Sup Forums is now a pedophile defense board
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So your guilty until proven innocent in Poland? Glad I dont live there.
They proved it was a false allegation. Paid person 1000 dollars to accuse him!
Here's how this is going to play out. He will stay in the race. His pool numbers will look bad, and he will win just the same.
All you're doing here by trying to shame people is creating shy Moore voters.
Try again dickhead.
Sup Forums was always a pedo haven since 2006
fucking idiot
what you ment were few faggots from Sup Forums
Actually the only people who are defending Roy Moore are JIDF
thanks for the support guys!
Bannon is a pedophile
WaPo shill. Paid someone 1k for an accusation. Get fucked faggot.
so all those people are lying but you believe some twitter account that you know nothing about? explain yourself pedo defender?
Just to be clear, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Roman Polanski and Louis CK are all innocent aswell, correct?
Thats only one year away from your age of consent Krolowski
No. They admitted they did it.
Moore is threatening to sue for libel because he is not a child molester.
fuck off JIDF
Well Bill Cosby is.
look up your definitions. a 14 year old girl is not prepubertal, thus the term "pedo" does not apply. stop playing into the narrative.
FUck off JIDF
Stop defending this SICK FUCK.
Nu pol is so desperate to defend the GOP that has sold them out through free trade and lack of investment in their communities. However winning social issues is way more important than policy for these faggots.
Don't worry user, when their faggotry helps them accomplish nothing in life they'll kill themselves
So how many shekels are you paid? I need money and I might be wanting to shill too
lol I don't like him because he's a zionist shill, but fucking a 14 year old doesn't make you a pedophile.
It makes you a scumbag, but not a pedophile.
yes it does
That's adorable...did you come up with that yourself?
you people are fucking sick .
JIDF need to die.
3 out of those 5 didn't admit anything
We have a long list of people that need to be killed.
Those assholes all did it in front of multiple people multiple times. Combine that with no one being surprised who knew them. They interviewed their friends and they all say "that sounds like him".
That's the case against convicts. This guy is running for public office.
Don't be a jackass.
It figures that a gypsy would advocate for fucking 14 year old girls.
LOL if 14 makes you a pedophile than pedophilia is legal in Austria, Italy, Iceland, Spain and Japan.
It's pretty fun seeing all these values voters types who have been bitching about homosexuality, etc.
suddenly turn around and start defending child abuse when it's one of their own.
Congratulations, conservative christ-tards - the whole world knows how full of shit you are!
Louis CK didn't even touch anyone other than himself, I don't understand what the problem is
>he made see something I didn't want to see, muh SEXUAL HARASSMENT
If you support Roy Moore you in turn support Bannon who in turn supports Israel. You're part of the problem.
made me*
Not really.
You sound like an idiot.
glow in the dark polish retard cia niggers
nu pol defends pedophiles and perverts if they're republican, seriously sad state of affairs. Roy Moore is a degenerate, how the fuck did the Right in Alabama end up so stupid as to follow a degenerate like him? Isn't this the state that also had the pervert governor?
I guess it is. Good thing we're not in any of those shitholes :)
Nobody on the right is even denying it anymore. Everyone's defending him. Hannity brought up some bible bullshit, so that's a blow against Christianity too. You're all legit faggots and shills.
We're very anti-pedo.
We just think it's fine to get married to a young girl so long as you're going to start a family with her.
The only people defending Roy Moore are Steve Bannon shills.
aka JIDF
Exposing yourself and jacking off infront of women is still a pretty scummy thing to do.
Tapu tapu.
Post CP.
yeah, figures shills and jews are really the reason for the rot in nu pol. unfortunately I've already met a couple folks in real life on the Right that I respected who defend degenerates like Moore. All should be purged.
It's okay to be a pedophile
looks like the #pizzagate bullshit came to bite Sup Forums in the ass now, LMAO
>t. JIDF
remember when old Sup Forums would tear apart pedos. now you faggots unironically worship them
>weeaboos like 13 year olds
captcha: lebbit road
Sup Forums has become an absolute shitstain full of hypocrisy since the 2016 election kicked in. All the fucking reddit immigrants coming here with 'muh feelings' ruined this place.
>remember when old Sup Forums would tear apart pedos.
Not really.
And Sup Forums, /jp/, Sup Forums, /vp/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums.
Basically every major board on the site.
I mean, if the allegations are true I don't give a shit what happens to him.
The entire fucking board has always been "prove it" about every rape or chomo accusation.
When is the election?
Trumpflakes now support pedophiles? This is strange
I aspire to be one, lad.
>Moore is a pedo!
We don't believe the allegations
>Hah you're defending a pedo!
1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
s@ge & report
Reminder to disregard all posts from papist heretics.
Your lies don't work here, kike.
Sup Forums has always defended pedos lol
Feeling better now, pedo def?