
The question of Freedom.

I've been reading Ride the Tiger by Julius Evola and it brings up some good points about freedom I'd like to share. The destruction of religion is the, as Nietschze said, 'death of God'. Religion served as an external set of moral rules. Once these fell away, mankind was left in a vacuum of moral guidance. The state we call ´being free´. There are no masters to tell you what way to act is correct. You decide for yourself what is correct. Moral relativism and nihilism were born here, as it depends on each persons subjective point of view. In a way this is correct, as there are no limitations, morally, to what a person can do. However, the abscence of morality in a person basically reduces them to their animalistic impulses and gratifying those impulses whatever way necessary. You become enslaved to your own body and its impulses.

This is not real freedom. You´re always chasing the next sexual encounter, cigarette, can of beer, adrenaline rush or whatever your vice might be. They rule over your psyche, instead of you being in control of yourself. So if this is not freedom what is true freedom? As Evola rightly says, the death of religion was a good thing. The death of external structures to superimpose morality upon a people is an outdated way of doing things. It worked. Well. But it is no longer what the ever maturing human species accepts. There needs to come a realization of an internal sense of morality. The birth of inner divinity in man. You are part of the Universe. You are intrinsically linked to every single part of it, through cause and effect. One tiny ripple caused by you, will cause tidal waves in the far reaches of the Universe. This endless chain of cause and effect is the super-ego. The objective reality. Nature. The Universe. Source. Truth. God.

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Cause and effect links your here-and-now actions to unimaginable far reaches of the future. Some of these actions are correct, and some are incorrect. What is best for the greater organism is correct. What is counter to itself is incorrect. You might say that in objective reality, cause and effect is totally a-moral and you'd be correct. It is plain cause and effect. But that is a point of view noone posesses. We are subjective beings and therefore have subjective experiences and in those experiences there are choices we must make. You can take actions that either expand, enhance and stimulate (sustainable) growth and health. Or you can take actions that limit, stunt, and destroy. These, from the human point of view, are right and wrong.

We must learn to identify not only with our subjective ego experience, but also with the greater objective organism/Universe/Nature/Source/Truth/God (whatever you may call this structure). Do this and one can achieve true freedom. Not limitless animalistic 'freedom', hedonism, or degeneracy as you like to say. Bringing into alignment the ego to the super-ego, removes all friction between the internal and the external and removes the inner, and subsequently external, conflict most of us find ourselves engrossed in. The realization that we are a single cosmic being having an individuated experience of itself. The part experiencing the whole. Discipline over the part/ego, ensuring it may only act in accordance with the greater will of the whole/Universe/God. Being able to choose between letting the animal side manifest, when in accordance (eating well, excercise, healthy social/sexual relations etc), and choosing to reign it in when it becomes destructive (junkfood/couchpotato/sexual perversion etc). This is true freedom.

It's time. One only has the right over control over the subjective self. There will be no external structures or saviors to save you from yourself. Only you can take this choice.

Liberate yourself.

I really like these photos. Got any more?

Google cymatics if you're interested in the patterns. Cymatics is the generation of geometrical patterns through resonating sound through a metal plate or surface with sand or another medium on it.

I'll dump some nice pics I have while in this thread.

Can't really argue with any of this. It's spot on. Almost all of modern problems in society can be attributed to people acting on instant gratification rather than self improvement or preparation for the future. It's only getting worse as time moves on and technology improves to meet that instant gratification they want. Improving oneself requires discipline, and discipline, to the average person, is becoming increasingly unnecessary.

It is becoming increasingly unnecessary. But this will lead to deeper and deeper states of crisis in the internal and external world of individuals and the collective. We are forced to come to the conclusion that individual self-discipline in accordance to objective morality is a necessity. It's either that or perish.

But humans, like all organisms, try to utilize energy as efficiently as possible. This means essentially doing only as much as necessary. If knowing how to hunt or make a fire doesn't benefit you in any apparent way, then why use the energy to learn it? Exercising abilities in the absence on necessity requires some outside force. For people like you and I that understand the advantages of doing things for the sake of self-improvement, that is the outside force. For most people, it requires authority or some kind of fear to go against their nature. And this is made worse by the fact that our society lives off of insatiable consumerism, which benefits from an ignorant and impulsive population.

Yes, the realization itself must become the 'outside', or rather internal force. Intrinsic motivation through letting the higher being flow through yourself. And while I agree that alot of people need fear or external authority to drive them, it doesn't mean that it has to remain that way. People must learn in their own time why and how to achieve this. If they do not do this before death, that's fine too. The greater organism will have learned from it. It can only go toward greater and greater unification. We can only choose to retard this unification through selfish, ego driven behavior, or let it run its natural course by offering no resistance to it.

I would argue that self improvement is the natural flow of human behavior, but the ego limits this and comes into conflict with it through conditioned habits that it enjoys having. Once you 'let go' of this mode of behavior, the natural flow can resume and the healthy human being will automatically want to self improve. It is the will of the higher being we belong to do so.

You will fucking love "The Foundation for Exploration" if you haven't already read it.

I haven't, but I'll download that now, thank you.

