
honestly how do yall feel about the man himself? I think he was a great leader, and probably our only chance to purge the kikes and stop their creation of a world government. I also believe that he is the most illegitimately vilified person ever, he wasnt even that bad of a guy no? ein volk ein reich ein fuhrer

Other urls found in this thread:


>hitler didn't want to create a world government
good 1

better his than the kikes



He was a decent man who had lived through a lot of bullshit. Born into a broken family, still manages to do SOMETHING with his life. Served his country in WW1 recieving medals for valor and heroism. It's a real shame they had to tarnish all the good things he did because of (((them)))

>basement dwelling pol poster thinks he wouldn't be exterminated
another good 1! you're on a roll today

I'm not gonna pretend to like fascism, but even from a fascist perspective Hitler was incompetent. Through bad alliances and aggressive strategies he put himself in an unwinnable situation where he was facing off against 3 superpowers at the same time.

Could have been one of the greatest people to ever walk the earth if he had succeeded. Only 2nd to Jesus in terms of influence and achievements.

im white of a german family ill be fine

>>Brings his country out of ruins, on the brink of becoming a 3rd world shithole and turns it into a 1st world super power.
>>Somehow still thinks Hitler is incompetent.

Do you see why you're a dumb nigger user?

he's amazing, there's no one that comes close

the jews waged war against him bc they were scurred

This. I can only imagine how much we'd celebrate this man if he won. He came out of nowhere and almost turned the entire geopolitical tide. Incredible.

He shouldn't have declared war on literally everyone.

its sad because no normal person will ever wake up and realize they are just goyim, just sheep for the jews to leach off of

>manages to take that 1st world superpower and get millions of his own people killed and the 3rd Reich destroyed from his own hyper-aggressiveness

fuck off
he didn't "put himself" in any position

he wanted peace

>im starving your people and fucking up your country


if he had bothered to coordinate with japan, which was embarking on an insane unwinnable conquest of its own, they MAAAAYBE could have killed the USSR through invading it from both sides...

Seemed like a cool guy with lots of friends

what is this myth that he declared war on everyone? You could almost say it's the opposite.

>declares war on Poland
>declares war on the USSR
>declares war on the USA
>allies with the liability Italy
>allies with the unhelpful Japan
>orders the building of impractical "wunderwaffe"

He pretty much shot himself in the foot.

also Europe would be better today if he wasn't defeated

that makes me so angry.

he didnt

He had a eugenics program that was funded by the Rockefellers!

Wasn't he a socialist? Doesn't that make him objective garbage?

Hitler was a pussy faggot, he only killed like 200k jews

*national socialist

He wanted to get rid of European borders to create a Nazi militarily region by force. Kind of like the European union

Its still socialism!

Hitler was controlled opposition

a beautiful, highly efficient and we'll organized Germany with Christian values


Modern liberal shithole filled with third worlders

When I arrived in the entrance halt of the Hofbräuhaus at 7.45 that evening I realizcd that there could
be no doubt as to what the Reds intended. The hall was filled, and for that reason the police had
barred the entrances. Our adversaries, who had arrived very early, were in the hall, and our followers
were for the most part outside. The small bodyguard awaited me at the entrance. I had the doors
leading to the principal hall closed and then asked the bodyguard of forty-five or forty-six men to
come forward. I made it clear to the boys that perhaps on that evening for the first time they would
have to show their unbending and unbreakable loyalty to the movement and that not one of us should
leave the hall unless carried out dead. I added that I would remain in the hall and that I did not believe
that one of them would abandon me, and that if I saw any one of them act the coward I myself would
personally tear off his armlet and his badge. I demanded of them that they should come forward if the
slightest attempt to sabotage the meeting were made and that they must remember that the best
defence is always attack.

Thank you!

time to redpill you dumb faggots. he was a jew being used by other jews to facilitate the creation of the new Israel.

