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So they're /ourguys/?

D or R. You don't get the job without being one. That's why we need outsides ASAP.

So Progressive of him

literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck boipussy

Just looked up this dude and he got charged with child sex for fucking a 17 year old male prostitute, but the AoC in Oklahoma is 16. What gives?

In a lot of states teenagers can legally consent to sex under most circumstances, but an adult paying them for sex is still specifically illegal as child sex exploitation.




>pizzagate is not rea-


I thought this was just a Sup Forums meme. Do people actually say this outside of Sup Forums?


He looks like Kevin Owens lol

>Not wanting tight boipucci


>doing gay shit

Shut the fuck up, shill we're having a thread about boy pussy. You butthurt because he's a precious republican?lmao

He definitely posts on Sup Forums, look at him. Probably int, fit and b.

The absolute state of neocons

boypussy, fuckboy, feminine penis, all that gay shit people throw around IRONICALLY came from somewhere. Same with WE WUZ, argentina is white, korea invented everything etc.

>get Shortey

>tfw liberals think people on Sup Forums have die-hard affiliations with the two-party circus which has been fleecing us since the Wilson administration

what are you talking about?

user, you do know that shitposts are caricatures of the normie irl ie normies irl are the shitposts themselves? right?

>implying Sup Forums gives a fuck about republicans
he calling you a retard, faggot
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>/po/ is satire
>in all fields

No I get that part. Why does he get defensive over this guy and assume I'm a liberal? The man's a state senator who said "fuck your boypussy," you're butthurt I posted about that?

>things that are bad
>wanting to fuck boi pussy
The literal founders of fascism also set as a foundation the love of boi pu$$y.
There is no greater redpill than fucking a feminine male pu$$.

there's literally NOTHING wrong with wanting to blow a load in sweet, juicy boi pucci


Because it seems to me I posted an *excellent* thread and you two got butthurt and mad online because... why again? Because you love this random state senator?

There is only one party retard. They just larp as a divided front to distract and entertain us.

these guys are hanging in trap threads too much lmao

all this fake news to bury the VERY REAL scandal going on in Hollyjew and DNC.

Expect more "new claims" against republicans, with the exception of good goys like Paul Ryan, and John McCain. They are democrats in republican uniform.

Sure whatever. I mean why are you butthurt?

>not enjoying boipucci every now and then


people in power actually say boy pussy lmfao. this time line is just too much for me. its too obvious we are in a simulation

Maybe /ourgays/

traps are gay


At least republicans have standards. It was an actual teenage boy and not some disgusting tranny.

Everyone else is enjoying boypussy and you fags tear up and begin shilling hard for your team

i thought it was pronounced "boy-poochy"


I gonna breaka you boy pucci mama mia

thats a spicy meatball marone

>everyone else is spreading lies and you guys come in and tell the very obvious truth

>where is sargon's guy from mythcon man

So he likes to fuck trannies?
Is California or Virginia going to vote him into state legislature now?

>animeposters irl

Hey there buddy, how are you?

why are memes becoming real so often?? honestly its like we're glitching the simulation


Sup Forums IS REAL!!!!!!

paying for sex is a little different then just bangin

>Implying Sup Forums didnt vote for Trump to destroy the Republican party


you're going to have to try harder than this dude

Sup Forums is a secert crypto Democrat board.

If you're a fag.

yes, from your boy pussy?

We are a pretty blatant natsoc board

I only came to pol because I was told you had nazi boipucci

both the left and the right are degenerates in need of purging

nice try faggot

Well he can still fuck my teenage boypussy for free any damn day he likes

>tfw no conservative daddy spitting in your mouth and strangling you as he plows you
>feels pretty bad man

>dat schnoz
Every fucking time.

This needs to be spread, far and wide

goddamn. they're desperate.

Looks like he's 56% White.

wtf i love cunny now

Fucking kek. My stomach hurts

to be fair if the allegations were true do you actually think she'd campaign for him?

that being said, innocent until proven guilty and libtards love to falsely accuse republicans for shit so I think Roy is legit innocent.

>boy pussy
>not boipucci

this is how you can tell apart a patrician from a pleb

>falsely accuse republicans
Yeah just look at all those false accusations.
