Lost his testicles in War

Complete loss of both testicles
Loss of all skin around his penis -“penile degloving”
Loss of both legs
Most of his leg arm
Shattered pelvis

He wants kids.
His wife is upset he isn't as "affectionate" as he used to be.

Other urls found in this thread:


Triggering the military: The sharpest fucking edge humanly possible.

I miss on your grave and mock your crying wife.
1st amendment baby!

War, war never changes.

>lose your balls and dick fighting for the same kikes that will provide your wife with some good ol BBC

>When your wife leaves you after you sacrificed everything


I'm bout to become Islamic.

>Mexico, doesn't have to go to war to be castrated by cartels.

this kinda shit is disrespectful to any soldier of any nation. ive seen 5+ of these threads in the past hour

She is just trying to break up in a "compassionate" way. A lot of people walk around the truth. She doesn't wanna be a cunt and up and leave. So she is just being unhappy. That's my guess. He needs to just let her go.

Killed, not castrated

How about a little of both? Maybe a nice acid bath before your hands are cut off?

>trumpcucks are this desperate to prove they arent cucks


> getting fucked for jewish wars
> implying he doesn't deserve it

He fought for the kikes instead of fighting for his people.
Now he has no cock and balls and is literally useless human garbage.
Do you fags think his wife would waste her life taking care of a literal child ?
She has to make her life and be happy.

Hello jidf


Go fuck yourself, atheist.

hello igor


All this tragedy for what


All so Israel and billionaire kikes can keep getting their oil

Good goyim!!!

It's sad but being dumb will hurt you.

Shouldn't have joined, fuck him. youtube.com/watch?v=sg6CHLDCeNs

Thick cunt.

>Kekistani flag
Might as well just make it the reddit logo at this point.


>go die for jews
>get btfo
if you wanna risk going somewhere where you could suffer a fate worse than death, you better do it for a cause that is worth it.
if you're gonna fight for the international jewry and the interests of israel don't expect sympathy.

hello svetlana

>getting this butthurt

Before you sign up for something you should think about what it is you and the people you'll be with are actually doing. ACTUALLY doing.

I wouldn't expect a girl to wait around for an hour if i left to get a packet of chips. To get gored up and mutilated and expect someone to stick around is so arrogant I can't imagine ever thinking that way.

Butthurt how? There is nothing any of you faggots can type that will hurt my little fee fees.

But our greatest ally user. Surely losing our ability to breed is worth serving Our Greatest Ally.
>just think about the great democracy in Israel user. We must spread the democracy to our greatest ally’s foes. Nothing may stand in the way of democracy: not even the will of the people.

>"america is #1 at something"
whateva u say mate.

The Amerimutt army is the biggest bunch of good goyim on the planet.

You can NOT refute this.

You've made your bed, now die in it.

If your wife lost her legs you'd leave her?
Thanks atheism!

but did he find all the WMD's? that's the real question. if so, it was worth it!!

We were born into this bed and that bed has expanded to under you’re feet now too goy.
>if we want to survive we will have to help each other.

Goo fuck a roo and kiss a brown snake, Donk.

What the fuck, bitch?
Lol at thinking how much of a depraved loser you have to be to post something like this.

This isn't CNN you dumb piece of shit.
Now I can't get the term "penile degloving" out of my vernacular.

You sorry excuse of a poster only introduced trauma to the mind and hearts of Sup Forums browsers.
Really you are less than dirt and should post vaginal mutilations on a girl scout website or something, instead.

>Penile degloving

Best goys

>Didn't have kids or save a sperm sample before he had a kid
He dun goof'd

This is why you have kids BEFORE you shipout.

I will after you try to steal some more of our technology then grovel again to help you.

at least your wife is now equally eligible to suffer debilitating mutilation in the name of kike goatfuckers



One of the most painful redpills is that modern military service is nothing but dedicating your life to defending the big gay disco that America has become.
All of the pride parades, gay bars, swingers clubs, BDSM parties, phone apps for cheaters, open relationship cucks, etc.
That's who we're fighting for, that's why we're bombing countries filled with brown people, they aren't gay.
Jews have tricked us into chasing an illusion of glory, when all we're really doing is killing brown people because Jews want their lands, and by the time we come home battle worn and scarred, our own people are so selfish and bratty they have no respect anyway.
The military is a fucking joke, we need to stop occupying third world shit holes abroad and occupy regions of our own country instead, like Chicago and California, wipe out the gangs, pro immigrant politicians, hollywood pedophiles etc.

Why? Just become a Puritan like we were back in the day.

