>go shopping
cashier is Ukrainian
>go home by bus
driver is Ukrainian
>go to hairdresser
>go back home, wait for courier
send help pls
>go shopping
cashier is Ukrainian
>go home by bus
driver is Ukrainian
>go to hairdresser
>go back home, wait for courier
send help pls
Other urls found in this thread:
Poles and Ukrainians are 99.99999% genetically the same, I will never understand the hate.
Is it because they don't speak the language?
1. We are not, Ukrainians are much more mixed with Arabs and Mongolians than us
2. Read about Wołyń 1944
3. There are too much of them, within 5 years almost 2M came here (and Anglos are butthurt that million Poles came to the UK)
4. Ukrainians are butthurt that Polish nobles were using them as their peasants centuries ago
so, the only people working in Poland are Ukrainians?
Polish problems. Try living in the west. You basically replace every time you said "Ukrainian" with "Paki" or "nigger"
Slavs are Slavs m8, stop with the bargaining
its because most poles are working in the UK
>send help pls
It's your fucking government that supported maidan to fill up it's demographic hole, don't blame outsiders for it.
why are american posters so obnoxious
Do you want sandniggers instead?
We honestly stop giving a shit about the rest of the world by about age 12 and figure you guys can't manage anything on your own at this point because its true.
Ukraine is literally polish clay (commonwealth)
but you wouldn't know that because you are a dirty subhuman
Ukraine mast be partitioned exactly like in the pic. Or central cucks and western nazi larpers can all fuck off to Poland, EU or wherever the fuck they want and stop ruining the country.
Send some qts.
Fuck off, you're the same guy who's bitching over and over again about Ukrainians. Don't you have better things to do?
>it's another episode of ignorant amerigoy
Also fuck you, kys.
>Nuland was born Shepsel Ber Nudelman in The Bronx, New York City, on December 8, 1930, to immigrant Ukrainian Jewish parents Meyer (a garment repairman) and Vitsche Nudelman.
>His daughter Victoria Nuland, a career foreign service officer and the former U.S. ambassador to NATO and former spokesperson for the Department of State, was appointed Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs in September, 2013.
>In her role as Assistant Secretary, she was the lead U.S. point person for the Ukrainian crisis. She was a key figure in establishing loan guarantees to Ukraine, including a $1 billion loan guarantee in 2014, and the provisions of non-lethal assistance to the Ukrainian military and border guard.
Here we got some law that they have to have 50€ in pocket for everyday here.
Now when you think about it, that's basicly ukrainian monlthy pension.
This way you can filter them a bit, you'll still have them but not that much.
Also this. You actively participated in creating this mess. Your minister openly called for overthrow of legitimate government. Now take inall these draft-dodgers.
>unemployment keeps decreasing
I don't understand.
Looks like we were hohled.
That's the thing, you fucking mongrel. You don't care about anything, you don't know shit about anything and let your kikes stick their nose in others business. People CAN manage stuff without you, FUCK OFF.
The sad part is that in this 21st century mass migration cases, qts stay at home and felon type Sergeys migrate for better life. Not only are they bottom of the barrel kind of people, but they also want qts for themselves in the new country, while at the same time their huge numbers massively inflate the dating market. Then rapings and crime happen. Many such cases
OP is just trolling or comes from some small village bordering Ukraine.
There is huge workforce shortage and even if Poles from around the world come back to Poland we would still need to bring foreigners.
Im fcking tired of stanging in 20 ppl long queues in my local grocery stores, even Ukrainian who doesn't speak Polish would most likely get the job there.
99% of Ukrainians work in places where Poles simply don't want to work and thats a fact.
Don't forget that shitload of western ukrainians are Poles who didn't move their house when russians changed borders.
You dumb amerimongrel, kys.
>Kievan Rus' (Old East Slavic: Pѹ́cь (Rus'), Pѹ́cьcкaѧ зeмлѧ (Rus'skaya zemlya), Ancient Greek: Ῥωσία, translit. Rhōsía, Latin: Rus(s)ia, Ruscia, Ruzzia, Rut(h)enia, Old Norse: Garðaríki)
Actaully it's diffirent with hohols.
Women often to go Poland or german speaking countries to do jobs like hairdressers, babysitters etc.
Althought it's still better than spam of Slovak students in Brno. It was a mistake sorry.
