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They'll lay off the last of the white men who know anything about anything, driving away the last vpestigages of the white cucks who still watch that garbage. SJWs gonna SJW.
Keep it going anons.
Remember, the customer is always right. Fans didn't ask for any disgusting side dishes with their meal. And you will take the dish back.
>paid 8billion for handegg
>pay 5bilion for basebal
man I'm shocked they're having to cut costs
Lets hope lay off those highly questionable fags and his annoying spic father.
What are the odds jemele racist hill will be on the layoff list?
YES! I would love to see that Lebotard fuck gone and his liberal beta minions in the back room all looking for work.
Maybe then they'll find out their spic card doesn't work anymore because they have to compete with all the others Obama let in.
If they aren't completely retarded, they will lay off the people who are part of the problem (i.e. the SJW who push the insane liberal agenda) and not those who would be part of the solution.
Disney owns ESPN?
>ESPN laying off employees
>NFL ratings down
>Ghostbusters reboot flopped
>Mass Effect Andromeda was so bad it killed the studio that made it
>Marvel Comic Book sales in the gutter
When are people going to realize that pandering to SJWs is a losing Gambit?
>What are the odds jemele racist hill will be on the layoff list?
If they shitcan 99 other people, it would be no issue including her in that mix.
Yeah disney owns everthing.
Walt Disney is also rolling in his grave because of the kikes.
They'll keep doubling down because they can't refuse their Jewish masters
>tfw interned for ESPN
This is absolutely no surprise seeing as it they spend more money to run ESPN than they make from it. It's hands down one of the biggest cluster fucks of a channel. I remember when the new SW came out and everyone was excited because it was going to kick Disney stocks up due to it box office success and ESPN ended up being the reason there was no spike. NBC sports is superior in every way and ESPN is now a politically loaded "sports channel" full of loud mouth idiots who rarely even talk about sports? Want to hear the political opinion of a black woman who can't name the former vice president? Watch ESPN. Want to enjoy sports? Watch NBC sports.
Of course it’s the niggers they’re going to lay off last though. Oh well let them keep all their coon ball fans and sports casters and continue to get btfo by white america
>microtransactions now bring more money than actual game sales
>Sony makes biggest profit ever because of a gambling mobile game
Not every battle can be won.
God I hope so. I pray I live to see the day Disney goes out of business.
The list of things Disney owns is crazy look at just the wikipedia page.
>"if they aren't completely retarded"
Well there's your problem
NFL just offered a buyout to their most senior managers ... several hundred ... mostly at Films and the league offices. They stay until SB is over.
Revenues tanking ... gotta cut some costs ...
Wtf did they think was going to happen?
My father was always glued to espn. Now he learned about the on demand feature for western movies, and he's done with the sports political shit show.
And he's in his 60s...I can only imagine how many more are waking up from the cuck sports trance.
what the christ
I thought it was just a black mentioning the kneeling faggots once in a while
At the end there's like a list of all the stuff Disney owns. It's crazy.