>The Ancient Greeks were blonde hair blue eyed germani-
Pic related: A Greek mosaic excavated in Southern Turkey. Defend this Vargfags.
>The Ancient Greeks were blonde hair blue eyed germani-
Pic related: A Greek mosaic excavated in Southern Turkey. Defend this Vargfags.
Doesn't look Nordic, but it looks European. What's the problem again?
We really don't need another one of these threads
are there people who take Varg seriously besides than LARPERs?
Vargfags think THEY WUZ NORDIC MAGICIANS AND SHIET, and always says that ancient greeks were not white but brownish people, you can tell his view of history is utterly stupid only by looking at this mosaic, I mean is such a fine piece of work made with ancient technology, and while greeks were creating this, people in the northern hemisphere of Europe were still in a quite primitive stage of technology compared to what greeks were creating
Some had red hair some had blue eyes. I don't understand what you on about. Just compare the mosaic to the shitskins digging it up.
blonds are subhumans are should be exterminated
varg is specially retarded
i don't think that most nordicists (including varg) ever claimed that ancient greeks were truly white blonde haired and blue eyed aryans though
>Greeks had a range of hair and eye colors before they became halfbreed Turks
Always the same Brazilian guy
I dont understand why people on Sup Forums seem impressed when there is people with red hair and blue eyes in ancient pictures, is known that there was a huge immigration from the Britain and Ireland, they went very deep into Europe reaching Anatolia, I dont see why they will not mix with Mediterraneans
Varg is retarded, but blondes are just as white as every other hair color.
Until they were invaded and raped by Muslims everyone in Europe was blue eyed, blond or brown hair with fair skin tone
ok ok, you are not niggers, ill give you that
>brown eyes
>brown and curly hair
>greeks are European
HAHAHAHA the state of Sup Forums right now
You mean Pelasgean huehuebro
ok they are not niggers, but they still should be exterminated?
>>The Ancient Greeks were blonde hair blue eyed germani-
Only an idiot would suggest this. We all know that this is not the case
Ancient Greeks*
>meme flag
>probably a stormfagg
they are meds and they are more European than (you)
go clean someone's toilet or something
>>The Ancient Greeks were blonde hair blue eyed germani-
Nobody believes that except varg shitkernes and his buttblasted faggots because they have no ancient history to be proud of because when Greeks and Romans were building Knossos and Parthenon the nords were living in huts
>blonde blue-eyed greeks
Is this really a meme? I've never seen them portrayed as anything other than Med.
around 85% of them are
but not all of em are shitskins though
putting aside retarded OP and his thread... DAMN that's really well preserved!
paint for blonde hair darkens over time
this is popular known fact
thx for the pic
Blonde hair and coloured eyes were always part of the Greek population.
stupid shitskin
No problem goy, only 6 million shekels for it!
we wuz greekz n shit
I don't see skin that matches my turds.
open your window and look outside then
Well yeah they're everywhere out there due to democrats importing their voters.
>>The Ancient Greeks were blonde hair blue eyed germani-
>Pic related
Get glasses you fucking tard
>southern turkey
Pick one
The Turk and Arab invaders came some millennia later.
Yeah sure okay
>in southern Turkey
There is your answer. Spartans were Nordic. Most aristocracy was Nordic. Anatolian they ruled over were brown.
>not even understanding Vargism
Varg doesn't advocate the theory that all civilization was founded by white Aryans. He believes that civilization itself is the mixed man's folly. In a state of nature humans are perfectly adapted to their environments. When populations are mixed at a rapid rate they are at odds with the environment around them. When there is a critical mass of race mixed peoples in a given area it becomes necessary to create social, political and economic structures above nature in order to make up for the deficit caused by a poorly adapted population. Early civilizations popped up around the Mediterranean because sailing caused the creation of a critical mass of a mixed race all around the Mediterranean coast
You are probably a manipulative shitskin.
It's just fact. Spartan youth were described by contemporaries as having blonde hair. Anthropological studies show 27% of Greeks being nordic. But Anatolians were not Greek, they were conquered. It is like saying Spanish who invaded america were mestizo because you find pictures of mestizos in Mexico.
didnt read shitskin