I don't need any ostrich eggs, thanks.

you guys are | | that close.


How about you just don't get gored in a someones else land for someones else interess?

Do you know what pic related is ?
If so we can continue this discussion if not I will proceed to laugh at you.

>at least your wife is now equally eligible to suffer debilitating mutilation in the name of kike goatfuckers
So is yours, or any other human being on earth. If sufficient physical force is applied to a human body things happen - news at 11.

He should be happy his wife isn't breaking up with him. No women wants a man with literally "NO BALLS"

Nah America First bro.

Americans never were Puritan. They were always degenerate

She must be forced to stay and make kids by his relatives sperm.

>losing penis for the jews
hah fuck this nigger

No idea about this guys story in particular, but I can imagine. I'd rather fucking die than go through what he and many others are.

As for his wife, you can't really blame her. No one in their right mind would want to be condemned spend the rest of their lives with a dick-less human colostomy bag. Having said that she knows she will be seen as a cold hearted bitch if she leaves him.

>big gay disco
I like you.

stop asking questions you fucking Soyim.

I don't know. Enlighten us, mic.

Women view the titles "boyfriend" and "husband" as you would a "checkout assistant" or "car valet". The sooner you lads get that into your heads the better.

>said by a someone who's mother and sisters fuck donkies for the entertainment of foreigners

that was for you. You dopey bastard.

He has nothing to lose if she would leave him. So its really balanced situation.

Eat shit and die you kike

>penile degloving

I'm pointing out facts. What year in your mind was America not degenerate?

You obviously wouldn't know its your future home by how you talk to people I cannot wait untill you get in there and think "Hey maybe I shouldn't have been rude to the only guy that could stop this"

I agree, this is super edgy man. Fuck the US government, troops, police and white supremacy

inb4 stormfags triggered

The best thing about it is that men in power then like Mueller who lied to us about WMD's, and "people" like Bill Kristol and John Bolton are still breathing, healthy and probably wealthy.

Thank you for serving the Greater Israel

All these noble Americans fighting and dying for Israel interests.. Dog bless.


Nah, only Jews hate the military, I REALLY liked killing Muslims.

You guys are right. We are zog slaves AND mutts.
All we gotta do is submit to socialism and it will save us from the niggers and jews, right?

How can you stop it? Also, to be rude to someone, they must first have feelings.

This guy gets it.

In 1800.

Oh ok you might be right there actually. I was thinking you meant like 1950 but that was an ultra-degenerate time period. I'll have to do some research. But just wondering what do yo define as degeneracy?

fuck that, i'd dump his gimpy ass. i don't want a cripple raising my kids and i know a retarded army grunt can't afford help esp with all the medical bills.

What kinda goods did you loot from their bodies?

>getting torn to bits and castrated while fighting in a third world shithole to defend globalist interests only to come back and find your wife unhappy and ready to divorce to go get dicked by Tyrone
Military fags will defend this

I feel you, but I still hold out hope.

"applying sufficient physical force" is a strange way to say "getting blown up in the desert at the request of penis-mutilating juden, because instead of moving to madagascar like the original plan, they grew into palestine like s parasitic fungus"

good point :)

I can stop it simply by explaining to you the dangers that lay in wait for you but if you want to continue to accept a superiority Ideaology I will grab the popcorn and watch your people get exploded by brown people who turned themselves into living shrapnel bombs.

I don't care that much about your people after constantly being told how I am insignificant.

This is how the world ends not with a bang but a whimper.

aka a circumcision. aka fucking heteros


fuck im going to go play morrowind now

The point I was making is that bad things can and do happen to anyone and that observation is meaningless.

Everyime you push me away you edge your own destruction closer.


Don't be like that. We're on the same team.

Fuck the ingrates. Let them all rot.
We've got all the toys and they need us, we don't need them.

It really is such a great descriptive term.
Really captures the everyday ambience of America in decline.
>literally every where you go, every store every restaurant they will pump gay disco music into your skull.
>Ostensibly because it's what women prefer
>In reality to encourage the universal adherence to the gay lifestyle (work, consume, fornicate, but NEVER start a family goyim!)

>penile degloving.

The jews got their way anyway.

I know and that is why I warn you "Atlas Shrugged" try to treat your allies a bit better mate.

your post cost 200 souls.

You do it willingly, and thinking it is a good thing die for israel.

Mostly nothing, they're poor as fuck not ghetto poor, but POOR the kind where you've never seen a dentist or doctor and can't even write your own name. Mostly just blood trails but you can tell when someone died, that deep DARK red, almost black, and drag marks.