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Still no Dems under investigation. Curious.
HAHAHA How the fuck will Trump recover from This?
this has to be a charade. You can't go THIS fucking long and suddenly now you're looking into this one guy who was kinda pro-Russia.maybe
plotting to kidnap a U.S. citizen isnt a charade
Well maybe cause the Dems are innocent?? Drumphkin idiot #metoo #withher
LOL cry more faggot
Rorabacher has been a Russian paid operative well before Trump ever took office
"Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), who has expressed pro-Russia views on a number of policies, according to NBC News."
He met with Assange to get the truth about the DNC leaks. Mueller needs to go.
This is just unreal yet totally predictable.
We all knew this investigation was to get anybody who doesnt want to go to war with russia.
Now theyre investigating Flynn “Pizzagate” Jr. for.... well.... nothing really. The deepstate is clearly panicked.
I honestly didnt think they would be so blatant.
Total witch hunt. Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Implying that this is the biggest allegation to date. When NBC stops putting "could" or "might" in their reports about the Russia collusion can you then start asking how he will recover. Stop speculating based on NBC's "secret inside sources" and wait for something of actual credibility.
LOL cry more faggot
LOL cry more faggot!
LOL cry more faggot.
LOL cry more faggot?
LOL cry more faggot*
LOL cry more faggot!!
What vpn provider do you use, the one I use is range banned
LOL cry more faggot
they're all the same ID he didn't even use a vpn
I'm starting to like this guy
LOL cry more faggot@
Plotting with your dad to kidnap a legal foreign resident of the USA for 13million isn't 'nothing'
LOL cry more faggot!!!
Faggot More Cry LOL
The russians say this post is bad and you should feel bad?
Rohrbachr met Assange. If it's ever proven Russia did not hack those emails, that alone would kill the deep state. It was only a matter of time before he was targeted.
Rohrabacher was caught up in Fusion GPS's entrapment/kompromat campaign against the Trump administration due to Rohrabacher being pro-normalization with Russians as a subcommittee chairman on House Foreign Affairs. So they put Veselnitskaya in the same room as him to create some small amount of plausible deniability about her reason for even being in the country. It''s all part of a large fishing operation, like when they tried to blackmail Assange using the made up dating website Toddandclare.com
Either that or Mueller is finally getting in touch with pic related
become an hero, slowly
Thanks for the support I am kinda like a superhero with a huge penis
B-but muh CBTS!! Mueller is /ourguy/ just watch, this is feint to keep all those Dems he's never interviewed off guard before he drops the hammer on them!
LOL cry more faggot
LOL cry more faggot
Silly goy, Mueller is just gathering evidence now to indict more Democrats for their corrupt ways. I'm sure more than a few Republicans are involved also. Last count I saw was over 200 sealed indictments nationwide. Btw, where is Hillary?
Appears that you have become a bot nexus.
you cry more faggot LOL
LOL cry more faggot.
lol cry more faggot
LOL cry more faggot!
Oh no not Rorabacher!
>L I T E R A L L Y
>W H O
Keep up the good work. Fuck these fags right up their asses
>This is a democrat.
>He lives in his basement
>He has a secret Lenin Dildo he uses when he has sex with himself
>He has no job
>He can't even find a black bull to fuck his wife
>He spends all day trolling while everyone goes Republican more and more
>He uses sexual abuse as a way to stop Republicans but always fails since Truth always win
>When he goes asleep, he takes his fat body and drags it to the shower, but always fails since he doesn't have the energy to do it, low energy
>He has no friends and mostly is a beta cuck abused at school and by his parents
>He makes himself feel better by posting Drumpf and btfo while everyone ignores him
>He's friends with the mods who won't ban him for spamming
>Based janitors delete his bait threads anyway
>He whines about Sup Forums on /qa/ and gets BTFO by Hiro
>This is a democrat
LOL cry more faggot!
>what is ID
Forgot to add the meme flag first time you fucking leaf?
anyone got that thinking emoji girl uncensored pls
the thicc one not the sticc one
LOL cry more faggot!!!
LOL cry more faggot
So it is full blown McCarthyism.
If he's (((investigating))) Rohrabacher for anything other than learning what he (and Assange) have to say about the DNC hacks or how Rohrabacher got put in the same room with Fusion GPS plant Veselnitskaya in and around the time of her phony set-up meeting at Trump Tower, then it really will have become a laughable joke
It's all a load of beatty swollocks
The baiting in this thread is unreal. This a massive development. We will know unequivocally what side mueller is on in 30 days or less depending how this plays out. Could go either way. Exciting stuff.
Why would democrats collude with russia against themselves to lose the election? VERY curious indeed.
>Dana Rohrabacher and his staff director, Paul Behrends, violated the Magnitsky Act when they tried to get Russia's deputy general prosecutor, Victor Grin, removed from the US sanctions list last year.
>The complaint was filed by US financier Bill Browder, the founder of Hermitage Capital Management
>Grandfather was Head of the Communist party in the US
Browder is definitely key figure in whatever legal gymnastics they may be planning to indemnify Trump and exonerate themselves
His Senate testimony is something everyone closely following these matters should read up on. Very carefully worded statements
What the fuck about Debbie Wasserman Shultz, how ever the fuck you spell her name?
>give up US Citizenship to evade taxes
>get caught in Russia for evading taxes
>cry to US because got caught in Russia
Russia could be guilty of a lot of things, they may not be. Either way, Browder’s word is not anything I’d take for as truth.
They prop him up for his Global Magnitsky BS, virtue signaling legislation. MSM often labels him "Critic of Putin" as a way to endorse his useless commentaries
you one mad russian
>khazar milkers
>bring all the goys to the yard
American god damnit, infuriated that our Congress passes and champions cuck legislation instead of actually helping Americans