And don't forget prostitutes/adult models.
Nice post Schlomo
Americans are as divided as they come.
Shop assistant near my house is Ukrainian, and she actually does better job than polish counterparts - always says “welcome” and “goodbye” with a nice smile, unlike my fellow countrywomen who are too fat and grumpy to be bothered with the smallest customer service. The only problem with Ukrainians is that they’re fucking infected.
>go shopping
cashier is Polish
>go home by bus
driver is Polish
>go to hairdresser
>go back home, wait for courier
Feels nice.
My fucking god. Coming from a Polish....?!!! You guys have flooded all Europe like rats. This said I enjoy getting a Polish escort from time to time. They beautiful and cheap. And desperate. And polite.
Es verdad señor 56%
this kind of thinking is causing huge trouble
there are 3 biedronka stores in 300m area of where i live, they don't have enough workers because there is not enough workforce avaible.
The result is that in each of this shops there are usually only 2 cashiers and the queue is 20 people long to each of them...
Even hiring a ukrainian who doesn't speak a word in Polish would be a good idea there.
Ehh, I prefer Ukrainian wimmin.
Well travelling to Malmö frequently I can agree with that. What the fuck have you done?
is she qt?
So your women are going to be even hotter now? I gotta go to Sup Forumsland soon.
Here is an example of what Ukrainian qt in Poland looks like
Nie wiem czy to Lublin czy już Lwów
tyle jest tu ukraińców
How do you spot them? By accent?
They have some elaborate spelling, in Russian, but it's easy to get rid of it if they want to. Hohol is like a virus from The Thing, it's scary.
Would you rather be Germany and get Shitskins instead?
Of course, no fpreigners at all would be the ideal but such is life.
What is the difference between you and them? Ya're all the same russkie shit.
>How do you spot them? By accent?
Yes, they have problems with the pronounciation of our Polish ć, ś, si, ci, dzi, zi, ź
Shut up, Mexico
What is the difference between you and morrocans? Ya're all the same arab shit.
How do you pronounce zi?
When I was in Warsaw I had a cute waitress who spoke unaccented Polish, was with a friend, got 2 "Dziadek" (11 pierogies) plates. Then when she brought it out she assumed it was one for each, but I was starving plus I'm a pierogi maniac
At the end I tipped, and like a retard said dobry wieczór as a good bye, so she assumed I wasn't Polish because I'm retarded sometimes, and then she started hitting on me, turned out to be a Ukro
I literally could not fucking tell, but she's cute and hot so I could care less
>At the end I tipped
I thought only Americans do this, what the fuck
haha you like pierogi and i love hungarian paprika's paste, its a bit expensive tho as they import it all the way from Hungary
Tipping is optional in Poland, but its less, usually about 10%
I tip waitresses/delivery guys, round up taxi fares
Yet my fucking town is full of poolish people and there's not even one Mexican in Pooland.
maybe so
jestem polakiem
but I don't really look Polish I'm told, poles always assume I'm not Polish then are confused when I speak fluent unaccented Polish
Well, it could be worse...Your cashier could be a nigger the driver a muslim the hairdresser a faggot and the courier is mexican.
I think you have it pretty well made in Poland.
shut the fuck up polack at least you're not in America. I have to deal with actual fucking niggers all day, and when I'm not dealing with niggers, I'm dealing with 90IQ le 56% face white trash hicks, which can be ever worse.
Euro's (other than Sweden, UK, and Germany) have no right to complain about anything, especially eastern Euros.
Also, I will take ukranians over Muslims, niggers and Mexicans any day of the week.
2 million Ukrainian rapefugees who actually come to work for a living is down right utopian compared to the mess in Germany and France
what's the problem? they're working?
Polish parts of Poland belong to pureblooded Poles. NOTHING to discuss.
Ukrainians are subhuman and have no right to live in Europe. Ethnic Ukrainians are nonwhite goblins. Their home is Asian steppe.
Ethnic Russians are European White though (Northern Germanic, Baltic, Baltoslavic and Finnic)
Ukrainians are bunch of try-hard-to-be-European mongrels resulted from Circassians, Pechenegs, Tatars, Armenians and Jews starting speaking Slavic for the sake of convenience
«Укpaїнцi цe cтapoдaвнi тюpки, якi poзмoвляють cлoвянcькoю мoвoю»
"Ukrainian are turkics that use the Slavic language" Omelyan Pricak, Harvard University Professor, founder and first director of Harvard Institute for Ukrainian Studies.