I was greeted with a triple Heil which sounded more hoarse and violent than usual.
Then I advanced through the hall and could take in the situation with my own eyes. Our opponents sat
closely huddled together and tried to pierce me through with their looks. Innumerable faces glowing
with hatred and rage were fixed on me, while others with sneering grimaces shouted at me together.
Now they would Finish with us. We must look out for our entrails. To-day they would smash in our
faces once and for all. And there were other expressions of an equally elegant character. They knew
that they were there in superior numbers and they acted accordingly.
Yet we were able to open the meeting; and I began to speak. In the Hall of the Hofbräuhaus I stood
always at the side, away from the entry and on top of a beer table. Therefore I was always right in the
midst of the audience. Perhaps this circumstance was responsible for creating a certain feeling and a
sense of agreement which I never found elsewhere.
Before me, and especially towards my left, there were only opponents, seated or standing. They were
mostly robust youths and men from the Maffei Factory, from Kustermann's, and from the factories on
the Isar, etc. Along the right-hand wall of the hall they were thickly massed quite close to my table.

And he had a eugenics program that was funded by the Rockefellers

They now began to order litre mugs of beer, one after the other, and to throw the empty mugs under
the table. In this way whole batteries were collected. I should have been surprised had this meeting
ended peacefully.
In spite of all the interruptions, I was able to speak for about an hour and a half and I felt as if I were
master of the situation. Even the ringleaders of the disturbers appeared to be convinced of this; for
they steadily became more uneasy, often left the hall, returned and spoke to their men in an obviously
nervous way.
A small psychological error which I committed in replying to an interruption, and the mistake of
which I myself was conscious the moment the words had left my mouth, gave the sign for the
There were a few furious outbursts and all in a moment a man jumped on a seat and shouted
"Liberty". At that signal the champions of liberty began their work.
In a few moments the hall was filled with a yelling and shrieking mob. Numerous beer-mugs flew like
howitzers above their heads. Amid this uproar one heard the crash of chair legs, the crashing of mugs,
groans and yells and screams.

It was a mad spectacle. I stood where I was and could observe my boys doing their duty, every one of
There I had the chance of seeing what a bourgeois meeting could be.
The dance had hardly begun when my Storm Troops, as they were called from that day onwards,
launched their attack. Like wolves they threw themselves on the enemy again and again in parties of
eight or ten and began steadily to thrash them out of the hall. After five minutes I could see hardly one
of them that was not streaming with blood. Then I realized what kind of men many of them were,
above all my brave Maurice Hess, who is my private secretary to-day, and many others who, even
though seriously wounded, attacked again and again as long as they could stand on their feet. Twenty
minutes long the pandemonium continued. Then the opponents, who had numbered seven or eight
hundred, had been driven from the hall or hurled out headlong by my men, who had not numbered
fifty. Only in the left corner a big crowd still stood out against our men and put up a bitter fight. Then
two pistol shots rang out from the entrance to the hall in the direction of the platform and now a wild
din of shooting broke out from all sides. One's heart almost rejoiced at this spectacle which recalled
memories of the War.



>Adolf Hitler - Youth (Age 0 - 25)

>Adolf Hitler - First World War (Age 25 - 29)

>Joseph Gobbels

>Ted Kaczynski

>Timothy McVeigh

>Anders Breivik

>H.P. Lovecraft

>William Cottrell

>Adam Lanza

>Christopher Thomas Knight

>Christopher McCandless

>Christopher Harper-Mercer

>Bill Hicks

>Dylann Roof



>Julius Evola - Ride The Tiger


Firstly, I reckon they killed more. 2nd, imagine how much worse our society would be if he hadn't lmao. Think of how fucked up our world is right now and then add another 500k+ Jews into the equation. Hitler slowed down the decent to hell significantly. Maybe even enough for another Reich to take place in the near future.

