I bet white people regret voting for Cheeto Hitler now
>Many in Pacific County thought President Trump would take away “drug dealers, criminals, rapists” with his immigration crackdown. They were shocked to see who started to go missing.
I bet white people regret voting for Cheeto Hitler now
>Many in Pacific County thought President Trump would take away “drug dealers, criminals, rapists” with his immigration crackdown. They were shocked to see who started to go missing.
Whites will be fucked. Immigrants do the work that whites don't want to do.
Day of the rake confirmed
Or the fact no one will work for a fraction of the wage. Crack down on employers who hire illegals and you'd get better results. Interesting you never hear the $15/hour people out in support of agriculture or construction, only fast food.
If you pay the right money there will be people to work, evidence of immigration suppressing wages right there
> nonwhites make white communities better
> said no white ever
I bet these white people who are "shaken" are all of the libcucks that voted for immigration and Hillary.
kek say good bye to your shitskins faggots .
>Who is going to pick the cotton if we end slavery?
((you)) 1861
I don't mind that he let loose the hounds of ICE
>worked in bilingual education
Buh bye!
''illegal'' key missing word
>Mexican rapture
This is what I voted for.
>immigrants come in
>job that was $15 goes to $8 because there are hundreds available
>whites don't pick our cotton anymore!
>immigrant (brown) neighbors start disappearing
please tell me this is really happening
If they're here illegally, they've gotta go back.
Hopefully they went to Canada
He did just their neighbors werent drug dealers so they dont see it, idiots
Trips of truth
Democrats have never wavered in their desire to keep all workers on a plantation of sorts. They just hide the chains now.
Incredible reporting. They managed to avoid every person, literally many thousands in that area, who is happy with Trump's presidency. Truly remarkable, textbook example of "one-sided" "journalism"
At least some nervous consultant class types will feel a momentary sense of smarmy self satisfaction from this article
>voted to keep kick illegals out
>shaken by this
>people shocked illegals are being deported when trump said illegals will be deported
You do realize it's only Hillary voters complaining. They might actually have to mow their own laws now.
>keep kick
>Whites will be fucked. Immigrants do the work that whites don't want to do.
t: Pipefitter
I got news for you. The people that fix/repair/build power plants are a vast majority white. Skilled labor is white. Thank a white person when you charge your iphone or dildo.
What, raising children?
Illegals aren't immigrants
I blame autocorrect
most 'white' towns are rednecks on welfare who don't like brown people. You're thinking of the suburban middle class which already votes democrat
Reminder barbarians did the work romans didn't want to do. See how that worked out for them.
>who is going to pick the avocados if we send back illegals?
tell this to libshits and they'll start getting really upset
Try watching a team of beaners attempt to put up a warehouse, wire it, heat and cool it, etc
Without any white help
Just TRY to watch, without getting killed by their incompetence, i mean
Oh no we won't be able to over consume junk food.
heh very good very good!
Unions exists. They're paid more than 15
Seattle Times is a far left newspaper and this is a far left propaganda piece.
The party of slavery is worried about who's going to work for less than minimum wage for them.
The suburban middle class overwhelmingly votes republican
>mow laws
>We are going to deport criminals
>entering the country is illegal
>what did you expect?
>Kekistan flag
>Doesn't like Trump
Which is it?
What if (((they))) took away the laa abiding ones and intentionally left the worst ones to fuck shit up
But how many have been deported since Trump's presidency?
I live in Washington and are you seriously suggesting that the majority of us give even a modicum of a shit about these brown retards being removed? It is exactly what we wanted you retarded fuck.
Mexicans in the central valley of California are complaining that white people are taking over all the farm labor. Literally have heard multiple complain that "they're taking our jobs, they're replacing us!"
Your bullshit strawman lies have been foiled.
Love this retarded argument.
As if the only work whites want to do is stare at a computer all day in stuffy overcrowded office.
>1 numale complains online
>Immigrants leaving county in my State
>Jews want me to feel bad about it
Nobody believes you liars anymore.
But it's the fake news. All they have to do is find a couple liberals that live in the county and suddenly "everybody" is shocked... just look we have 2 people on camera saying so... so obviously it's everybody!
Maybe it's because I stick to Fresno but when I drive past fields it's always Mexicans or Asians picking food. The only white people involved are the owners.
you never know what kind of people you live near. could be a child molester, or federal criminals on the run
Meanwhile, here I am in a very liberal west coast city waiting for less overcrowding in schools, on the roads and everywhere I go. Waiting for there to be less trash on the streets and graffiti that pops up overnight day after day, week after week without fail from Hispanic gangs like 18th Street and MS13.
When before I would say our city is lost and doesn't belong to the citizens, now I see a ray of hope that we will have a better standard of living. I drive around and see "NO ICE" posted on freeway overpasses and billboards that say 'here we shall stay' in Spanish. I say 'YES ICE' and if you're here illegally, you've got to go back.
Fun fact....
Before you elected Castro's gay bastard, Canada had very few illegal aliens because Canada enforced their immigration laws.
Most of the illegal aliens on the books that Canada was hunting for, had already left the country because they knew they'd be deported.
hahahahahahhahah sauce?
This !
I live in a little Danish town in Washington.
Now we have three Mexican restaurants cuz Mexicans.
This shit has got to stop. These guys bring crime with them.
Thank you God-Emperor Trump
t. Seattle user that wants to Make Seattle Great Again
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just take ships over to africa and bring in a bunch of them to do the jobs whites won't do? Africans are even poorer than Mexicans.
> Interesting you never hear the $15/hour people out in support of agriculture or construction, only fast food.
