WaPo Fake News

Use hashtags: #roymoorechildmolester #MooreFakeNews

We need to start spreading redpills about the DNC, and how they constantly accuse their opponents of sexual harassment to win elections. Use these hashtags while they are hot to spread the redpills, then maybe add in #StopLyingToWinElections at the end of it.

We need to fight this fake news where it hurts them the most: On social media. The more we flood the tag the more likely they are to take it down, so get to work people.

Other urls found in this thread:


Spread redpills like no tomorrow with this. We know the fucking cunt who made these allegations is a DNC Shill, we need to strike back.

Stop posting in slide threads and lets get this moving! We can make a difference if we shut down the #RoyMooreChildMolester hashtag right now!

Accuse Democrats of having to lie to win elections. Use the Child Molester hashtag as well as the #StopLyingToWinElections hashtag to get this going!

Stop falling for shill threads and get in here. We will legitimately help Roy Moore by getting this Fake News hashtag taken down! all you have to do is redpill it with proof of how corrupt the DNC is.

Shills are actively sliding threads to try to stop this. Don't let them. Get in here and let's help stop #FakeNews.

We can make a real difference!

Listen shills. Nobody here likes Moore OR Bannon.



Alright OP, have a bump. I'll tweet some under #MooreFakeNews


>t. JIDF


fuck off ShariaBlue we're going to destroy your fucking hashtag

>nobody here likes Bannon
Look, if you're gonna try to subvert this board, you at least have to make it somewhat believable

Posters 1 lol

Shareblue hasn't been active in MONTHS. Stop pretending like you aren't JIDF you fucking scumbags.

ky faggot

bump, dont let the shills slide this!

>Accuses other of what he is
>Textbook Jew

sooo many slide threads today from being raided.

Don't let them win. Take their hashtag on Twitter and get them to SHUT IT DOWN.

>Very afraid indeed.

The lefties work as if they fail to consider to vet people they use to slander the right by not vetting their own people. Such as hastily making a decision with no planning or forethought. Its been about 24 hours and this Moore story is already blowing up in their stupid fucking faces.

>Deny and subvert
is that all you know how to do Chaim?

Bump for swamp draining


Filter the faggot T1zglR6c and carry on. We need to deny them this hashtag on Twitter and we can do it by flooding it with RedPills! We need to do this NOW to get them to SHUT IT DOWN


Let's do this! Take their hashtag away from them!

Kek. Just looked through the tweets in the lefty #. They’re going to piss off the whole state into voting for Moore. They can’t help themselves with certain things.

we need to redpill the absolute shit out of people by exposing the lies the Democrats and Republicucks spread and this is an excellent opportunity to do so

Twitter will remove the tag once it gets flooded with redpills and deny them a social media campaign.

So this is what Soros's $18 billion is paying for? Jesus wept

>writes one bad check
>pulled over for speeding
>paid ticket two whole months late

Weak. The Biden post above seemed interesting, but this stretch makes me doubt that. I won't bother with the rest of the thread.

Not sure how accurate Activist Mommy is. But this might have some teeth. activistmommy.com/breaking-roy-moores-accuser-worked-democratic-leaders-actively-campaigning-moores-opponent/



giving this thread a bump