Boris Malyarchuk, M. V. Derenko, G. A. Denisova, M. R. Nassiri, and E. I. Rogaev. "Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphism in Populations of the Caspian Region and Southeastern Europe." Russian Journal of Genetics 38:4 (2002): pages 434-438. Abstract:
"Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction polymorphism was examined in Turkmens, Eastern Iranians, and Ukrainians. The gene pools of all populations studied were characterized by the presence of European mtDNA lineages. Mongoloid component observed in Turkmen and Iranian populations with the frequencies of about 20% was represented by groups C, D, and E/G in Turkmens, and by M*, D, A, and B in Iranians."
Ukrainians (ethnic) are literally more Turkic than Turks.
All Ukrainians must be exterminated (or at least moved to southern Kazakhstan) and Ukraine absorbed into Russia
Wrong. They are literally Turkics forced to speak Slavic
>spam of Slovak students in Brno
It is optional, around 10%. And it is not listed on your bill
you should visit budapest and stock up, flights with Wizz Air are 60 zloty
Plus Hungarian girls are hot (but short)
me also, in Greater Poland you can find job literally everywhere. there are at leat 2mln Xoxols working here, yet still we don't have enough people to fullfil a job market
>muh hohols REEEEEEEEE
Don't confuse Ukrainians with UPAniggers, although they seem pretty confused themselves at times.
Still, nothing a trip to Jaworzno holiday resort couldn't cure.
>99% of Ukrainians work in places where Poles simply don't want to work and thats a fact.
These are hard times everywhere, thank your stars your "migrants" are at least white Poland. Most of us are dealing with far worse than Ukrainians. Suck it up paco.
Poland, since 1945 has been, or more likely used to be 99.9% Polish. We are not used to having minorites
>being a manlet
>having a potato face
Ukraine is legitimately having a war going on on their territory. You'd think that the EU would grant them asylum too.
I guess they're not brown enough.
I went on a bike trip around Balaton and fucking hell, all those qts were hot as fuck, no shitskins, only a few gypsies were problematic. Oh, and the lack of forests is really weird
Yeah, I'm in Budapest (on the pest side, district V) and it's really nice. Not too many green areas but the architecture is beautiful. It's the opposite of NYC, people don't work here (literally, wtf Hungarians just walk around aimlessly).
Gypsies are the only problem but they do petty shit most of the time, no real crime. Police hassle any shitskin, ask for their documents, etc.
Whites are left alone
Vodka is 50% more here though, annoying
This year there were lots of Ukrainians working in hotels and restaurants at the seaside. To be honest they seamed pretty hard working fellas.
Although it's kinda funny as they get hired because most speak decent russian but the last people they want to deal with are the Russian tourists.
Wrong. Typical subhuman turk roach
Thats like we germans would complain if we would get overrunned by Mountainjews and Anschlussboys instead of Niggers an Mudslimes
be happy they're not roaches and niggers
Germany is lost. I was in Berlin recently and I've never seen so many turkroaches. Wtf are you krautcucks doing?
There's literally 7 million roaches in Germany. Every fucking cabbie is a roach. Kebab shops everywhere. Cops are scared of roaches
No, fuck you
You decided to turn away your head when Russiastan invaded them, this is what you get for not helping your brother
Deal with it cunt
They are pretty different
There's a reason Ukrainian women are much more beautiful
>Ukrainians are much more mixed with Arabs and Mongolians than us
Ukranians are whiter than you
oh kurwa
People from the east showing up and stealing jobs? How novel. You deserve this.
Excuse me? The reaons there are so many blond ukrainians is becaquse of their polish DNA. Why do you think your only find them in the north near poland?
Poland was the blond utopia for hot bitches
Ukrainians are dirty brown cockroaches
>Russiastanian mudskin
>Telling others what they have a right to
33% of Poles have black hair
0% White
Another ETHNOnationalist subhuman cockhole
>(but short)
Are you gay? How could that ever be a problem?
Polish girls are hot but Ukrainians are the hottest out there. On average they are just a tiniest bit more asian
Jew or lipka tatar descendant non-Polish subhumans (like Kinga Duda lol) or sometimes South German/Bohemian admixed Poles
Cry more dispora