I'm so sick of this kike.
I'm thinking we send (((him))) Twitter DMs of happy merchants and give (((him))) tons of dislikes on his YouTube vires
Let's raid this Kike
Other urls found in this thread:
The faggot is poisoning people against Moore.
Raids are so 2015, saged and reported
When did he start doing this? This is news to me.
Fuck off, Ben.
Fuck off nigger
Ben isn't Canadian
Why? Of all the kikes to hate on surely Tim wise should be the one to troll? He's genuinely racist against whites
Ok, then let's raid him. I just want a raid since I'm bored of the usual stuff on pol.
Ben is just an easy target. I don't know tim wise
(((OP))) is an angry shitskin that's buttblasted because a Jew is sticking his neck out for whites.
wow this guy is a fucking giga kike
on the side is ben shapiro "destroying" the concept of white privilege. there are better people than ben i think personally
But I love Ben
>Jew is sticking his neck out for whites.
>the guy who said he doesn't care about the browning of america because muh based blacks muh civ nat is looking out for whites
How much do they pay you schlomo?
We can literally raid anyone. The top person to mind was ben
Jealous, goyim?
At least he gets straight to the point, how many politicians ever do that?
>It's another shapiro begging us to pay attention to him thread
Sounds legit, what discord we going to use?
Ben is awesome. Seems like a total waste of time.
Spam him with holohoax truths, make make em short and snappy and hard for him to deny.
khazar milkers