In 2017... what the fuck is wrong with some people?
Is he just insecure because he knows he won't be able to compete?
White Male Won't Date Woman Because She Slept With a Black Man
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aids is pretty scary to be fair
lol this guy
Am I a fucking sociopath or something? All I can think is that they both let emotions get in the way and either one could've won the argument by making the other seem childish. Logos over pathos
cite stats on nigger prevalence of STD's (off da charts)
Once you go black, we don't want you back
>racism is only skin deep
The absolute genius of a roastie. He's stupid for giving that up.
Good for him.
i'm pretty sure that he has self respect since he is secure enough to dump the nigger fucker instead of eating that diseased yeast box.
i would not go for the smudgie no matter what she looked like or how far she spreads dem legs.
coal burners should have the scarlet letter branded on their forehead, A for AIDs
because he's smart
> Every conversation is an argument you have to win
Don't worry you're just autistic.
>I own a color TV
Cite std statistics, rate of violence black men have towards women, rate of black men leaving when woman is pregnant, etc.
Kind of a cuck but still.
What if he is insecure? Besides she likes niggers.
If a woman likes niggers and shitted cock why bother competing in the first place? She will just cheat on you with tyrone regardless of whether you satisfy her or not, because she likes shitted and she likes tyrone an dayquan.
Looks to me more like a th0t roastie getting btfo because someone actually called her out on coal burning.
Its called being nice to eachother. They tried not to hurt eachothers feelings, because it was a private conversation. The dude didnt know the cunt would put it online for all the world to see or he would have reacted otherwise.
I doubt she did it with his permission. What a fucking cunt.
glad to see white men demanding valorous behavior from women these days
>I am not a racist
>I own color TV
She called him a racist pig. Anyways, he should've said it over the phone at least. It's not polite to break up over text, and you can easily have the conversation shared
I smell reddit on you.
"Hell no , I ain't raciss, I got 4 black tires and a color tv set"
>>Kind of a cuck but still.
>Having principles is now cuck
Why are Americans so fucking dumb?
Pic related and their statements basically telling the woman that she's racist because she didn't fuck the black guy bareback. Fucking kek.
been here since 2007 blow it out your ass nigger
I'd do the same. Not because she's "tainted", but because she shows terrible judgment.
Ayy lmao. "I'm not racist I own a color tv"
lol @ the the comments.
She thought she would get all the praise from liberal twitter for outing this "racist", yet they all pounce on her for that "I used protection" line.
No its because he knows she is a diseased WHORE and he can do better
>I'm not racist
>I own colour tv
Sly motherfucker
Why would that matter? You could have been here since the dawn of eternal september and you still stink of r*ddit spacing and img*r memes, faggot.
Well you can never win with the left
I can understand that why the are curious about the implication of "it was a long time ago and I used protection", but it's retarded to call her racist when she clearly didn't mean it to be.
>I'm not racist. I own a color TV
>I'm not racist...I own a color TV
Top kek
oy vey refusing to fuck a black man without protection is racist, goyim.
Wasn't there some black dude in Island who used that very tactic to fuck as many white women bareback as he could to infect them with AIDS ? Sneaky blackies.
White women can't even take the red pill when it's staring them in the face.
>eating grass
But why? There must be more to it than just 'they're niggers'.
>girl shows she clearly has bad judgment
>guy is racist for not wanting to go out with a white women with poor judgment
The man has a colored tv though.
non-white faggot why are you so upset?
pic related, it's you.
>I own a colored tv
which one of you was this?
Just think about it.
Everytime you sleep with a non-virgin, the thought that she got railed by someone else will always be in the back of your mind.
/thread. Niggers are disgusting and anyone that is stupid enough to lay with them is not worth it.
That's a new one.
I'm not a white nationalist, but I'd be the same way. I just flat out would not involve myself with a girl who let a black fuck them. Gross.
She's white. The same people who claim using protection, and pointing it out, is racist, are the very same who think simply being white means inherited racism. Stop trying to use logic here, it will get you no where with these "people".
I regularly do this shit too, as I hope all of the white men on Sup Forums (and just in general) do. The only way we prevent interracial relationships from happening is by shaming the fuck out of every white woman who does it. Nigger lover needs to be brought back as a pejorative and every white woman who sleeps with a nigger should be shamed for it. I've personally dumped three different woman specifically because they fucked niggers and I made sure to let them all know. Women are social animals that are really only motivated by shame, so shame it up boys.
Black preacher just told them eating grass makes them closer to jeebus or something similar. They're that gullible.
That pussy is tainted now. Gotsta throw it out.
>im not racist, i just dont like blacks is all
shit posting memes were invented just for this situation, so brainlets can simply and proudly declare BURN COAL PAY TOLL instead of beating around the bush
they're niggers
I don't blame him a bit. Back before AIDS was even known, I had a real issue with my first husband because I learned from his sister that he had dated and slept with a Mexican girl- after we were married. It made me sick to my stomach.
It didn't *cause* our divorce, but it was just another symptom of what did.
It doesn't matter if it's 1967 or 2067, it will always be disgraceful to be with someone who is a different race. At least for those of us with a modicum of decency and self respect. Only white trash does that. And I've never seen a situation where that isn't the case.
