Biden/Harris 2020
Easy win for Trump. Nobody want's the Obama years back.
Yes WE do.
there is no we nigger faggot
08 obama dems are now full blown commies
biden is too right wing and hes a white male
Sorry but you won't get those midwest states back
I am a 2008 Obama Dem. I also voted for Obama in 2012 and I voted for Hillary in 2016 (including the primary).
Love Biden's politics but I can't believe someone that handsy and gaffe-prone, in a position of power, from his generation, hasn't committed sexual harassment.
He should have run in '16.
>a WHITE MALE as the democrat candidate
>I am a 2008 Obama Dem. I also voted for Obama in 2012 and I voted for Hillary in 2016 (including the primary).
you couldve just wrote youre a nigger loving faggot
its pretty much implied
We don’t need them. There will be an influx of Puerto Rican voters to Florida. Virginia progressivism will spread to North Carolina.
Most feminists have realized Pocahontas will tote the L and so will unquamala-fied Harris. They have realized the best (D) is a white, Western male governor like Hickenlooper or Schweitzer who drives his truck to go shoot guns.
Never going to happen. Democrats have to play the minority card because it’s all they have left.
dont get cocky. Joe Biden is probably the only real big threat Trump has in 2020. He can win back the white working class that went Trump, particularily in the Rust Belt.
That's why they'll have Biden as president but a minority like Harris as VP. That's a double whammy.
I also thought this at first but I think Virginia proved Democratic women can win. My first choices are Gillibrand, Harris, Warren, and Klobuchar. I think Biden could help us win back those midwestern states though. Maybe Bernie could too. Cuomo is also a good choice.
>Literally voting for Bidet
>literally voting for Putin and installing Drumpf as president
He is a pedo. May campaign on freedom for pedosexuals. That would certainly get him money from some high profile people
I’m a Democrat and I have no problem voting for a white male. I mean I used to be one.
So many shills
Wew lad.
There are enough creepy videos of him out there that he would never even get past primary. Get real lol.
For what purpose?
We have other good choices if that's the case. I think Joe is just playful and from a different generation but I recognize this is a new environment we are in now. Trump would not win the election if it were held today because of the access Hollywood tape.
Biden is a fucking white male and a rich capitalist, so no different from drumpf. I will only leave the house for Booker.
Yes, we the people.
Hillary voters, Bernie voters, NeverTrump Republicans, independents/moderates/radical centrists, 3rd Party voters, and maybe even a few regretful Trump voters. The blue wave is coming.
That came out before the election that he won. By at least a month or so, I think. If touching kids how Uncle Joe does is "playful" in your book then you can play with him yourself in Hell, you pedo creep.
I will vote for him if he wins the nomination but he did take money from Jared and Ivanka.
Mark Cuban might be good too
Yeah but that was before #MeToo
No. He said he would run as a Republican. Also he is a lot like Trump. Count me out unless it’s somehow him vs. Trump. Same goes for Zuckerberg. I will never vote for him unless he somehow wins the nomination and is the only option against Trump. I’m a Facebook user but I’m no fan of Zuckerberg. He helped Trump win by allowing Russians to buy fake news ads!
With how all the sexual/pedo shit is going Biden will get destroyed if he tries to run
>NC is blue
All this outrage for the fake Moore claim, imagine what happens when all these pictures go viral during the DNC primary
Yes I agree. They voted for Roy Cooper mostly due to backlash to HB2. Now all we need to do is take over the state in legislature like in VA. It will flip in 2020. I think it would help to have an African-American on the ticket.
>He can win back the white working class that went Trump, particularily in the Rust Belt.
id like you to guess how hard i am laffin
even new york would flip red if that happened
>Moore claim
pick one. Also Roy more is a disgusting bigot. I couldn't care less if he molested some teenager in 1979 but his views on LGBTQIA+ are appalling.
Dream on, comrade.
Whahahaha xD
I'm getting tired of this blue arizona meme
Out job will be made so easy. There's already about 10 years worth of memes in the war chest.
>No. He said he would run as a Republican
there was a report today saying Bannon was urging Cuban to run as a Democrat. I dont think he'll run as a Republican because his endorsement of Hillary will have tainted him.
are you retarded? Biden is the exact type of Democrat that the Rust Belt likes.
>we dont want you to be president, but we BADLY want you to run
enough of this shit. isnt it best for the country for both sides to offer up their best? with pedos and satanists ousted, i would respect the democrats and listen to their arguments. blind partisanship has driven politics into the ground
I voted Obama in 2008 and 2012 and it was the worst mistake I ever made.
there is no substance to him. either offer up sound policies (which they have none of) or be a genuine person (trump). the urban shit holes are the only ones voting democratic in the midwest, and everyone is leaving
I seriously just don't want the left anywhere near power ever again. I want the cocksucker in my country out asap as well.
