Why are Russians so fuckin' quiet?
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such is life in the zone
Didn't your father ever tell you to keep your head down?
Try to be quite for 7 days, you'll understand yourself.
whaddya mean?
My first day in Moscow when I was called in to install a robot arm (the automation industry will send you around the world to install a single robotic arm) I saw two minor traffic accidents, a motorcyclist pushing a shopping trolly in front of his bike and a random man smash the head off a snowman with a empty bottle.
They're used to things being unusual, when things turn normal, that's when they start panicking.
russia is literally snow mexico
Looks grimm yet comfy.
Hah, that picture could have been taken in the neighbourhood where I grew up and nothing in the picture even looks out of place. We have lots of commie blocks in my city and I've seen many house fires in them. One time a guy even turned on the gas and blew himself up. Pic related.
Try it and you'll see.
As a long-term outsider here, I can tell you an insight. One thing Russians are good at is enduring. All those pics and webm's have this in common, the people fucking endure, like that burning Buddhist in that famous photo. It explains so much imho.
but wait, theres more
I thought batman killed The Penguin.
>Be virgin amerimutt
>spoon falls to the ground
>chimp out and screech like an idiot
>Loot the local McDonald's
>Be chad Russian
>See commieblock collapse
>Realize that just like the commieblock, our existence is also unstable and it could collapse any moment
>Think about today's dinner
>lives in a country where buildings don't spontaneously explode
why do you even bother paying taxes?
is he from the tard-squad or something?
every 10 y/o knows what aerosol and a open flame does
>film footage from 9/11 from a coffee or deli shop in south Manhattan close to the collapsing WTC
>as the tower collapses, a wall of grey dust rolls past the shop's windows outside
>every fucking female in the shop screaming "OH MY GOD!" at the top of her lungs
>this goes on for minutes
As if that would make it any better.
As if that would not unnerve and aggravate every person near them even more.
At least nobody clapped spontaneously, but still: Fucking Americans.
America is The Barrens and Russia is more Silverpine.
Russia is Tirisfal Glades
> implying
Australia is barrens
Russia is eastern pestlands
America is SV
That fucking picture.
this is pretty normal for russia desu.
also whats the story behind this?
I dont speak asian. what happened here?
I was reffering to chat population.
Gas explosion.
Same most likely.
i'm sure he knows, slav cops just don't really care
huh. gas actually explodes like that? I always figured gas from a gas leak would just deflagrate, aka burn. Wouldnt it need to be compressed gas to actually explode?
>flammeble gas mixed with air in a confined space
>something sparks
This is exactly what happens.
Homemade vodka accident.
They care when you have to pay for crossing speed limit.
Yeah, they care as long as there's a potential bribe involved
Only outside big cities
t.neighbouring country.
In 2 seperate incidents people committed suicide like that in my neighbourhood. Actually one survived but he was fucked up and he blew the whole front wall of his apartment out. All the surrouding apartments had to be evacuated for a few weeks too.
I would sooner be Russian than one of these cumts anyday
Guy in the middle is not a slav.
the word you were meaning to say was "composed" mr niggerman
So what's the difference between synonym and synonym, anyway?
its a taboo in slavic culture to make a big deal about anything
It's not a terror attack. Gas leak.
>At least nobody clapped spontaneously
>>every fucking female in the shop screaming "OH MY GOD!" at the top of her lungs
All women do this. I don't see how you're using this as a case against americans?
>Visiting Murmansk for the weekend
>Take a taxi to OK center shopping mall
>Take taxi driven by a really aggressive old woman
>Arrive at shopping mall
>Had to take out cash
>ATM eats my card
>Mall guard basically said it was my problem
>It came out 1 minute later and everything was fine
Russia was pretty much what I expected, it actually reinforced my stereotype of them.
thread archives. i wont make my post die! ill spam here.
It depends on your genes and hers. If she was top stock close-to-aryan, you would have created a better genetic specimen(it's fun saying specimen) than two of the same stock same lineage can create(and especially two of too-close genetic material. ie: inbreeding). That's why they always merge two fullblood horses of different lineages together.
Regardless of what Sup Forums may think there is such a thing as inbreeding and outbreeding, and too close to either of those = bad, but just the right touch creates genius. So fucking your cousin = bad, fucking a negro, too-far-away asiatic or aboriginal = bad in 99.999999999% of cases.
Fucking an aryan princess of india or a perfect beauty from latin america with a high degree of european genes vs an ugly girl from the west is still going to create better offspring with the foreigner.