When will the day of the rope come?
I am sick of this shit.
When will the day of the rope come?
Luis Foster
Isaiah Rivera
Eli Morales
Is there more to this? Please tell me the comments were all calling her out
Joseph Price
Stop electing trannys and faggots into office.
Easton Williams
Any one have anymore pics like this, wanna build a transcringe folder for some redpilling. Not like the dilation shit i have that already more so shit like this that’s more accessible to normies
Oliver Perez
please, please, tell me this is fake
Lincoln Stewart
I'd bet my dick 85-90% of them were 'oh amazing!', 'so brave!', 'best of luck!', 'so happy for you two!'.
Mason Brooks
Child abuse
Hudson Perez
If you're honestly sick of it, brother, light the signal fire. Take action on your own, and those who know will follow.
Nolan Young
It's a joke you faggots....Jesus Christ.