>EU Hates us
>mfw I realize America isn't going to save us
>Everyone hates us
>Best think to do might be to racemix and pray the mud hordes won't kill my lineage in the near future if it's mixed enough
What is a bong to do?
It's all so hopeless.
>EU Hates us
>mfw I realize America isn't going to save us
>Everyone hates us
>Best think to do might be to racemix and pray the mud hordes won't kill my lineage in the near future if it's mixed enough
What is a bong to do?
It's all so hopeless.
>he isnt getting swole for the hard times
When all peaceful options are exhausted only violence remains be a hero user start the purge
Yup, you're right.
But I think Pakis love you, although they have selfish motives behind.
I already racemixed, now all I need to do is get out of this shithole.
KYS Faggot
Europe has survived worse shit, we'll win eventually, they can only push us so far.
This, embrace the hard times. Just wait for the eventual civil war.
Fuck off Scot.
You hate yourselves more than anybody else.
A tiny little island with nothing left to do but invent laws to control your fellow man.
>one of the richest countries
>niggers get unemployment benefit payments more than I can working for 12 hour a day 5/2
You whiny cunt.
Dont give up Brother this ride isn't over yet
Work gives you meaning, why do you think so many people get depressed when they retire or are unemployed.
Create a white ethno state, reawaken the ethnic brittish left before its too late even if it means that you have to advocate it in a more fashionable way.
Well, that's true, I'am not saying that i don't want to work at all.
America doesn't hate you, but we can't save you from yourself. You keep voting for fascist regimes with increased surveillance and weapon restrictions. Lots of my friends talk about how we wish we could help, but your people need to push for it first.
We don’t hate you. Your queen and Windsor family hate us because we elected Trump.
No civ has faced globalization until just recently. It is clear the Western commoner is the loser now, and the ruling class is trying to kill Western culture to remove this obstacle to slavery. It's unprecedented that massive numbers of poor, desperate slaves can just rapidly migrate across the world.
Then again AI, etc. will change the game totally in the near future, and make things even worse for all plebs. Enjoy.
>implying Anglo men aren't made to conquer women of other races
God was giving us a hint when he made our own women so fucking ugly.
Did you forget, everyone hates us?
I hate the way you speak, but you can tap on keyboards all you want.
> Best think to do
Are you sure you are English?
>tfw UK will become Eastern European tier economy in your lifetime
Can’t wait for cheap full english breakfast la
We have a horrible two party system where even the more right leaning party is still to the left.
Its more that the spackers in parliament want to put on a good face to the public so they demonise trump. The queen is on her way out so lets hope for a king that up holds true British Values. I kinda hoped Harry would be king but that is too unlikely now.
Work only gives your life meaning if you are a low intelligence wageslave. Corporations treat their employees like shit no matter what the job or pay level.
Demon of despondency can be overcome with prayer and repentance.
I am sorry for the fellow bong, he forgets that he cant type how he speaks. We tend to stray away from the Queens English especially in certain counties or cities.
I bet he is 56% trying to D&C us fellow Europeans.
Post some mutts to reveal true face of this (((bong)))
fuck off you defeatist nigger
I have hope still. Brits hate being told what to do. If the EU negotiate go to shit the average Brit will hate Europe even more (let's not kid ourselves the EUand Europe are pretty much the same thing now) and swing to the right. This puts pressure on whoever is governing. If the negotiation is a success it's justification to Brexiteers.
We literally can't lose.
The nightmare scenario is if May folds and Corbyn gets in. Then things will get messy.
Are you a poof?
We've been despised our entire history. That's what makes us alpha dogs.