They have like an 80% rate of having herpes, among other diseases. It genuinely isn't safe to date this woman. I mean, among other reasons like she's a race-traitor and a whore.
Dont get your hopes up pol you'll never be in a position to even ask such a question. Hell you wont even have a girls number on your phone besides your mother.
Is that a butthurt niglet I see? Or perhaps a disgusting slag who's upset that the white man is waking up? I don't know what it's going to take for you to understand this, brainlet. Once you go black, we DON'T want you back.
are you surprised that the people who use social media are also idiots?
Only 50% of black women have herpes. That’s not that bad
So she marks him a racist and points out the stereotype of white ppl compared to black ppl?
This place is full of millions of white males.
Some of us do quite well in life and with the ladies.
Stop being so stupid as to believe stereotypes angry Jews have written about us.
>Shoot boy I ain't racist, I got 4 black tires and a color TV!
>self projecting
Again, it sounds like she is saying "Yeah, but don't worry I had protection and it was a while back". Why does she need to imply that? Give me a real answer and not a meme one.
He should turn it around as a kink shaming kind of thing. Like how he isn't sexually attracted to someone who fucked a black guy and it's not his fault. That's just the way it is. Kind of a reverse cuck.
sucks that you fucked him.
now you're no good because you fucked someone who fucked a dirty spic
in the united states they basically teach us in school that you cannot be racist to whites no matter what you do or say.
Some black girl kept calling me whitey in middle school so one day i called started calling her blacky, she told the teacher and I got literally sent home. True story.
well its funny because she obviously wanted him. she is just butthurth slut. also those twitter reactions. Niggers muh dicking so hard. lmao. msot funny is white women likng those tweets, then going to their profiles and all of them have whites BFs. wonder if their bfs know that they are liking things like "white bois cant compete with bbc."
You might be onto something there lad.
Holy fuck I had a black girl who I called "black giiirl" because she kept calling me "white boy" she literally told the principle I called her nigger! And got beat up by Mexicans. The school system backfired, now I hate all brown people.
>I-Im not racist!! I swear I'm not racist I have black friends!
I hate people like this, they are the ones that make racism seem like a bad thing, not the leftists.
The simple answer would be "Yes, I am racist about some things"
>She's clearly upset over him breaking up with her
>Does it over text
>Does it cause she fucked a nigger
Chad Thundercock at it again
t. Shitskin in the meetup photos
Exactly, shitskins know the authority is on their side. My mom was SO mad when I told her I was sent home because I called a girl blacky because she kept calling me whitey over and over again. She called the principle and the school didn't do shit, just said it's not okay for me to be racist.
i can't believe she shared the conversation on twitter, i would be ashamed if i were her.
and of course they don't know about it. women act like completely different people when comparing their real life to their online social life.
Maybe he just has standards. Fucking niggers is a strong indicator that the girl isn't any good.
You idiots are too low IQ so you only see surface level, where the statement seems dumb.
But just a few more seconds of thought will reveal why she made that statement. The white women was trying to redeem herself for getting with a black by saying "I know he was black, but at least I used a condom?"
You see how it could be interpreted as slightly racist?
This guy gets it.
>body shaming
>uninvited mental illness diagnosis and shaming
These people don't even play by their own rules.
Yeah I don't know the exact way to word it, but try to make them think they are shaming him for his sexual preferences.
holy shit now if don't take the black seed, you are racist according to the left.
hitler did nothing wrong
Doesnt want niggeraids
i feel like the tv was about a topic she left out or something
My sides have left orbit
Im skeptical of this stat.
There's a big difference between the well off Maryland black neighborhoods and the inner city of Detroit.
Would like to see black hsv divided into socioeconomic strata
he didn't say that...
and you're not necessarily a racist for not being attracted to someone who has fucked a nigger.
Nah man it's an old 50's joke. "I'm not racist, I have a color(ed) TV!"
>The simple answer would be "Yes, I am racist about some things"
>the simple answer is ruining your life and being ostracized socially
t. retard
Exactly. If I found out a girl dated a negro I would do the same thing. Dating low class "bad boys" might be fun at the time but don't expect anyone to treat YOU as anything less than low class after doing so.
I would've replied to that last message with, "I'm not discriminating against him, I'm discriminating against you."
You have to win via pathos when dealing with women, youre autistic not sociopathic.
Sociopathic used to just be refered to as being machevillian
Dark triad personality type isnt fun to have because you cant help yourself from not being an asshole to everyone
>>Does it over text
There's nothing actually wrong with this. Just because hollywood tries to shill that it is doesn't make it so.
>What a fucking cunt.
And she's getting attacked by the very people who she's trying to garner support from. The comments are fucking gold. It's the perfect example of why PC culture is a cancer that is slowly killing us, and needs to be removed.
once you go black, we dont want you back
>I'm not racist
>I own a color TV
this is so perfect. I'll use it in real life.
>I regularly do this shit too, as I hope all of the white men on Sup Forums (and just in general) do
I dropped mine after she said that she finds cucking kinda hot.
Fucking Swedes, never again.
that's good.
i'll remember that line for when im ever in a situation like that.