Do it, Anons. They cut his fundraising. They did this to Trump and it didn't work. Now they're trying to scare Bannon. It's time to drain the swamp.
Judge Roy Moore for Senate
They want a swamp creature to win.
Just gave the max for me and spouse
match me.
heres a swamp rat
The pedophile smear is bad but if they really wanted to sink him then they would call him a Democrat.
Keep hating faggots
doing what I can
Oy vey, it's you again.
Good shit, user! We need to send these motherfuckers (McConnell, McCain, Democrats, the media and the RNC) another message. They hate us and they hate America.
I might just donate to him to piss the media and swamp off.
>Data Shows Fundraising for Judge Roy Moore Skyrocketed After Sex Scandal Was Revealed.
shill. nobody on this site would donate to a politician you fucking retard. especially one Trump DID NOT ENDORSE.
Bannon is a fucking loser.
They're jewing him. This guy had a double digit lead and they're going to jew alabama into a democrat senator with a fake story. They've realized fake stories work with that truck running down the kids ad in virginia and they're going to keep doing this if someone doesn't stop them.
Oy vey, Steve Bannon is a baaaaad goy anons. He's definitely a part of the swamp and is definitely working behind the scenes to bring Trump down! I even hear he was the one who brought Building 7 down and was in charge of planting explosives only to blame it on those poor, poor Mossad officials just trying to make a shekel serving their country! Oy vey.
Sup Forums will give him shekels for legal CP.
Bannon is a pedophile
>shill. nobody on this site would donate to a politician you fucking retard. especially one Trump DID NOT ENDORSE.
Hi Mitch.
*Shareblue subversion intensifies*
What about Henry Kissinger?
Kissinger is a huge pedo.
Same principle applies to Bannon
applies to Moore
You all will never win
Bannon is a huge faggot.
You need some new ammo, goyim.
Lmao, you're worse that one canadian mlp sperg.
*Unironically shares an article from The Intercept that Greenwald didn't write.*
How does Omidyar's dick taste?
Your family might still love you, if you changed, user. Praying for you, white man
You’re a pedophile. Six accusers plus you diddled OP.
You provide no alternative but let the democrats and the deep-state win.
You just subvert and divide and conquer. No-one is going to fall for this. We aren't stupid.
wrong. Democrats and Republicans will both fall.
>24 posts by this ID.
>you diddled OP.
Where do I report this? I need to tell my story. #MeToo
Kissinger is a pedo
Oy vey, you're bringing in the shekels today. I know whose going to be treating everyone at Shareblue to kosher after the shift is done.
Mods can you ban this spam bot please?
Im not paid. In fact I post these in all the steve bannon threads because YOURE THE FAGGOTS THAT ARE PAID
not a spam bot fuckface
Darkness is good!!!!!!!!!!
I take it back, your mom may still love you, your father never can
>Darkness is good
>Leaks out of the White House daily.
>Immediately replies
>Same format on every comment
>Same pictures in every thread
>Same insults
Soros should fire you, you suck at this job.
isn't it funny how you are so intent on labeling me a shill because it's easier to dismiss what i've said than acknowledge the facts i've presented. Loser.
>not a spam bot fuckface
How much are you paid for this? Surely there's something else you could be doing with your life.
How long until you start calling us all Jewish, spambot?
Anymore rehashed bullshit you have to say?
Kill yourself kike.
Its just sad to see someone wasting their whole life accomplishing truly nothing, get help dude
>Believes there's a DNC funded global pedophile ring being run out of pizza parlors
>Defends actual pedophile
Sup Forums's getting pretty crazy these days, huh
Die kike.
only people defending a pedophile on Sup Forums are shills.
>isn't it funny how you are so intent on labeling me a shill because it's easier to dismiss what i've said than acknowledge the facts i've presented. Loser.
>Seems like the only thing Bannon Bots can do is call us shills for pointing out factual information about why Bannon is OBJECTIVELY bad.
You imbeciles are so easy to spot. It's obvious they are trying their hardest to subvert this board. You will never break us.
>>Defends actual pedophile
Nobody is defending Kevin Spacey here. If you can't see that this is an (((establishment))) smear campaign, you're fucking retarded.
Well, somebody better scare Bannon and scare the living shit out of him right quick. Zero Hedge has an article today about him lobbying Mark Cuban to run in 2020 and as a democrat.
This is like a damn nightmare you can't wake up from.
Bannon is the subverter. He's a giant faggot.
>Zero Hedge has an article today about him lobbying Mark Cuban to run in 2020
Jesus Christ. If Daily Beast said it, it must be true. Pic related.
just donated my food stamp card. feel da bern!!
>Bannon is the subverter. He's a giant faggot.
He's the only one pushing the Trump agenda. When did this board become so fucking retarded?
NO he isn't pushing trumps agenda you fucking faggot.
He's pushing the opposite of Trumps agenda then pretends he's pushing MAGA.
MAGA isn't Kissinger.
MAGA isn't running a candidate against one Trump endorses.
MAGA isn't Steve Bannon.
Of course goyim, because Jared, Ivanka, McCain and his neocon friends are MAGA.
McCain and Bannon have the same masters. Jared jsut got back from Saudi Arabia and started the purge of the wahabbi zionists. What are you implying. Typical kikebart JIDF blaming Jared and Ivanka.
Yep. ZH runs stories on #FakeNews shit sometimes, just so we know what the (((Swamp))) is up to; also probably to deflect (((accusations))) of "bias." [sic] They've been a little bit all over the map in the last year, but I do think they're mostly still /ourguys/.
>because Jared, Ivanka, McCain and his neocon friends are MAGA.
>but I do think they're mostly still /ourguys/.
Agreed. I'm just saying that story came from Chelsea Clinton's tabloid and shouldn't be taken seriously.
>Jared jsut got back from Saudi Arabia and started the purge of the wahabbi zionists.
>purge against the zionist
This is how I know you're a shill. Kushner is the zionist. Now please, go back to crying over your 6 million fallen brethren.
Will donate on payday. Not going to let establishment climbers and RINOs sink Moore with a political hit job. Fuck DC.
Welcome to the new world. Expect every single political race in America going forward to be hit with bombshell sexual assault allegations about a month before the election.
No he isn't retard.
Almond status: ACTIVATED
This is really some hardcore grasping.
Hilarious how this is such a coincidence. The establishment must really be shitting themselves right now.
I don't take it seriously, but it makes me wonder if he's trying to rile up Democrats the same way he did Republicans when they were in a tough spot before Trump. Remember, Bannon is a self-decribed Leninist:
>“Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Bannon was employing Lenin’s strategy for Tea Party populist goals. He included in that group the Republican and Democratic Parties, as well as the traditional conservative press.
He doesn't care whether he is getting support to destroy up the state from Dems or Reps. He wants both, as long as they have that shared vision of bringing the swamp crumbling down. He's going to ruffle the populist feathers of the Dems going forward, should be an interesting watch.
Like we wouldn't notice you're a jew pedo defending fagot. Who is Robert Menendez?
These people are in control of our country