Can someone post anti-European immigration pics with the boats full of niggers
Can someone post anti-European immigration pics with the boats full of niggers
sauce on study?
graphs like this never make sense to me. extrapolating 80 years into the future like that is ridiculous. there will be a catastrophic event long before then in africa where hundreds of millions will die. its just population statistics. it cannot be sustained for much longer. who knows, maybe we are already seeing it occur.
Eres seguro señor 56 porciento?
Es verdad. Los estados unidos son un pais blanco.
top kkek
wut? like official poster-style stuff. Or just the invasion boats as they are?
this. Graphs like this are fucking stupid. If they were accurate, we'd be colonizing the stars by now based on what people projected in 1900.
kek and saved
Well living in Germany right now I'm not so sure...
You mad wh*Te boi?
I'm posting the protocols of zion
Only a 56% would believe that.
Nice flag
use google image search
reverse image search*
Europe is so fucked
No señor 56%
is it possible to form some type of volunteer U-boat division that operates in international waters sinking migrants ships? i'm willing to be the cabin boy if so.
It's like extrapolating the trajectory of housing prices based on data from 2000-2005.
you’ll be le 13% in no time
Sauce on this sexy gook? I think I've seen her before. Wasn't she the azn who posed with all the
>Trump voters can grab my pussy!
Where can I find more?