Absolute madman
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maybe we have looked at scientology with the wrong lens, they cant be that bad!
fuck this authoritarian orange dorito!!
dumb shill kys
All churches should be forced to pay taxes
Co$ watches this website so closely. Get ready for the xenushills.
Clearly sarcasm, you autist
You're in favor of giving churches political representation?
well yeah, it's not a religion. It's just a somewhat effective therapy technique.
>picking a fight with Scientology
Now he's in real danger. Deep state and AIPAC government infiltrators are nothing compared to Scientology's levels of evil and willingness to commit murder.
Not user but it seems like a good trade. Corporations can have a political voice, why can't churches have one too? If churches become tax payers, certainly they should have a voice.
fuck off xenunigger
it's not like they don't do it already...
>implying some communist religion has a chance of getting anywhere near the president of the USA
at least in my country churches are political as hell while having tax-exempt status.
i'd like to tax them as they use huge chunk of money for themselves instead of poor, but then again, more taxes = more public leeches.
How are the Scientologist shills swarming Sup Forums in the past few weeks going to react?
maybe we can take this as an excellent opportunity to redpill them on white genocide and the JQ... heh
don't tax churches, and don't tax needy citizens either.
>doesn't know that the largest spy infiltration of the US government ever discovered was run by Scientology
They had more agents inside the government than Israel, Russia and all other governments combined. It was a spy ring 10x larger than any ever found before or since. Don't underestimate the reach and derangement of their cult members.
Only people get representation. Businesses can pay taxes and be grateful that we let them operate.
Churches have always had a political voice even when they've intentionally been excluded.
Yeah fuck tfumdrump
He is not a madman.
Way ahead of you body thetan infested faggots
>“Now it’s of peculiar interest to an Arab country that there is a company and a certain set of bankers who also finance the World Federation of Mental Health. …and we see that although the KGB and so forth seems to be associated with the World Federation of Mental Health, their other organization in action seems to go back to Jewish Bankers.”
>L. Ron Hubbard, Aides Conference, “Covert Operations”, 2 November 1969
>"Furthermore, [Sigmund Freud] had a racial fixation on sex, a fixation sufficiently pronounced to cause it to infect contagiously all modern European stock.”
>L. Ron Hubbard, PAB No. 92, “A Critique of Psychoanalysis”, 10 July 1956
Scientologistophobic anti Scientologist racism,
>more taxes = more public leeches.
Diz is whuy wee muzt taks duh riych Dey must pay fair share
If Scientology loses it so should the Mormons. All this religion as fraud is nauseating.
Trump is user confirmed
Xenufaggot confirmed
Love this guy.
It is an incredibly ballsy move. Scientology utterly pwned the IRS and the DOJ years ago.
Clearly sarcasm, you autist
>The churches, made up of people who vote, would be super fucking scary if they could vote!!
Go ahead and derecognize scientology, neoreligionism is bunk anyways. Faith is ghoulish.
>Church founded with strong white nationalist principles loses tax exempt status
>hurr durr /ourguy/
Hubbard's gay conversion therapy is literally the nost effective on Earth and he hated niggers, kikes and chinks (especially the chinks).
Fuck this shit, I'm going back to SeaOrg
Scientology is a religion of peace!
Honest question when is the last time Scientology ran a truck of peace through a crowd. If you retards are going to tax anyone tax muslims or jews. Jews have more money to take anyway, course Trump the kike sucker would never do that to his overlords.
They already have it, who are you trying to kid?
We come back
He’s gonna be flooded with lawsuits
Fair Game
>trump reignites chanology
The fuck you talkin' bout, leaf? Are you seriously arguing the Catholic Church (and the Pope in particular) aren't "political"?
>suing the President
Good luck with that.
Sounds like something someone with a kike for a son-and-law would do
>Scientologists begin raiding Sup Forums
>a week later Trump threatens to defund them
Damn he works fast
Just focus on repeal and replace O'care you Orange Kike.
>Yes, they are the ones that really control all the actors goyim! Don't question why Spielberg is such a creepy jew!
>Scientologists begin raiding Sup Forums
They've been here for a decade, dude.
They never left.
He's right, it's not a church it's a CULT. Just a damned cult that should not exist. Started by a science fiction writer, that should have been a warning right there.
I have no doubt that Scientology is run by a kike as controlled opposition of sorts.
Based Trump is flexing his post Asia peace tour gainz. The S.S. Don now has ultra instinct
Cool and good
Good... Christianity next....
Too little to late though. The entire tax system is coming down with cryptos.
Does any European country even actually recognize Scientology as religion?
Do it.
Churches already have representation through influencing their hordes of worshipers, why not get some money from the faggots?
They already have that lmfao.
thx mr skeltal
This could legitimately get him shot, no joke.
Gtfo skeleton
would the democratic party have a chance if Tom Cruise was running for president in 2020?
he is quite witty and charismatic
FAKE trips. Ignore.
Wtf I love Scientology now
Not really, lot of normies hate him for his outbursts and for joining a cult.
He peaked in the 90s.
We don’t deserve this man. Pretty sure I read the Scientology enclave was the only area of LA county that went red too, hah!
Inb4 >wtf I love Scientology now?!
Too late.
So what happens to Joy Villa? Does she turn on her Trump base?
Independant Scientology looks pretty cool tbqh.
The church of Scientology couldn't touch Parker and Stone.
How are they gonna take Trump?
something something russian hookers, probably.
lol, are the southpark buzzfeed shills going to support scientology now the evil drumpf is against it?
that's a good gif
Wouldn't surprise me
First Russia bans scientology, now this.. coincidence?
