hard did we get cucked? Unreal hard did we get cucked? Unreal.





stupid fucking outfits


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer..


That's Israel schlomo. Russia is our actual friend. They warned us that Israel was gonna blow up Vegas.



Then his post makes even more sense.
Keep your friends close = keep Russia close
Keep enemies closer = be Israel's bitch





>"Are they still saying I hacked your election?"
>"Yes but they are and always have been a bunch of low energy faggots"

Putin is trying not to laugh his ass off in those costumes.

Never forget Hitler and Stalin shook hands like that right before WW2.

Oh fuck off kike. Real white alphas finally forming an alliance scares you to death. We know and welcome our rusbros

Hitler never met Stalin in person but Ribbentrop did shake his hand

Who is Putin high5ing?

this triggers the zionist