Other urls found in this thread:

>trying to pleasure someone you're paying to fuck
Just why. Stick your dick in and kick her out

>An escort in Washington state says she shot her client twice in the head
>When police were sent to check on him, he was found alive — slumped against a wall with dried blood on his head.

This. The romans knew what they were talking about when they considered cunnilingus the gayest act a man could perform. Even more so when you're paying for it. Even the guy who paid a tranny to rape him was less gay.

DEADWOOD: Episode 1 Season 1

>Eating out a whore

why the fuck would anyone do that

because he was a beta cuck mcfagface and wanted to taste jizz that was not his

>implying with the look of this girl, most wouldn't mind eating that girl out

do you believe everything you read?

That's why it's hot tho.

>Her public defender, Pooja Vaddadi
>Poo literally named Pooja

>paying to chew on a STDs-ridden wizard sleeve



can confirm, she shot me in the mouth our of her pussy

>i'm not a prostitute, i'm an escort
What's the difference?
>i'm a lot more expensive

I know someone that does this, he's overly-sexual and hedonistic. Combine that with being an awkward beta who can't speak to girls and you've got someone that eats out hookers

>things i want, other people must want

>paying to eat muff

For what bloody purpose?

You must be new to Sup Forums, if that concept is foreign to you

Undermensch post

>An escort in Washington state says she shot her client twice in the head — because he was lousy at oral sex
Absolutely the 'logic' a woman would use to justify her theft/attempted murder

What a fucking freak, I wouldn't go near him. You would probably get a disease.

Long as they take a shower

Why do they always blur the edges of pictures in these crime stories?

He should have expected it. That woman's face just screams crazy psychopath. Just look at those fucking crazy eyes and sadistic smile. I wouldn't put my balls anywhere near that thing.

Looks ugly and insane, how could he have chosen her, if he had money.

Because it's already edgy enough.

Who pays money to fuck this, let alone eat it out. WTF

>pay money for a hooker to eat her out
>get shot in the head twice and still live
>bullets don't actually match the gun that was present and stolen
This story is so retarded everyone involved deserves to get shot.

shes fucking ugly i wouldnt eat her pussy if it was free

Risk going to jail for bad oral sex
Literally why....oh....its a woman

btw, bottom article is about sean astin backing up cory feldman's claims

>calling a pimpled, unskilled, 21 year old street slut an "escort" because she posted an ad online

low quality/high quantity whores love it when john spends his fuck time eating or talking instead of pounding her cash cow

Finding gay shit hot is a psychological dysfunction brought on by an early childhood trauma usually involving sexual embarrassment coupled with ones inability to stand up for oneself and fight back at that point of the trauma.

Once the child develops into an adult after such an event, the child grows knowing tht they went through an embarassing time during the trauma, but develops a psychological “safety net” of thoughts to coddle them through their decision to not fight back. They rationalize their inability to act for their well being at the time as an indication that they “must’ve enjoyed it” or tht “they secretly wanted it” and they will go the rest of their lives getting gayer and gayer to prove to the world (and themselves, mostly) that the trauma they had gone through before was not trauma at all but was actually their “sexual blossoming”.

This kind of pathetic beta rationalization of learned helplessness is what has caused the gay pandemic in weak effeminate men and that’s why society needs to put a stop to pedophiles and other sexual predators. The psychology of the child has a great impact on their future development. We have a rampant, systematic, world-wide abuse of children going on at this moment and we need to start taking it seriously.

Thank god for pizzagate because it is our best hope of fixing this very issue.

I love that they're victim blaming the guy who got shot. If you hadn't been flashing money around you wouldn't have attractes this kind of negative attention. I mean it's true, don't do dumb shit around sleezy people, but the double standard is quite palpable.

>putting your mouth on a biological weapon
He was already dead, she just facilitated the process


>paying a whore to let you pleasure her

It's going to take a worldwide cleanse. We are awash in dopamine to such a degree that it's almost unfathomable. Asking people to give up their iPhones feels to most 20-somethings like asking someone to give up food 75 years ago would have. This too shall pass, but not before about as much cumulative human misery as has ever existed on this planet. Bring it on.

>eating hookers pussy

lawless increasing and hearts getting cold


>paid an escort $100 for 30 minutes the other day
>we talk for a little while when I arrive
>I place the money on a desk
>we go upstairs and she takes off her clothes
>she points to a guitar in the corner of the room and says “I just bought it, do you know how to play?”
>I say yes even though I’m a beginner
>pick it up and start trying to play
>it’s horribly out of tune
>pull out my phone and start tuning it with an app for several minutes, trying to get all the strings perfect
>prostitute looking increasingly annoyed and impatient
>as I’m tuning the last string she tries to grab the guitar out of my hand saying “okay that’s enough, let’s get started baby”
>tell her to sit down because I’m almost done
>finish tuning and play a really shoddy attempt at the Dust in the Wind intro
>put down the guitar and fuck the prostitute
>she is super dry and says she lost her lube bottle
>the condom broke and there’s period blood all over my dick

Never again

Editor wont let them get away with adding lens flare.