>got Isaac Hayes to quit the show
>couldn't touch
Did more than Islam ever did after the Muhammad episode
I went to a Scientology Life Improvement Centre once and, I've got to be honest with you, it really changed my life. It was a great experience and I thoroughly recommend it to all of my fellow anons.
Pay that sales tax on tithes! Or giving to a charity! I'm down! We need the government involved at every step of the way in regards to every transfer of money! Its not like its a tax on religion or charity! Not at all!.........Churches, synagogues, and buhdist temples are all exempt from this wealth transfer tax moron. They still pay taxes like everyone else otherwise.
i wonder if they got him his part in pulp fiction
Reminder that Scientology is attacked because L Ron Hubbard named (((them))
>Our enemies are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains and they, oddly enough, run all the mental health groups in the world that had sprung up.
>Now these chaps are very interesting fellows, they have fantastically corrupt backgrounds, illegitimate children, government graft - a very unsavoury lot - and they apparently some time in the very distant past had determined upon a course of action. Being in control of most of the gold supplies on the planet, they entered on a programme of bringing every government to bankruptcy and under their thumb, so that no government would be able to act politically without their permission."
no, their attacked because they keep people like prisoners and drain them financially.
Not saying LRH was incorrect, but he hasnt been running the show for a while now
??? People being political of a certain group isn't the same as a barred religious organisation being political. What is the Johnson Admendment?
You are talking about majorly represented Churches, filled by leftie fags. Allowing religious competition instead of celebrity contest that we have in the world now, will turn people to Orthodoxy. Wich in turn would obliterate the whole freemason western society crashing down. Wiping all the crusadery anecdotes and "western" "roman" "empire" mythology.
Surely it is a right thing to do but people are blind dcum and would hold to current status quo until red comissar would shoot them in the head for roman mama fat-acceptance orders violation.
Scientology also runs the worlds largest anti-(((psychiatry))) charity
>"The names and connections, at this time, of the bitterly opposing enemy are: 1. Psychiatry and psychology (not medicine). 2. The heads of news media who are also directors of psychiatric front groups. 3. A few key political figures in the fields of "mental health" and education. 4. A decline of monetary stability caused by the current planning of bankers who are also directors of psychiatric front organizations [that] would make us unable to function."
- L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 16 February 1969, "TARGETS, DEFENSE"
I wonder why (((they))) want it gone
If churches didn't abuse their tax exempt status then I woukd be fine with it. You abuse you lose it, that's how the world works.
>"A psychiatrist today has the power to (1) take a fancy to a woman (2) lead her to take wild treatment as a joke (3) drug and shock her to temporary insanity (4) incarnate [sic] her (5) use her sexually (6) sterilise her to prevent conception (7) kill her by a brain operation to prevent disclosure. And all with no fear of reprisal. Yet it is rape and murder… We want at least one bad mark on every psychiatrist in England, a murder, an assault, or a rape or more than one… This is Project Psychiatry. We will remove them."
- L. Ron Hubbard, Sec ED, Office of LRH, Confidential, 22 February 1966, "Project Psychiatry"
No. It's attacked because of volcano gods and because of the simplistic psychology behind thier beliefs. You're crazy if you think Scientology or the like-minded Jevoha's Witnesses will ever make sense or be accepted on Sup Forums.
Who owns Scientology?
Are there shareholders?
L. Ron Hubbard on the manipulation of economics by (((them)))
>"Communism, far different from the hope of Marx, is the tool of the rich and powerful to seize everything in sight, and pay no wages. It is the final answer to capitalism, not its opponent."
>"What you are observing, apparently, in our modern world, is an obscuring of actual economics to the somewhat ignoble end of taking everything away from everyone but the State. The State can then be a chosen few who own all. Capitalism, communism and socialism all wind up with man in the same situation—owned body and soul by the State."
>"So if you are confused by “economic statements” by a few chosen mouthpieces of the intended few who will be the State, realize it is not the subject itself but the intentional misuse of the subject which is causing the trouble."
>"Since all roads—capitalism, socialism, communism—all lead to the same total ownership, none of them is in actual fact in conflict. Only those several groups who each want to own everything are in conflict—and none of them is worthy of support."
>People being political of a certain group isn't the same as a barred religious organisation being political.
When those people form activism groups under the guise of their church: yes, yes it is exactly the same.
How do they do so? Do you intend to tax my charity and religious beliefs? Not a church goer btw. I think its the values of the general church going population that's the real threat to the left.
Good day, fellow Anonymouses. I must express my sadness that so many of my Sup Forums friends do not believe in The Study of Truth. I hope that some of you will change your minds, because I hear that Scientology has a lot of lolworthy memes and enriching programs. They're over 5000 top cakes, as we always say!
Dioretix: The Science Of Matter Over Mind
>"This book'll change your life, know what I mean?"
It was taken over by the CIA as part of MK ULTRA
Google the Scientology / Remote Viewing connection, then connect that to Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann... then connect those two to the CIA dump on StarGate / Grill Flame - combine this with the anti-psychiatry, anti-globalism stance of LRH and you'll find out the real reason why (((they))) are so desperate to have to disappear.
Of course Scientology has crimes of its own, but nothing comparable to the pedowood stuff going on atm
>“As long as a white foreman is there, they will prevent soil erosion; but the moment that a white foreman turns his back — boo! There goes the whole program.
>“And you finally get up to the point of where he’s [native] supposed to take care of something, a lesson which has never been taught to the native of South Africa.”
>L. Ron Hubbard, 15th ACC (Power of Simplicity) lecture “Education: Point of Agreement”, 30 Oct 1956.
>“The insanity rate per capita in South Africa is appalling. …it is easily seen that a primary requisite in any programme of the rehabilitation of the Bantu in South Africa would be mental health…”
>L. Ron Hubbard, HCOB April 1960, “The Scientific Treatment of the Insane”