What was the hardest redpill for you to swallow?
What was the hardest redpill for you to swallow?
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We are all Africans.
the jokes write themselves
That presidents and their party affiliation mean nothing. They are all the same. They all serve the MIC, and Shadow Government. Pointless wars will be fought ad nauseam, until the CIA is destroyed, or there is a revolution.
African-Americans you mean.
The Jew thing. Everything else is pretty easy but the Jew thing was definitely the toughest.
That the US doesn't love us as much as we love them :'
that all men are gay
me, my father, his father, my boyfriend.
they're all gay
I'm extraordinarily gullible and easy going, so everything is easy for me to accept on face value.
That women prefer black cock to white cock.
Kill yourself for posting that pic retard.
Honestly realizing women aren't logical or even particularly moral was harder for me to accept than race realism, holocaust exaggeration, or the influence of Jews in media and academia
No such thing as "gay" – you're merely a broken straight person.
hey, that isn't true norway bro
Texas loves you
Make me, faggot
get the fuck out with your fucking normie meme you fucking faggot
>I love dogs
confirmed air head signaling
Everybody hates us, no matter what we do
False flags, deep underground military bases
Not hardest but this was the red pill that pushed me from le enlightened centrist to identitarian.
Also going to Eastern Europe last the summer just gone and actually being surrounded by whites all the time made me think how crazy it was to be in neo-pakistan back in the uk
And follow up image
Things will never change.
-Jews are not the victims they pretend to be
-Races exist
-White people are superior on average
-Women can't love anyone, not even themselves or their children
-The holocaust didn't happen
-The Nazis were the good guys
This, Over the years i have come to the point to realize that female suffrage might have been the greatest mistake in our timeline.
That I'm ugly as fuck and women only approach me out of pity and to gain status
blacks people will replace us
Marx was right about everything but his solutions were retarded.
u could always die bro
You're cool Norway. I just wish you can get together with Denmark and Finland and straighten Sweden's shit out.
Have you considered trying to do good for once?
>b-but even then noone will give us good goy points
Truly despicable.
Vegetarian white nationalism is the future and is inevitable
meat eaters will hang on the day of the rope
Not a lot of time spent with females in your youth I assume? Women are literally fucking children, bro. I cheer my wife up the same way I do my kids. By fucking them.
That this reality is just a simulation. You're able to take the goggles off with a certain substance. Outside of this realm is terrifying yet exciting.
all women are whores
That Jews are the masterminds behind the whole world.
Says the Jew.
Thanks Texas
Reddit is strong in this one
Of course you are, Sweden...
chad r1 genes checks out
Actually lol'd
Yep, gay is a meme - it's yet another victim class created by leftists.
No group in history committed themselves to fucking the same sex exclusively. Even catamites moved on and had families - if they were able.
Haven't really found a redpill that was hard to swallow but have definitely found it difficult not to say too much around family/coworkers/etc
you say something that doesn't fit in the liberal circlejerk echochamber and it takes about 4 seconds for someone to use the word "Nazi"
This is actually true.
This, i still chew on this one.
I swallow them all quite easily because ever since I was a child my mother has been trying to brainwash me with tolerance and feminism and it had the absolute opposite effect.
That the white race is doomed to destruction and when they outnumber us they will wipe us out once and for all.
Be very careful anons. Blaming emotions is a great means of disguising one's true intentions.
If you look at female actions in their full context, I've usually found them to be logical.
>Example: Women have no real friends, they form temporary alliances of convenience
They do not benefit from honesty the way men do. This is for the obvious reason that men HAD to trust each other in battle.
By contrast, a woman who backstabs her friend and steals her man will face very few consequences assuming she's successful.
Also true. This should be noted.
They use "emotions" as a get out of
Jail free card for being manipulative cunts
Globalism isn't good or bad - it's the inevitable flow of history. Sit back and watch the show.
Existence was a mistake
Somewhat agree. The issue and danger is it happening along social democracy lines rather than austere republicanism
That Trump is a shill.
Doesn't matter how it's happening. Whatever happens happens. God wills it.
Meritocracy is a meme.
Whicccch substance? Tell!
that the "elites" will lock all city-dwellers behind walls, murder the unproductive, and probably send out killer robots out to the country-side too
It's about the only thing that isn't a meme. Literally every society besides hardcore feudalism is nearly 100% meritocracy. ESPECIALLY capitalism
Official B.F.F.s
This needs to happen soon desu
You're afraid of losing. You're a coward. Embrace the bitterness.