At that moment it was not possible to identify the person who had fired the shots. But at any rate I
could see that my boys renewed the attack with increased fury until finally the last disturbers were
overcome and flung out of the hall.
About twenty-five minutes had passed since it all began. The hall looked as if a bomb had exploded
there. Many of my comrades had to be bandaged and others taken away. But we remained masters of
the situation. Hermann Essen, who was chairman of the meeting, announced: "The meeting will
continue. The speaker shall proceed." So I went on with my speech.
When we ourselves declared the meeting at an end an excited police officer rushed in, waved his
hands and declared: "The meeting is dissolved."
Without wishing to do so I had to laugh at this example of the law's delay. It was the authentic
constabulary officiosiousness. The smaller they are the greater they must always appear.

Israel was created by the people fighting Hitler you piece of worthless shit. The UK.

no one fucking cares

That evening we learned a real lesson. And our adversaries never forgot the lesson they had received.
Up to the autumn of 1923 the Münchener post did not again mention the clenched fists of the

That might just be one of my favorite pictures of all time. Thank you. In return I attach this meme.

He was a faggot who got cucked by a cripple, an overweight drunkard, and a Mario look-a-like.

They were all in on it. Stalin, Roosevelt & Churchill were all Satanic Freemasons. Hitler was bastard Rothschild descendant, funded by Jews. Learn to research properly you swamp faggot

i wonder how many fucking retards are going to be posting their "rich man's trick" bullshit.

wtf I love Bastard Rothschild descendants now

>>His own hyper-agressiveness
That's a funny way of putting it. The more honest way would be to say it took an entired allied force comprised of MULTIPLE first world nations to take out just one. Shill harder nigger :^)

>le controlled opposition
Go away, kike.

45 of Hitler's Storm Troops vs 700 communists

>"There's a man alone, without family, without children, without God... He builds legions, but he doesn't build a nation. A nation is created by families, a religion, traditions: it is made up out of the hearts of mothers, the wisdom of fathers, the joy and the exuberance of children... For a few months I was inclined to believe in National Socialism. I thought of it as a necessary fever. And I was gratified to see that there were, associated with it for a time, some of the wisest and most outstanding Germans. But these, one by one, he has got rid of or even killed... He has left nothing but a bunch of shirted gangsters! This man could bring home victories to our people each year, without bringing them either glory or danger. But of our Germany, which was a nation of poets and musicians, of artists and soldiers, he has made a nation of hysterics and hermits, engulfed in a mob and led by a thousand liars or fanatics. ― Kaiser Wilhelm II on Hitler, December 1938.

It is nice, isn't it? I can only wonder what it was like to be a part of it all. So much purpose, direction and meaning.

I hope many potatoes are in your future, Irishman


In a world that isn't under the thumb of Jewish power, he would just be remembered as another one of history's great leaders/conquerors, alongside Caesar, Napoleon, Genghis Khan etc. People wouldn't revere him but they wouldn't make him out to be Satan incarnate either.

>he literally thinks Nazis were pagans

If Hitler and the Confederates had won, then none of this gay shit would he happening in the U.S or Europe.

I will never deny this fact.

Would Hitler even be a thing if the CSA had won?


Sauce on quote? I doubt it's real.

Why would he lament fighting a war he started?

No but Jake Featherston would be.


He ddin't have to attack these two. He was a pretentious prick and he did. The rest is history.

I really don't buy this story. Even if it's true, makes zero difference. Kikes built the Reich up regardless to achieve their Zionist agenda, and Hitler nationalised the bank anyway. Rothschild descendant or not, Hitler was the manifestation of divine power on earth.

the problem with the majority of people posting in this thread, is that they had shit tier history education. you learned history via the jew sanctioned text books that your shitty public school was allowed to have. real history is steeped within layers of secrecy that are not found in your school curriculum. stupid faggots

the story isn't for sale if it's factual. just because your shitty public school and jew sanctioned community college history taught you what you currently know, doesn't make it so.

Holocaust is a hoax but Hitler was still a piece of shit. Most of his speeches are just him saying whatever the public wanted to hear, not what he truly believed.

