is, would never write "6 gorillion lies."
Talk to the Ukrainian about AЗOB. They're kike-funded neo-nazis. Your ex-president Kunta Kinte helped them out as well.

Sauce me on them being Jewish, I can use a translator on your moon runes if its not in the kings.

Truth speech is hate speech

The butthurt must have been epic.

>In April 2014 Kolomoyskyi offered a bounty for the capture of Russian-backed militants and incentives for the turning in of weapons.[38] He also is believed to have spent $10 million to create the Dnipro Battalion,[37][39] and also funds the Aidar, Azov, Dnepr 1, Dnepr 2, and Donbas volunteer battalions.

We will have another crystal night in America
No Jewish bakery will be safe from getting its windows smashed.

>>"6 000 000 lies"
>>"crystal night"
>>multiple nazi symbols and signs
>>"Zajarova is a transvestite"
>>"communism = judaism"
>>"all communists in court"
>>"kill all kikes"
wtf i love bulgaria now

A lot of "oy vey!" by the jewish community

and the commies, don't forget the commies


makes me sick