I want to convert to Islam

Tell me why I shouldn’t. I left the Catholic church when I was 18 because of their SJW bullshit and immigration and multiculturism should be embraced bs. Also, most priests are gay and many are pedos.

A year ago I met a cute reformed Iranian girl who is Muslim. We have been dating for quite some time now. She never asked me to convert, but I am looking into it now, as her family is pretty religious.

>inb4 Muhammad is a pedo, I know he is, most people back then were pedos including pretty much all royals and popes

Other urls found in this thread:


>the future of Germany in one post

>Tell me why I shouldn’t
Because the AfD will rule the country within the next 10 years and execute all muslims.

please convert and kill infidels in the name of that kebab king

If you don't like Catholicism go Orthodox.

You are not a pedo if you fuck a girl that has had her first period. Then puberty starts and you are hebiphile. All religious books allow fucking girls when they have their first period.

Jews even say you can fuck a 3 year old.

So tell me why I shouldn’t? Why not embrace the future?

kill yourself

>German converting to Islam
The West is dead.

>embrace the future
Adapting the religion of the enemy is surrender.

Muslims aren’t my enemy. I am in love with one.

So you have already surrendered and betrayed your people. Why are you looking for validation from us? You're already dead there is no point in asking further questions.

>betraying your traditions just to get your cock wet
Grow some balls you fucking faggot

>She never asked me to convert
Oh boy

you argue about not tolerating Catholicism's SJW mulitcultural BS... then embrace another culture's religion. Don't do this just because you like a girl.

>Implying muslims aren't also gay pedos
Muslims hate gay people, but they define 'gay' as loving another man. They are ok with fucking another guy and a lot of them have/do this. It's classic 'grass is greener' mindset. I'm pretty sure this is a bait thread, but if its not, I would remind you that your relationship with God should be about you and God.

Nothing wrong with Islam, you can beat the shit out of your wife if she refuses to give you the blowjob that you commanded her to perform.

Morals < pussy
I am glad your country committed cultural suicide, goodbye hans you will live on as fictional enemies in the constantly remade Call of duty franchise as digital bullet sponges

Yeah, but she's westernized to a certain extent. I doubt her parents are, and they will more than like you hold you in contempt as an outsider. Please, commit cultural suicide you will inevatlby regret.

>german flag
kys muhammad

Good ol muzzies. Always defending pedophilia.

Everything you don't like about the Catholic church will increase sevenfold.

Look at this fucking traitor.
You know her religious family won't accept you, right?
Because in their religion the wife has to bow down to the man, yet you're bowing down to her.
They might love the treason, but nobody loves the traitor.

Do it. Who gives a shit.

You're a fag but so what.

Hans... Begom,

Jesus still loves you, Kraut. He'll always be waiting for you.

pol should start its own un-cucked version of Christianity where you are forbidden to breed with anyone who isnt white or asian

>I left the Catholic church when I was 18 because of their SJW bullshit and immigration and multiculturism should be embraced bs
>literally embrace an immigrant and her culture.

Why in the ever loving fuck would you go from Catholicisms to Islam?
You got probs. Why would you abandon bacon?

>Tell me why I shouldn’t. I left the Catholic church when I was 18 because of their SJW bullshit and immigration and multiculturism should be embraced bs.
And you want to convert to the religion of the immigrants and multiculturalists you absolute cuck.


Muslims are running away by the millions from shitty Muslims countries Islam is only capable of producing of. They are selling everything they and their relatives have have just to be able to pay for a place on a rubber boat despite the clear danger of dying at sea. Just to have a chance at leaving their Islamic shitholes behind.

Why do you think contributing to making the Western world an as shitty place as these people are running from is a good idea?

If you must convert, fuck off to Iran. Bet she doesn't want to go back.

>replacing religion with another religion
you need to experience life more user.

>the absolute state of Germany
You are a literal culture-cuck.

> I doubt her parents are
They left Iran after the Mullahs took over. I told you she is reformed.

>You know her religious family won't accept you, right?
I am playing golf with her father regularly and have been over for dinner several times. Even attended her sis’ high school graduation. They see me as their future son in law.

you'll go to hell

B - A - I - T


Godspeed, my friend. It shall be beautiful.

I'm sick of Turks posting under a German flag.