Christian countries had the biggest economic success scientific progress, cultural dominance and as soon as we give it up we start failing as a culture. Also Christianity seems to explode all over the world without any military might, China right now for example. And the original church as people would rather die than abandon their already dead prophet.
Does this mean that the Christian ethos is the most compatible with the universe, as it seems that some form of natural selection makes it so strong a force.
Does that mean that Jesus Christ was selected by the universe for his teachings to be spread throughout the land?
Is the universe God?

I know I didn't write this too well as im on the shitter quickly replying, but I hope you get what I mean.

What Christianity has done and continues to do is fulfill an innate need for morality. We want to strive toward order, and letting morality go is polarizing one's self toward the other end of order seemingly. We think we can decide for ourselves what morality is and isn't and it's akin to a cancer losing connection to the greater organism it belongs to and proliferating in ways it was never intended to, eventually spreading itself throughout the organism, which loses orderly structure and dissolves, or dies. Yes for the cancer, morality loses all meaning as it is growing and 'thriving'. But it will hit a 'wall'. It hasn't grown in accordance and will surely destroy the context in which it lives. Nature's/God's/Universe's way of restoring order is never letting anything beyond that wall.

As for why it's spreading even though there are no external factors forcing this, is basically because it's become a meme. It has now taken on a life of it's, spreading itself far and wide, and yes, that is because it resonates with our need for morality most, along with other religious systems. There are peoples, especially in 3rd world countries who have not gone through the same cycles we have, but taking religion to it's eventual conclusion they will arrive in the same place as us. They will 'outgrow' external religion and come to realize it is lacking. It is an external idea, imposed on the internal world. It is doomed as soon as we start to believe in it, because that's what you do with an external idea, you believe in it. You must come to internal KNOWLEDGE, not belief, of a meta-structure that you are a part of. Knowing it has certain limits, needs and desires you must conform to, in order for it, and therefore you as you are a part of it, to thrive. Looking deeply into nature and it's laws will provide this internal knowledge.

Have you ever had any thoughts on writing a book?

>tfw your God and this is just a dreamworld you made up for your own enjoyment.

>tfw you manifest repeating digitits on your post

I feel like I need to define Order and Chaos further as they are tricky subjects. In the subjective world there is order and chaos. Order being the 'correct' course of action, which leads to higher levels of integration and stability. Chaos being the 'incorrect' course of action, which leads to dissolution and instability. Creation and destruction, good and evil. yin and yang, light and dark you can see these as.

We have a tendency toward order/light/good. Therefore to avoid dark/evil/chaos is to achieve good/light/order. We must therefore in the subjective experience choose good over evil. Simple.

However, in the objective, higher point of view, good and evil cease to exist. It is all cause and effect. Destruction is a necessary part of Creation. In fact nothing is ever truly destroyed. Only rearranged. One thing triggers another which triggers another ad infinitum. It has no inherent morality embedded in it. It is a stream of events stretching from infinity to infinity. It is an eternal 'moving'. In this dance exists no 'order or chaos' because it is all order. 'Chaos' only exists in the human mind, because we need a way to differentiate between things to have an experience of any kind. If you cannot see high or low, near or far, left or right, how will you ever navigate? How can you have an experience if you cannot see the interplay between light and dark? It will all be blinding white light.

explain what this picture is about?

So in thinking of it like this, we can see that all is unified, a perfect being, eternal, in the objective reality. But by having a subjective (ego) experience of it, this truth becomes obscured. We lose our unity with the one consciousness and we see things as divided.

What we must do is in our subjective, ego experience realize that this experience is of an illusory kind. That in fact, at the deepest essence of ourselves we are unified with all things that we see as seperate from ourselves. Doing this makes the truth unobscure once more. So to achieve that we must reject illusions (darkness, evil, chaos non-unity etc) and move toward truth (order, light, good, unity) in the subjective experience. If we do this purifying of vision dilligently enough, one would expect that we would achieve once more supreme unity with all things, finally dispelling all illusions.

Yes, but as you might be able to tell, I'm a horrible story-teller and haven't intellectually ordered my theories enough to write a book on them. Even explaining this here makes me reach the limits of my intellectual capacity while trying to distill into consumable information. Only during meditation and experiencing this internally can you ever really KNOW truth. Taking it from there to a linear medium is quite hard.

It's a representation of the structure of atoms.

good stuff user, thanks

also kaleidoscope

I have to leave it here for today as it's getting quite late already. I will copy paste this post however and repost it on a later date so we can have a more lengthy discussion about it.

>We must learn to identify not only with our subjective ego experience, but also with the greater objective organism/Universe/Nature/Source/Truth/God (whatever you may call this structure). Do this and one can achieve true freedom. Not limitless animalistic 'freedom', hedonism, or degeneracy as you like to say.

Communism, yeah!
Sup Forums BTFO by itself

whats crazy is i came to the same conclusion on a high dose of lsd like 4 months ago

then i found alan watts, terrence mckenna, etc.

i had depression, anxiety, hated myself and everything. was seriously considering suicide.

now i see how beautiful everything really is. i hope more realise this.

