Men are problematic

When men act like violent retards and shoot up a nursery or whatever, our society usually blame it on mental illness.

Yet women are just as susceptible to mental illness as men are, and they don't shoot babies in the face due to autistic rage.

Perhaps mass shootings are just a consequence of men being violent retards by their very nature?

REALLY makes you think huh.

Other urls found in this thread:

Women kill babys all the fucking time Gerard.

>they don't shoot babies in the face

No, they drown them in the tub or lock them in a car and push it into a lake.

Statistics don't lie. Looks like niggers and Muslims aren't the only ones who have to go.

they have other uses for the mentally ill women

women kill vastly more of their own children than men do, clearly we need to ban single mothers.

Women prefer to target children when they kill.They also tend to kill more for personal, vengeful reasons.

user, you dont understand mental illness. Mental illnesses are those conditions which upset the power held by the establishment. The establishment wants women to have the traits of what would be mental illnesses in men. Take autism for example. Female autism is defined as too much autism whereas male autism is defined as traits of autism. This is because the establishment want women to have autistic traits. Similarly, drapetomania caused african americans to flee slavery.

The difference is women make their mental illness into an identity.


Without men there would be 0 wars but still a total mayhem.

Abortion is a different issue because a fetus is like a welfare leech but for your body.

Mass shootings are when you're killing a large number of strangers at once. They didn't do shit to you, but you kill them anyway because your GF dumped you for a guy who has a bigger dick and charming personality.

What's up with that?

>Abortion is a different issue because a fetus is like a welfare leech but for your body.
Too bad you don't have another purpose besides being a baby factory roastie.
I'm also not talking abortion dumbfuck, Infanticide is way higher for single mothers than any other group.

Women are more sadistic than men. A mentally ill man will put a bullet in your brain, a woman will mentally and physically torture you until you end yourself.

Hows does it feel to know my guns arent going anywhere, and theres nothing you can do about it?

Women just prefer to tear each other apart psychologically.

oh so women and men are biologically different? men go out and kill their perceived enemies, women drive off cliffs with their children in the backseat. this is why men have conquered the world and women have not.

>clearly we need to ban single mothers
>Abortion is a different issue
Nice reading comprehension.

Unironically this, between the two sexes men are the niggers

>source: motherjones

Imagine all the women serial killers who never got caught

no one would suspect a WYMYN right?

>Women don't have high testosterone.

Yeah, and that means they also have rarely made major contributions to science or technology. Also, women not committing mass shootings directly doesn't mean they are somehow morally superior due merely to their sex. Thank God Hillary Clinton did not become President.

well done you actually agree with pol that nigger males are a problem, now you will agree that owning a firearm to protect yourself from said nigs is the best solution, there's nothing problematic then is there, bad shit happens everday all around the world and somehow being not armed is going to help you, count yourself lucky you have the constitution fuckboy.

you know its that aggressive ambition that men have that has brought everything you use in your daily life today. So shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen. Come and take it...

Females would be just subduet much earlier.
They abuse children without having any official "ilnesses". Songle mothers are the leaders of child abuse. And its their kids who usually put the massshootings in the news.

Um, excuse me sweetie, but what you just said is sexist because in implies that men and women generally each have common traits which would lend credence to the bigoted idea that men are better than women in certain things being the reason why they are more represented in certain positions of power. Delete your post bigot.

This. But, look at the eyes of those in the news. Many have ptosis (MK Ultra droopy eye in conspiracy theorist). This is caused by Project Monarch, not MK Ultra. Though Monarch programming is really just child molestation in early childhood.

problematic word filter when?

gookmoot needs to get on that shit

Mass shootings are blowback from feminism. Men with no place in the world implode or explode.

Wow, a rare insightful leafpost.

White men to be specific. Virginia Tech shooter was an asian.

Newtown shooter was an autist with a single mom who hated her, Devon did it because his gf was a cunt.

Only married people over 25 should be allowed to own guns IMO

>Only married people over 25 should be allowed to own guns IMO
shall not be infringed

Queens have killed more humans with democide than anybody. Ever. In ALL history.

why women don't create their own gender-state then?
i bet it would be great!

Who cares what you think it's about? Your childish ideals are ignored. Your impotent movements go nowhere. Howl as loud as you like. You are powerless. Forever.

maybe we need to destigmatise mass shootings

Every thing men do is either because of or to get a woman. If men kill its because of women.

Men cause all of the problems yes, but also create all the solutions. This is in contrast to niggers, who cause nothing but problems and contribute no solutions

The problem is that fighting age men are coming into our counties and doing these attacks
And half of our retarded people side with the invaders over their own people

So feminists are now embracing inherent differences between the two genders?

or beat them with hammers, starve them or slowly poison them

Women just kill people with Facebook...

We need stricter Facebook laws

Men are better at mass shootings then women: Confirmed

>Abortion is a different issue because a fetus is like a welfare leech but for your body.

Was the roastie raped?
Then it is an effect of a deliberate act of the woman.

>Be a strong, empowered womyn
>Want to commit a mass shooting to prove that females are just as good at mass shootings as men
>Have to save up for months to buy an AR because I make 75% of what a man makes
>The day arrives
>hit two cars at the high school while parallel parking
>OMG this gun is like... heavy!
>drag assault rifle inside school
>post obligatory selfie to FB "About to shoot up these ppl lol #gurlpower ;)"
>take several pictures of myself looking cute in my trenchcoat and sunglasses
>realize that in my feminist hubris I forgot to actually learn how an AR works
>fumble around with the clip due to lack of understanding of mechanical engineering and spatial awareness
>give up and cry
>eventually a few boys come over and start feeling sorry for me
>I let them help me load my gun and they give me lots of attention
>dry my tears and attempt to shoot one of them, he stays completely still
>"Okay, you can do it, just shoulder it-"
>Cut him off and tell him I already KNOW how to do it and I don't need him to mansplain
>Keep squeezing trigger, nothing happens
>"The safety-"
>Eventually, after making the clip drop out I flip a little switch
>Pull trigger, gun flies up in the air and the round hits a ceiling tile
>It's all in my hair, day is ruined
>Tell him to stand closer
>My arms get tired, they seem a lot lighter on tv and I need to take a break
>This is HAAAARD
>Start flirting with the boys, hopefully one of them will do my work for me
>Eventually one of the guys rolls his eyes and sighs
>Offers to kill an entire room of fourteen-year olds for me and say I did it
>OMG thanxxx you are like, such a good friend!
>playfully touch his arm
>I get on TV and go to prison for life

Woah how did the goalpost fly all the way over there

okay you know what to do

if any of you ever commits a mass shooting BEFORE YOU FUCKING DO IT CHANGE YOUR GENDER! say you identify as strong womxn and they will legally change your gender. no need to amputate your dick too

that way you will get 2 flies at once: trans and wahmen

Hehe. You're alright, Hadji.

Don't more women also attempt suicide more often, but more men actually go through with it? Maybe, it's a similar deal, more women spaz out and try to hurt people around them, but more men manage to actually do it.



wtf? i hate men now
