Prove me wrong Sup Forums
Jesus = Satan
I would want some sauce with that dish.
Am*ricunts = goblins
prove me wrong Sup Forums
Right here
Jesus wasn't even a real person, much less a real Satan.
Pic related.
The burden of proof lies upon the accuser
>Am*ricunts = goblins
>prove me wrong Sup Forums
So it is more like the Catholicism = Satanism?
I'm about to agree.
That’s rich coming from Brazil.
That doesn't make a difference.
Satan = Jesus shadow
its a psychological archetype, it means that you are god, and satan
god can be seen as the soul, satan as the ego, and christ is conscience
>So it is more like the Catholicism = Satanism?
>christ is conscience
Fuck off Jim Carrie
Is there a massive flow of shill threads and shillposting atm or is it just me ?
cock-blocked by Jesus
it means, if you see your body as the information in the universe of the particles interacting, that make you, in a given time, well, that body itself is just that, information, which is in constant interaction and exchange, with the rest of matter and energy
so, god is the essence of the universe, idk, energy, whatever, it makes you, me, all of the, its all at once with every possible time already in it
satan is a product of consciousness, ego
so when jesus was in the desert, his ego temped him, satan, if jesus would have bow down to himself as god, then we would have "turned" into satan,
an being god, is hell, satan fucked up, so he came back as jesus to redeem himself
>Satan = Nigger
>Catholics = Satanists
Therefore catholics worship niggers?
Jew on a stick.
consciously being god is being in hell, you know you are alone and nothing else exists or can
becoming christ is a way the other pieces of yourself that are not ready, can have a god, is a way to keep them in the cycle, for their own good
the promise land, the prophet never gets into it,
Not satan, but he is an illusion of the demiurge and most you that worship him will wind up in "hell".
Hueman BTFO'd