>Be half-Jewish
>Have no secret plan to destroy whiteness or Western culture
>Not a part of the entertainment, legal, or banking industries
>Sup Forums still hates me
Be half-Jewish
you have an ethnostate yet you stay here for what reason?
It's one of many reasons why you should never race mix.
The coloreds in South Africa faced the same problem. Not white enough for whites or black enough for blacks.
Your parents did you a great disservice.
You're probably not even considered a jew by other jews
Hated by both sides
>implying the US is an ethnostate and not a giant free-for-all.
It's a slippery slope to degeneracy
OP here. I've been to Israel. It's unpleasant, hot, and I don't speak Hebrew.
You're a mischling. Sucks to be you, but at least you can join the SS if you convert to christianity. Nazis aren't so obsessed with race as one might think. At least not the first generations.
You're Green in my book, Schlomobodan.
Judaism is passed on mitochondrial DNA and therefor only through the female line. If your moms mom wasnt jewish your not really jewish
Pretty sure he meant Israel
i believe the merchant has his place in the world, its just not behind every fucking curtain.
Meh, not everybody here hates da joos
Yes, but what difference does it make if he's in the mongrel capital of the world? If he's a cosmopolitan nationless faggot, why not be among his own in the US?
Low-born jews are just goyim ;^)
You have to go back.
Also we hate whichever of your race traitor parents made the great decision to get BAGELED.
>implying the US is an ethnostate and not a giant free-for-all
This is true, but it's largely because of
>have no part in what really pisses Sup Forums off.
>does not understand the line between actual hatred and banter
You know and are friends with the kikes who are. You can’t fool me. You’re connected to them all. Fuck you
Jews caused literally hundreds of millions of lives of collateral damage over past 100 years so it's quite understandable
Im half jewish too, but I dont care. Neither about what Sup Forums thinks or about other jews for that matter. I only come here because its the last bastion of free discussion that I know of, that is also decently populated. I know why people are tribalistic and I dont blame them for it, but I have no stake in it myself. Dont care if jews get wiped out, dont care if germans or italians get wiped out, not really relevant or important. If you actually care enough about your DNA to defend it from verbal assault, you are a simpleton.
Yep you’re definitely a kike. I can spot you rat faced fucks a mile away. You all speak in a similar manner. I hate you.
If you haven't already, you must cut all ties to (((them))). None of that "I don't eat pork" bs or jew trimming your son. cultural identity and nepotism is the only thing keeping the jew together. Genetically they are just big nosed Europeans.
I dont care pal. I dont care why you hate me anymore than I care why a rabid african might want to mug me or start a fight with me. I still love Sup Forums and I still have nothing against jews or white people for that matter. It will all be ok my friend, trust me.
Willingly giving your DNA to be stored on a ((government)) database.
> Willingly giving your DNA to be stored on a ((government)) database.
What do you think they'll do with it?
J00's are scapegoated because of memes. It's an established meme to keep stupid people hooting and flinging shit like the mindless savages they are rather than pay attention to the world and fixing the fucked up shit in it that benefits the actual elites.
t. former neonazi
I hate you because you haven't read Culture of Critique and don't actually understand the Jewish question.
>European Jewish
These DNA tests are a joke.
The same thing they do with your finger prints.
It might not be useful now but in the future when DNA is used for everyday shit, you'll regret it.
It wasn't so long ago that the idea of unlocking your phone with your finger prints was ludicrous.
>t. former neonazi
Whatcha doing Schmuli?
I just hate the Jews for being subhuman genetically inferior sandnigger foreigners