>Be me
>Normal well adjusted person
>Find no need for authoritarian political beliefs because I'm not autistic
>Claim both alt right and antifa are retarded and are both obsessed with identity politics in order to fit in somewhere instead of actually caring about economics
>Get called a "le epic centrist cuck" because I'm "sitting on the fence" and "can't decide which stupid side I like" so I just "dont get involved"
How about you're both fuckin retarded and actual freedom is a lot better than pretending it's the 1940s??? Fascism AND communism are garbage 100% of the time and that doesn't make me a centrist it just makes me a normal functioning person who likes the idea of having personal freedoms and I'm not some insect who wants to follow some weird authoritarian government
Also the one fallacy of Sup Forums is just because you think the holocaust didn't happen doesn't mean Hitler was suddenly a good guy on the right side of history. He was still a fucking asshole whether the holocaust happened or not lol
Why can't this board as a collective just be libertarian again? It actually makes sense and has a real likely hood of being treated as a legitimate political system that could work and operate a country in the modern age not like communism or fascism
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok and? What do you want?
enjoy getting raped by niggers
>posts Satania but claims he's not autistic
What comes up, must come down! Yet my feet don't touch the ground! Seeing the world spinning upside down! A mighty crash without a sound~! I can feel your every rage, step aside I'll turn the page! Breaking through your crazy maze, like a laser beam my eyes on you~!
Watch me run the night away, watch me save the day! Feel my storm is getting close, heading your way~!
Sonic heroes! Sonic heroes! Bind you, confine you, defying your reign~! Sonic heroes! Sonic heroes! Setting the stage for a heroes parade~!
I wont even hesitate! A second left to alter fate! You tried to strike but a bit too late! I got you hooked on my own bait~!
Watch me run the night away, watch me save the day! Feel my storm is getting close, heading your way~!
Sonic heroes! Sonic heroes! Bind you, confine you, defying your reign~! Sonic heroes! Sonic heroes! Setting the stage for a heroes parade~!
You can bet there ain't no doubt, as the words spill from the mouth, of a hero! I can chase another day, fight you all the way! Like a hero~! And together we stay strong no matter how! No one can bring us down...
Sonic heroes! Sonic heroes! Bind you, confine you, defying your reign! Sonic heroes! Sonic heroes! Setting the stage for a heroes parade~!
Sonic heroes~! Sonic heroes~! Give us a reason and we'll be on our way!!!
>posting cuck posts like this during the era of 1488
I bet there's a star behind that fake flag, shlomo.
>I'm selfish and don't care about people
Just continue as you are. There is always a price to pay for ignorance. Just don't come crying for help later on.
>well adjusted
>watches moeshit
umm no sweetie
There's a whole spectrum of political parties under the sun that validate Sup Forumss political concerns but no one cares because there isn't as much shock value in saying that you are republican
Are you dumb, stupid, retarded or both?
Half of Sup Forums IS libertarian.
>"I care about people therefore I will get the government to forcibly take care of them"
>Claim both alt right and antifa are retarded and are both obsessed with identity politics in order to fit in somewhere instead of actually caring about economics
White male identity politics is just a matter of self defense, so that we don't end up being oppressed by non whites, feminists, and self hating white men. Also mass immigration is a terrible idea economically because it lowers wages, and eventually low IQ this world workers will by put out of work due to automaton.
g-guys l-look at me im cerial!
i-i even have the meme flag
christ have some restrain woman if you'd have a single good argument you'd have used it to start a decent conversation instead you blabber on like some faggot who tries to tell people gender is a scale
This girl is cute. Perhaps not all weebs are going to hang on the day of the rope.
Satania is mai waifu.
>Be me
>Support Ron Paul since Tea Party money bomb of '08
>Actually pay attention to leftist tactics
>Encounter phrase "white genocide" several years ago
> yfw neonazis.jpg
>Research impartially
> holyfuckitsreal.jpg
>Investigate alt-right impartially
>"Fascism arises to fight communism"
>"Jews created communism"
>"Libertarians cannot remove communist elements from society"
>Realize that (((enemy))) must be forcibly removed from power before liberty is truly possible
Hope this helps.
Something you'll notice about both modern fascists and modern communists who are obsessed with the livelihood of their peoples are always FUCKING NEETS WHO CONTRIBUTE NOTHING WITH HORRIBLE LIVES since normal people with jobs don't need a fantasy of an authoritarian state to solve everything for them.
status quo means there isn't a majority white country by 2050
in a perfect world i would be libertarian, but we do not live in that world
>status quo means there isn't a majority white country by 2050
>in a perfect world i would be libertarian, but we do not live in that world
So that means that there is no need for fascism because the number of communist countries since the time that fascism was popular has gone down significantly
crikey lads it's getting pretty close
Libertarians are stupid and don't care about economics
Great so you get one person elected, or even the president. It's still government by mob rule in our democracy, which has been poisoned by outside money flowing in via shady means.
Fascism would have teeth that the current system does not. Hard decisions that ultimately are for the benefit of our economic freedom and society can be made without so much bickering. Democratic systems likely built around various trades and industries would come about.
Here is some of the issue of the political spectrum you are thinking about all of this on... this isn't really a debate of Fascism vs Libertarian. It's Fascism vs Democracy - who else but a fascist leader would be able to start locking up multinational company oligarchs and and implement monetary reform and banking regulation with teeth?
What if I told you the state we are in we need a strong arm for the people who can give us our economic/monetary freedom back and out of the hands of the fractional-reserve banking cartels that monopolize our money.
Lmao, first day on pol?
>don't care about economics
excuse me?
You really are not paying attention, are you? Marxism pretty much runs the entire Western world at this point. Who do you think is pushing the incessant flood of rapefugees? Who do you think is pushing muh white guilt, muh white privilege, muh Nazis? Who do you think is writing story after story telling whites to quit having kids? Who do you think goes out of their way to push the "white girl/POC guy" narrative in media?
Research the Frankfurt School. If you do not understand that the very real war being waged on whites is ENTIRELY a (((Marxist))) agenda, then you're never going to understand the modern world, desu.
>using the phrase "itentity politics" as a pejorative without any other justification other than it being your buzzword of choice
Nice argument, buddy boyo.
>>Be me
>>Normal well adjusted person
>post on Sup Forums
>with an anime image
doesn't check out, sorry
Don't worry user, the real movement is the liberty movement. These schlomo-sucker (((nazis))) are just useful idiots in the racial divisionism tactics being used to torpedo the west.
i agree with you senpai you're not alone
I want to fuck Satania.
Libertarians are the worst. I've come to actively hate you. You were charged with guarding the nation that your forefathers left you, but you had no backbone.
>live and let live
>dude weed
Traitors are worse than enemies. You wear our faces and speak our politics, but with a forked tongue. Your politics has not the means to motivate a populace to action. It is a meme ideology that might be good on paper, but will be run out by more insidious forces.
Tl;dr libertarians get the rope too
centrists also get the rope
Don't be too hard on them, user. They grew up having the Paintjob Theory drummed into them. Hell, so did I. I'm a libertarian at heart, but I'm a strict realist, so I understand that a libertarian society, aka original America, can only exist with strong borders and NO COMMIES. Since commies simply play Santa Claus at election time, they must be forcibly removed, and laws passed to prevent their commie faggotry from ever being implemented again. Since libertarians cannot get this done, they can't be supported. However, once the (((Marxists))) are purged and the Constitution amended to prevent further kikery, we will naturally revert back to a basically libertarian society.
why not just make strong borders as a libertarian