Here is the reason for this political season. $15 an hour is for "the help" in dense wealthy urban cores. No one suggest paying anyone, immigrant or native born, $15/hr to pick fruit or harvest. The Seattle Times is a does advertise or hide it left-leaning editing, and reading this articles leaves me with the impression that ICE is merely getting back to pre-Obama levels of enforcement. One passage in that article even deals a woman who was caught crossing the border illegally, then barred from returning ignoring the order and crossing the next day while presenting her as an innocent person who was tricked by ICE to sell a pinata or some shit.
The article does note that fingerprints from local jails are being run through FBI and DHS databases which undermines the narrative that some of these humans being deported don't have scrapes with the law. That is just the content of the article though, looking at the staged photo should be enough to illuminate the status-quo bias on illegal workers in the US.
Right. The ones that do are the beta fags with bad posture
Why do I get the feeling these articles are full of shit. The only people who ever end up 'shaking' over anything are kool aid drinking college students.
Shit. Fresno has been that way since before Eisenhower was president.
I remember reading the Bee and seeing all the homicides. Uncle explained no big deal, it's just Mexicans killing each other. They'd carry around these fat rolls of cash and at the end of the picking season they'd all start killing each other.
Last time I was in Fresno, it looked like a Mexican shit hole.
>oh no, now companies have to increase their wages to good hardworking americans instead of paying psuedo-slaves fuck all
A bunch of Bakersfield's farms are culling their bean population and replacing them with white workers, especially after a couple incidents recently with illegals trying to rape old white women out in the fields.
>tfw you voted against cheeto hitler
>tfw immigrants disappearing
>tfw lawn is unkempt, actually have to raise own children, and you can't brag to friends down at the local coffee shop about that one Spanish couple that actually lives in your neighborhood
>live in Central Valley
>constantly hear farmers complain about having to pay more for workers because of Trump
>ask how much they were paying before
>they immediately get quiet
It's like that with all the farmers in California, they survive off illegal workers or illegal product. The prop to legalize marijuana around 2010 had the Emerald Triangle voting against it not because of morals but due to their fear that the price of pot would drop. They honestly could have turned that whole area into the Napa Valley of pot but instead were more concerned about the short term.
The Central Valley farmers are all conservatives that hate Mexicans but will stomp their feet if you try to deport them while NorCal farmers are libertarians that will fight to keep pot illegal. Most people, Californians above all, lose all convictions once their bottom line is threatened.
When commies start just "disappearing", we'll be getting somewhere.
To be fair, I think a bunch of the Mexicans are leaving because of the city council trying to crack down hard on legal weed. Most of the medical shops are closing on Jan 1.
>law abiding
Doesn't add up.
>literally shaking
they should be fucking thanking us for cleaning up the gene pool there.
When I was a kid, raking leaves and mowing lawns was how we made extra cash. Just sayin
This is what happens when your state is as geographically large as 5-10 states on the opposite coast.
The state shape was designed to keep all of the gold, then we decided to make mining gold illegal, we've literally been cucking ourselves since the 1800's. Feels bad man.
White person here in Pacific county. I assure you we don't give a flying fuck.
I'm assuming they only interviewed people that didn't vote for him.
>They were shocked to see who started to go missing.
Yeah, yeah.
>Dey were good neighbours we dindu suspect nuttn.
Fuck off.
LOL. i hope he's secretly holocausting the shitskins.
Pacific County went blue in every Presidential election since 1956. It went red in 2016. Is it happening? Is the Pacific Northwest shifting?
I realize that Seattle and Portland are big problems but still.
If they've gone missing, then they obviously are trying to drop off the grid. Now, why would they...
they should fucking look at Portland, Oregon suburb Hillsboro next. It is home to Intel, and Intel is shipping H1Bs and their entire fucking families over by the boatload every month. They claim its because they're aren't enough engineers but they lay off 11% of their work force, mostly the white tech workers.
Then the H1Bs smuggle there friends and other family over like there is no tomorrow. The entire city is poosourced and ricepowered.
How many are sneaking over the northern border?
They have all this Mexican pride and yet they don't want to go back there. Hmmmmm
We were trying to warn you that (((they))) are literally just using you for cheap totally-not-slave labor.
Catching and releasing you back to mexico is the most humane thing we can do.
That's mainly due to acquiring licenses and how it affects businesses that operate with vertical integration. The law is putting forth about 17 different types of marijuana licenses and a licensee can only hold a license in two separate license categories and they may only hold them in specific corresponding categories.
Type 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, or 2B licensees may also hold a Type 10A license. Types 1-2B are regarding cultivation with respect to environment (outdoor/indoor/mixed) and are all restricted to small yield. Type 10A refers to "dispensary; no more than three retail sites". So if you apply for those combinations, you're limited for expansion. Type 11 and Type 12 are limited to each other and they're transportation/distribution. So if you own you're already a larger business that owns a retail/dispensary and your own cultivation site, you have to a licensed middle-man to transport your product. Add in the rush to receive licenses, which licenses to receive, and the taxing, many businesses are either shutting down or going on hiatus.
So bureaucracy.
How can one man be so great? He truely is channeling our forefathers.
its just a totally made up story. no one said anything but the writer. We've entered the age of everyone gets a trophy journalism. These fucking people just make up stories to fit their narrative. (its okay that i made it up because its a morally superior stance) the literary same shit happens with all these fake hate crimes. "Yea it was fake but we should still be outraged because out there somewhere POC are
By "Immigrant neighbors" they mean illegal aliens right?
>I bet white people regret voting for Cheeto Hitler now
Do you honestly believe that?