Post aesthetic Hitlers.

Good ideas, I can understand why Eastern Europe hates him, even though if you recited all the ideas with Eastern European influences, they'd agree with the foundations.

When you have your Reich you don't have to be pagan or christian that's the point.


Just another vote Whore

His childhood friend.

>someone with the nazi meme flag isn't a shill
I-It's been so long...

>Why would he lament fighting a war he started?
He didn't start the war, Britain did. The subhuman poles were committing mass genocides of german people and england didn't do shit to stop it.


>try to kill all kikes
>kikes end up getting their own ethnostate and proceed to fuck Germany in the ass for decades

Nice going the 'Dolf, now comes the part where stormniggers try absolve themselves and their Golden Boy of the blame. Go!

Drug addict. Irrational. Poor grasp of strategics / logistics. Obsessions with occult nonsense. Generally a fucking moron. Good instincts for media and mass communications. Middling artist.

Imagine being this fucking retarded. Jesus goddamn christ.

Could be factual, couldn't be. Like I said, it makes no difference. Unless that is, you put forward the hypothesis that Hitler was a jew by birth and a jewish agent beginning to end. I don't think that would hold up though.

2nd ww is so fascinating precisely because it wasn't like a modern carefully engineered war of propagandised proles vs proles while the internationally minded elites consolidate power. Germany was legitimately taking on the judeoglobalism.

Cute doggo though.

Yeah, Europe got shanked by Jews. Your point?

hitler was a hero to our people. He never died. Hes coming back



goyim uprising

Hitler literally did nothing wrong.

Poor guy had Parkinson's. He was bound to eventually succumb to the harsher effects of it eventually, and they started to culminate towards the end of the war, specifically his ability to see the bigger picture of things, which is a common occurrence in Parkinson's patients who have had the disease for a long period of time. Most notably would be D-Day; The German forces had such a delayed response to the assault by the allied forces mainly due to Hitler giving strict orders to not being awoken, along with him not being able to process the details of the invasion and not realizing he needed to immediately allocate as much of his defenses there as possible as soon as possible, which helped the allied forces get the upper hand.
I also wish he hadn't had Ernst Rohm and most of the SA, but I suppose paranoia will do that.


"Allies" were rotten assholes. FRANCE AND ENGLAND declared war on germany over fucking POLAND lol.
Hey mean mr Hitler leave Innocentius poles alone
Oh just kidding poland we let USSR assfuck you poland for 50 years we just wanted an excuse to start a war vs germany.
We have Canada, India, Oceania/Australia, all of Africa on our side.
Oh but we are the good guys never mind enslaving half the world in our colonial empires.
Oh hey im USA i will attack german ships and occupy iceland but not declare war because im a huge coward.
"Lol stupid Hitler why he DoW USA KEK"

Fucking allies warmongerers.
The Smartest thing a frenchman ever said; why die for Danzig?

Allies literally could have stopped the giant evil that is communism by just leaving Hitler alone.

Churchill biggest demon in history.
Of course everyone not on the shekel knows all this and more.

Point is Hitler DoW poland to save Germans from slaughter is not a world war.
England, France + half the rest of the world aka their collonies declaring war on germany = world war.

Also fuck USA you treated blacks as second class citizens until the end of the 60s ffs dont pretend to have moral high ground vs Hitlers treatment of jews. At least blacks cant help that they are retarded jews are literally evil geniouses.

Hitler did nothing wrong. The holocaust didnt happen but i wish it did.

Amen brother.

The USSR and USA are the two biggest ZOGs in history and have brought the world to the brink of ruin. They were the only two countries Hitler HAD to fight

hitler was a jew


Thank you, i am drunk and angry, gott mit uns.

I'm lost on 8 and 6
8 might be rommel? but idk about 6

i am having wet dreams about him. hope i am clear enough

I hear his book is doing very well in Turkey.