Natural law and it's contemporary adherents (new essentialism) give a much more lucid explanation to the philosophical problems you reference; better than the pantheistic gibberish you're regurgitating from evola

Christianity is just popular because it appeals to the natural cowardly ethos inherent to the masses of subhumans. Then better people recognize this and use Christianity to control the subhumans and make some us of them.

No. Natural law is just arbitrary bullshit.

isnt natural law just another name of the hermeneutic principles?

BTW say what you have to say but once you read and understand the hermeneutic principles or natural law, youll start noticing the patterns everywhere.

>not totally fucking obvious to anyone with at least 120 IQ

Now that we've got that out of the way, what to do with this information?

Natural law is just arbitrarily claiming nonsense like "humans are by nature X, therefore they should do Y." Of course the X and Y are not agreed upon by anyone.

Final red pill - communism. We have to build it and to build it we have to be ready. But Sup Forums isn't even ready for that red pill, too early, there must be some changes before.

Then by the looks of it, we have a diferent idea of what natural law is, better stick whit "hermeneutic principles" seems to be more clear.

Just curious by what principles or theories u are using to get you definition of natural law?.

Is this really what he says? That my gut has a God in it? Sounds new-agey and faggish.

yeah. before i woke up, i used ot think communism was bad. it still is, if it were to be implemented right now, but hopefully once everyone else wakes up we'll actually be able to pull it off without people at the top sabotaging it all to grab power.

we're all one. let's act like it.

The elites and alphas engineered this situation because they know most people will just self-indulge, while they, the elites, will benefit from this state of chaos.

Kill everyone below 120 IQ
Right idea, but communism tends to kill people with high IQs as they challenge the authoritarian state which is created to institute the supreme stateless society. We ideally want the opposite effect in which we kill all the stupid people instead.

You're an idiot. "We're all one" justifies hierarchy more than it justifies egaloltarianism.

how so?

>There needs to come a realization of an internal sense of morality
Oh boy not this hippy new age bullshit again. Humans are human, there will be no "great spiritual awakening".

Because at the same time that "we are all one," we are not all equal. So it implies a corporatism structure as ideal and harmony of the societal body. Same way a human body is one, but the various organizations and cells are not equal and fit in a hierarchal structure, not an egalitarian one.

nobody is better or worse than anyone. it's all one.

how can one thing be better than itself?

It's not spiritual. People are still evolving and as I see we are becoming more united.

>As Evola rightly says, the death of religion was a good thing.
That is absolutely and completely wrong.

Also, your original post has the vicious quality defining it as a poison for the mind by doing the following:
>state something obvious and true that somehow is a "redpill" but has been known for ages
>use a prominent name as the pivot for the bullshit to come
>invent everything down the line with neither factual nor moral ground apart from an overinflated ego by building from the aforementioned right premise
And it's like that throughout every single one of your posts.

Kill yourself.

White people(mostly nordics) have Aryan genetics but lack Spirit

Japs have Samurai spirit but lack Aryan Genetics

Religion is a short cut to spirit

Real spirit comes from thousands of years of unity just like good genetics comes from thousands of years of mate selecting

The world needs an Aryan filled with a Samurai spirit

Samurai + Aryan = Samuraryna aka Saiyan

>nobody is better or worse than anyone.

>it's all one
Maybe you should move up from meme retards and CIA agents like Alan Watts and Terrence Mckenna to the original, upanishads.

Communism is submission to state overlords and being forced to do what they say is for the greater good, not self reliance and doing what you believe is truly for the greater good

i think you're being held back by opinions

but that's just my opinion.

Literally meaningless. There are people with 200 IQ who propose destroying the world and going off on a suicide mission to save humanity. Fuck your geometry intuition. It's no God.

The truth is that everyone has choices and most of what you see is pretend so why not fake it til you make it anyway? You can do whatever you want. Only a fool is limited by his own whims and fables. Do what you want, and make sure it is good. That's all that matters.


I'm not talking about "appeal to nature" I'm talking about natural law theory id est "new essentialism" you silly cunt


This sounds like Judaism a bit - the whole “unity” thing

>t. low IQ leaf

High IQ is the way of the future. Your sacrifice will not be in vein.

You got it - good speed user

Christianity is submission to bible writers overlords and being forced to do what they say is for the greater good, not self reliance and doing what you believe is truly for the greater good.

Goonan might have already beat you to a lot of things, but I think you have some more to say on the subject. Go for it. Start organizing a book.

Congrats... you've fallen for the Luciferian deception.

>loving is an act of satan
>but be scared because god hates fags and he's gonna destroy them and send them to hell

okay, sure. why not?

Terrence McKenna and Alan Watts both had connections to Esalen

morality is literally just logical operation in consideration of consequence
only degenerate subhumelets need to have a religion to get them to be morally functioning
the rejection of morality, and other such simple formal logical systems, is the consequence of (((freedom))) though
freedom is a meme, a spook, it doesn't exist, only "god" is outside of consequence but causality alone is enough to prove that free will is just an extremely emphasized illusion that is perpetually suspended on disbelief or taking the time out to fact check it