This is the master race?
This is the master race?
trailor trash are undermensch
yeah chunky girls with bad teeth
purple girl is a solid 7/10 would let her laugh at me for being a dumb city boy that can't tame a horse
>nazis actually believe that blonde on the left is masterrace
pic related; actual aryan goddess beauty
If you let trash mix in with your people, then they too will become trash.
source: The Bible
What's happening with America is nothing new. We're letting all the trash from south of the border enter into our nation and the filth is culturally poisoning us.
As trailor trash as they are, I doubt they would throw bottles of piss and shit at you for using your first amendment.
>those roots
>tfw no qt3.14 redneck gf
better than u n e way
Let me know where I said she was blonde my friend
yeah they are pretty upstanding folks you can tell because they arent dressed like inner city hoodlums.
At least they're not terribly obese. Wouldn't mind spending time in Yashed with the brunette
the one on the left looks like those women in the black and white pictures of german women. they look like men with long hair.
That's a wigger.
There is no master race
>we're all equal
It's funny how white people acting like niggers are still better niggers than actual niggers.
i guess having blond hair and blue eyes isnt aryan anymore pic related is probably up your speed
If that's supposed to be the worst whites you could find.
Then we do seem to be the master race, indeed.
Blond people were never considered Aryan by anyone. Nazis were from Barvaria the darker part and actively discriminated against blonds. The """eugenics master-race""" was them using blond people for experiments.
Behold, king of the trailer park.
>implying brunettes with dark hair and colored eyes aren't aryan
>Has Nazi flag
>quoting Murdoch Murdoch
Yeah, real jewish.
>Day of the rake, when?
That's what happens when your food isn't soy and your water supply isn't tainted with xenoestrogens. The men actually look like men, but so do some of the women.