This country's the best.

that's literally a regular ass girl

how is she able to classify herself as an escort? does she have Double Ds?

t. Pooja

>eating out a hooker

>Wallen, who has an 11-month-old child, was ordered held on pending charges of first-degree assault, first-degree robbery and first-degree identity theft.

Lol eating out a mommy damaged whore

1/3 of them have the HIV man

Seriously. Eating pussy is for betas anyway. If you can't pleasure her with a hard pounding you're doing something wrong.

>Eating out STD infected prostitutes

She isn't that cute. You only eat out a girl you care about getting off. Some random white? Who cares?

Random whore rather

more like dust in the pussy amirite

Were teeth involved?

Honest question how could someone be bad at oral sex

post more on psychology, i am intrigued by you user

Not knowing what the clitoris is.

Well I washed my dick with antibacterial soap until it was raw immediately after. Then I went home and took a shower and again scrubbed it with soap. She was white though and the price seems too high for niggers to afford. I’m still gonna take an HIV test in a month

I remember seeing this exact same conversation here before, I don't remember when and on which board, but I swear to god I've seen this before.

I think I'm going crazy.

Nambu was 8mm.

>trying to serenade a prostitute
Come on man

maybe be better looking and she might be wet
next time

Should’ve played Wonderwall instead. Bitches love Wonderwall.

Check'd and kek'd.

You joke but she inexplicably turned the lights off halfway through our fuck session. I’m pretty sure it’s so that she could pretend I’m someone else

shes pretty cute. id eat her snatch too

What? A conversation on Sup Forums about the links between homosexuality and childhood trauma? With a relation to pizzagate? Unfathomable.


I fingered a hooker pretty rough that one time, am I beta, o wise chinkstralian chad-guru?

Fake news. That’s a scene from natural born killers

A whore junkie single mom robbed him, plain and simple.

>all these homosexuals ITT saying vagina is icky
driving my nose up and down that slit and giving it a lickaroo on every inch and then some makes my dick diamonds

'cause she didnt want you to see the A1 sauce, dude

No, I mean the same exact posts, I remember the guy talking about the romans and eating pussy, I remember another guy saying it's why it's so hot and then I remember a drawn out, really long response to it.

Now it's all here in front of me again. I swear to god i've seen it before.


Why would you voluntarily stick your face somewhere that thousands of penis's have been?

I’ve eaten hookers out bruv. It’s ok we all make mistakes in the heat of the moment. It can happen again as well if we are not vigilant.

Let us not think we are perfect beings.

>I remember seeing this exact same conversation here before, I don't remember when and on which board, but I swear to god I've seen this before.

Could be pasta or just something that repeats itself every now and then. It is well known that munching carpet was pretty much least masculine thing man could do in Rome.

>21 years old
>so sexually perverted she even kills man
>mfw this whores say sexual liberation does no harm

After I came inside her she freaked out and started asking me if I have AIDS. After I assured her I don’t (yet) she started telling me she feels we have a connection now that I came inside her and she “felt my energy.” And the fact that we are coincidentally the same age (24) and our horoscopes are both Leo. She said now she is starting to feel “some type of way” for me. I don’t believe any of the new age bullshit but I imagine some actually fall for her lies

Under-rated Post, have my checkem, pic related.

>According to documents, the man “had been hiring female escorts and frequenting a strip club in Seattle, where he was bragging about how much money he earned and belongings he had at his house.

The absolute state of a fucking white male

The romans also thought the manliest act you could do was to get a gay blowjob.

But it's shown in porn! Even BBC cuckold porn! I want to prove myself worthy of stronk independent womyn who don't need no man, I have to pleasure them or they will laugh and make me feel even more inferior than I feel already, I can't have that. Wherever I go, I must orbit and submit.

honestly she probably got off on it, killing a dude while he eats her out.

how is fingering a hooker's pussy a mistake, I get my hands dirty all the time
has nothing to do with sticking your mouth in there

Pompeii Graffiti:
Theophilus, don't perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog. III.5.4 (exterior of a small house)

Really America?

It’s deja vu m8. Your hippocampus desync’d with the rest of your brain due to an anomalous spike of activity within or around the structure.

If you have déjà vu a lot, go see a doctor and do an EEG test to make sure your brain activity is normal and you don’t have too many spikes. If you have lots of spikes it could mean you are prone to seizures and could have something worse (like schizophrenia).

t. had brain problems as a kid

You should have asked if she wanted to feel your energy in her butthole.

Also, who the fuck would ever pay to eat out another women, let alone an escorte. lmao

>be american
>eat hooker pussy
>get shot

never change, my burgers

'normal' girls are in high demand as escorts, usually you get the fake boob, heavy make up, pornstar type.

You sound like a virgin.

True that eating out a hooker is beta but with a wife or girlfriend is fine, gets them even hornier.

That being said, it's only something you should do on occasion.

> eating escort pussy
> putting your mouth where a million men came

Surefire way to get HPV and throat cancer.

so what can we do without getting shot exactly?

Does that arouse you?

Lonely betas try to emotionally engage even the prostitutes. He fucked that whore 5 times in the month, he probably thought she's almost his gf now or something and tried to please her which didn't go well.

Poor chap, never get emotional in business.