At this point I almost want Trump to declare himself king and just take over North America and call it a day.
you are a traitor to Obama. pls kys.
he's Biden his time
you should be legally required to wear a helmet in public for admiting that
You're going to be real tired of it in 2020 when it actually happens. I was really tired of the red PA meme.
He'll make a gaff that'll blow up his run before he even makes it to the first primary
I'm proud to admit that.
We finally get a guy with his head even remotely screwed on right and people want to go back to committing mass suicide
Yeh fuck that shit
Hahaha Trump will win again
by then, illegal aliens will not count in the census and ca and ny and some others will loose a few electoral votes
Biden isn't that bad. Make up whatever retarded pedo shit you want, I remember that article that quickly got swept under the rug of Biden saying he hated the way Obama treated him as a VP and was basically just begging for the presidency to be over. He also said Trump wasn't a bad guy in a TV interview, until someone slapped him on the wrist so he made that stupid behind the gym comment.
I'd still much rather have eight years of Trump, but I don't think Biden is batshit insane like many others that could potentially run against Trump.
Sup Forums should support Biden through the primaries into the general
Then let the memes fall down like rain
I'm surprised he walked away from that situation.
>head screwed on right
pick one
Just tell the millennials that Joe Biden is the reason they can't discharge their massive student loan debt via bankruptcy
cucked by the VP
Joe Biden is a politician who sounds like a normal guy. He can seem genuine.
why didn't you run this year Biden?
do it!!!
coked up hunter won't cause any problems
Nobody cares about gaffes anymore. Makes you seem more human. See Trump.
Gee, I remember this thread from a year ago, with a different Democrat candidate.........
Fuck off
She really doesn't seem to appreciate his advance into her personal space.
I'll bet his breath smells like that creepy old teacher we all had in elementary.
Trudeau is a great prime minister.
Well Joe Biden is shaking hands with Oleh Tyahnybok head of the nazi party in the Ukrainian. Must be good buddies.
Pedo jo Biden?? Are you fucking high?
>are you fucking high?
Yeah I was when I made the post but it's kind of wearing off. I need to smoke more.
better than a Putin puppet
>going blue in the next 8 years
nah you'll need a bunch to die
Droolin' Joe might not be able to find his way out of the old folks home to go out and vote in 2020.
Biden is a Hollywood slave.
Do it, faggots. If you're brave enough to face the upcoming Hollywood scandals tied to Biden.
This insult would only work if it were true and everyone with an ounce of sense knows this untrue.
Also, unironically using "drumpf" just flags you as retarded.
Those people will vote (D) next time because of healthcare.
yes an economy smaller than italy is secretly a puppetmaster
Actually, since Trump was the one electing to bring them in, they'll see him as their savior.
Obamacare is literally crashing.
Keep telling yourself that shareblue.
Hows that cognitive dissonance working out for you sir.
creepy joe has a even less shot than hillary did ,, you actually have a better chance if harris runs by herself and picks some no name vp ... joe biden's absolute creepiness is truly horrifying ,, there was a article a few weeks ago saying that lady gaga considers joe biden a very close friend , so mrs satanic ritual herself is for some reason very close friends with 75yr joe biden , like where in the actual fuck do these 2 become so close?? maybe some creepy spirit cooking events or some other satanic gatherings ,, yea because you know having a closeted satanic life is always good while running for president
Marketplace premiums are age-based. Every year more are priced out. Blues hate the Sanders plan.
Last year it was "our absolute demographic majority is here" now it's "silent majority"?
Never change. I want to see your extinction.
>listen here u little shit
Biden is too divisive, and much like most other democrats doesn't want to get along and just wants anyone not like him to eat his shit while surrenderinng to his rule.
YOU as in the 30 or so people who showed to Hillary rallies and really doesn't give a fuck what Americans want, and only care about getting what you want then forcing it down everyone else's throats.
Hahahahaha, Zhlompgfh gonna be BTFO in 2020 according to polls
>not third party
>fucking RED
after all drumpf's failures, this map needs some adjustment, sweetheart.
How do you "used to be" a white male?
Old ass man.
Can't wait for all the Biden Pedo memes when he runs
I am from the year 2021, this is the real result from the 2020 election
Uh???moron much??
We just spam Bidens creepy pedo videos everywhere until he is forced to step down.
Better yet send them to Trump.