Is this the stupidest comment on the internet?
Then why do people that own small businesses tend to hire family members, rather than the most qualified person? Why do they pass it on to their sons rather than the best employee?
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Aww, sweetie, we love you guys. I grew up eating lefse my grandmother used to make and now I live a block away from a Norwegian bakery and am best friends with the Norwegian owners. I've never heard anyone say anything bad about Norway in the US, only good things from the midwest to the west coast.
You know how everyone is loved after they die? Go kill yourself and your entire kike race and the world will love you for doing the only decent thing you cunts have ever done.
That does happen yes but not as much as you think. My dad was an investment banker, put me through private school, said if I got into a decent school I'd have a job lined up for me at Stanley Morgan. I literally had one of the most expensive tutors in NYC all throughout high-school
I'm a NEET with no friends and can't even hold a single job. I work at fast food restaurants sometimes but get fired often and have one right now but I bet in a month I'll be gone for fucking up too many times.
yeah because we love you more
my half Danish aunt got NORDED by a Norwegian
so now I get to go there and compare the Mountains to what we have here in CO
That the Jews are right.
Maybe it isn't entirely a meme, but there's things that are given way more priority over merit, like power, fame, reputation or connections, and it was the hardest pill to swallow at least for me..
we need to finish what hitler never started
Sup Forums is only right 99.7% of the time
Hardest part to accept: That there is no going back
I can never go to the movies again, I can never go to a major sporting event (NHL,NFL,NBA,MLB), I can never go to Disneyworld, I can't even go to Target.... Once I took the redpill fully down, there was no going back.
This is a pretty tough one
Larp or reddit. Can be hard to tell.
islam is right
Yeah but how do people achieve power, through merit
Same as power, you get famous off your merits
Your reputation comes from your previous actions, etc your merit
Doesn't mean anything at all. Connections are the biggest meme ever. No one is going to put you in a power or influential position because you're their friend. My cousins all have great jobs on wallstreet, I'm ""connected"" to them by family but all they do is bully me and laugh at me when i talk because I'm not like them.
reality is a false creation, we are slaves to matter.
>Also going to Eastern Europe last the summer just gone and actually being surrounded by whites all the time made me think how crazy it was to be in neo-pakistan back in the uk
Visiting an ethnically homogenous society is such a mindfuck coming from a multicultural hellhole. Seeing people leave their smartphones unattended in public places, children running around unattended (in a city of a million+) people. You lose so much.
That democracy is a bad system and will fall even faster as we allow a peaceful invasion of immigrants into our countries that outvote us. Hate to call myself a fascist but I'm starting to identify with that more and more.
>That the US doesn't love us as much as we love them
On the contrary. Albeit your country is small in population in comparison to other nations to show love to. Americans(whites) actually look up to Norway, especially college faggots who idolize your government and way of life. They think, well "Norways doing good with socialist programs, we can have that here too herr derr".....they always forget the shitskin addition to the equation though that does not allow this here in america. *sigh, i wish i was born Norwegian.
NO! We are Americas best friend! Bush told us so!
they would not lie to us... right guys?
serpent seed
that the leftists have to claim temporary victory in order for a counter revolution to truly take off.
If they really got their way(taking society ALLLLLLL the way to left) most people would come to their senses and realize they live in a disgusting decadent society and cry for change.
But its hard to swallow that truth.
I'm a fascist and I think that's absolute non-sense. Immigrants bring new culture and ideas that the library of discussion will sort through.
This is why you should live with your people. They won't find you ugly.
Brazil is white.
No favorites, user. America & all of scandinavia are BFFs. Poland is earning its keep, too.
That's a bluepill
OH boo hoo Christkiller. Even now you deny him.
Why? So much shit made sense when I realized they're rotten.
I want a woman and family more than I want any sort of grand career.
It doesn't actually matter if God exists or not. I behave as though he exists, and that puts me on the same ship as suit'n'tie Christians.
>children running around unattended (in a city of a million+) people.
Are you saying that this isn't normal? The other day I saw an 8-10 year old girl alone in the store in front of me at 10-11 pm. Since I was behind her in the queue I passed her on the way home. It seems that she was there alone. This did raise an eyebrow for me because usually kids are outside alone at that time of day during summer break, but not during school time.
But kids running around on their own across the city at day time is completely normal. It's not a million population city, but half a million.
That we are white.
you do realize the US is founded by people who left their own people right?
The white race doesn't want to save itself
except for Trump
you're still blue pilled